Historical Association webinar series: Draft Ofsted toolkits; implications for primary history Presenter: Dan Hartley This session will give an overview of the main areas of the school inspection toolkit, and how history could contribute to ensuring the school receives a positive outcome. The session will explore the main areas of the toolkit, how grades are given, and the potential role history subject leaders have in contributing to the overall evidence of the school report card. To use your corporate webinar offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/qG8gK0CU8X
Person Centred Planning (PCP) is a powerful tool for visioning, future planning and team building. It gets everyone on the same page and creates a progressive, constructive atmosphere so it is especially useful for people who are feeling ‘stuck’ or in a really desperate situation. The PCP processes we teach are called “PATH” and “MAPs”, and are both used for different situations. “To facilitate a group, family, team or organisation in thinking together around a given challenge or issue. Here is an opportunity to experience for real the person centred, futures planning tool – MAP/PATH” (Pearpoint, Forest, O’Brien. 1989). PCP can focus on an individual, with family and friends in the room supporting them, or focus on a group who want to set goals, and realise their potential as a team. PCP focuses on hopes and dreams, so is a very positive approach to planning, and utilises graphic facilitation, making it a very friendly way of working that is accessible to everyone. This unique, hands on PCP training course explores the difference between ‘person-centred thinking’ and ‘service-centred thinking’. Traditionally, we have not always listened deeply enough to the needs of those we are planning for. Often ‘medical model’ thinking dominates our planning for those with the most complex needs. Typically we plan ‘about’ rather than ‘with’ children and adults. We examine this ‘service centred’ approach that most professionals are used to, and question its limitations. This values based approach to inclusion will give participants the ‘theory’ behind why thinking and working in a person centred way is so important, and challenges people to strive for more for the people we are planning around. In addition to the knowledge and theory, this course empowers participants to facilitate their own Person Centred Plans using the PATH or MAPs process and provides the skills to do this effectively. Learning objectives Strengthen understanding of how to think in a person centred way Knowledge of the steps of PATH / MAPs process Ability to facilitate PATH/MAPs process Ability to graphically facilitate a PCP meeting Develop problem solving and planning skills Inclusive Solutions offer: We could provide training for a team of staff, or we could facilitate a PATH or MAP around a disabled person. We can also offer bespoke training packages, please enquire for more details. 1 day “Introduction to PCP” with up to 100 attendees focusing on ‘Person Centred Thinking’ – includes live demonstration of PATH or MAPs Process (for a member of the group / with a student and their family/friends). 2 day “PCP Skills training” – More skills focused, lots of practice. Includes Graphics academy, Process academy and Coaching (Best with under 30 attendees). 2 day “Introduction to PCP with Skills training” – includes live demonstration of PATH or MAPs process, Graphics academy, Process academy and Coaching (Best with under 30 attendees). Half day PATH or MAP for a disabled person, led by two experienced Inclusive Solutions facilitators. Full day PATH or MAP for a team, organisation or group such as a full school staff led by two experienced Inclusive Solutions facilitators. Typical Structure of 2-Day “Introduction to PCP with Skills” Training This course is most useful when delivered over 2 days so we have time to cover the ‘skills’ behind facilitating a PATH or a MAP. Here is an example of what usually happens. If you need us to, we can tailor any of our courses to suit your specific needs. Day 1 AM What makes a good welcome?Service centred thinking and working – what does it involve, how does it make people feel?Reflections on current practices – what is useful and what is harmful?Introduction to underpinning values of person centred thinking and working In depth exploration of the fundamentals of inclusion – encouraging identity, focusing on gifts and capacities Sharing success stories, and personal insight from experienced psychologistsShowcasing a number of practical PCP process in actionIntroduction to the “5 service accomplishments”, or “5 ordinary needs” PM Full PATH process demonstration, led by 2 experienced facilitators – one process facilitator and one graphic facilitatorVolunteers will make notes on what they see the facilitators doing and feedback at the end of the dayFeedback, Q&A Day 2 AM Graphics Academy – we will ease you into the world of graphic facilitation and show you how simple it really is – includes live coaching and graphics tutorial, then participants will practice on each other by facilitating the first 1 or 2 sections of the PATH Process Academy – we will give you some pointers about holding the group, and facilitating in an inclusive way, this is another chance to practice your new graphics skills PM The group is divided up, and volunteers are selected to facilitate PATH meetings The group then run the PATH’s simultaneously with an experienced coaches in the room to guide and to be available for questionsWe reconvene to feedback about the process and digest all we have learntBrief Q&A session and then final reflections
Help! I can't Wait to ask for a Break...and more! This workshop is a must for parents, caregivers and professionals working and/or living with people who have complex communication needs. You will learn how to teach critical communication skills that lead to greater independence in the home, work, school and community settings. We review nine specific skills: requesting reinforcers, requesting help, requesting a break, indicating yes and no, waiting, following directions, schedule-following and transitioning. Through lecture, demonstrations, video and participatory activities, you will acquire specific teaching strategies that are relevant for anyone who has limited communication skills, regardless of their communicative modality (e.g., Picture Exchange Communication System [PECS], signing, device use, speech). WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Define functional communication Identify and evaluate nine critical communication skills Design effective teaching strategies to promote these skills independent of modality Incorporate effective visual strategies for all communicators Incorporate critical communication skills into functional activities and routines WORKSHOP DETAILS Agenda: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Registration Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Tuition Includes: Detailed handout with space for note taking, delegate practise/resources pack - value £15 Certificate of Attendance CEUs: 6.0 BACB CEUs; Satisfactory completion of this course requires participants to be present for the duration of the course and to participate in all student responding activities (e.g. questions, role play, quizzes, and surveys). Pyramid Educational Consultants is an approved BACB ACE Provider for Learning (Type 2) Continuing Education Credits. The BACB does not warrant, endorse, sponsor, approve, or partner with the event, organisation, or instructor.
Person Centred Planning: the act of listening to each other creates relationship and strengthening trust and inclusion within the team. If well facilitated In creating a shared vision, groups of people build a sense of commitment together. They develop images of the future they want to create together, along with the values that will be important in getting there and the goals they want to see achieved along the way. Course Category Person Centred Planning Team Building and Leadership Description How to facilitate Person Centred Planning? How is it different from any other kind of meeting or planning? Person Centred working is great – but how exactly is it facilitated? How does it differ from ‘chairing a meeting” What skills and processes enable the group to work together effectively and avoid going off at tangents or dissolving into an unfocussed ‘discussion’ Person Centred Planning: the act of listening to each other creates relationship and strengthening trust and inclusion within the team. If well facilitated In creating a shared vision, groups of people build a sense of commitment together. They develop images of the future they want to create together, along with the values that will be important in getting there and the goals they want to see achieved along the way. Making inclusive action plans using full participation and graphic facilitation Drawing on the planning tools MAPS and PATH (Pearpoint, Forest and OBrien 1997) and other facilitation sources we use both process and graphic facilitation to enable the group to build their picture of what they would love to see happening within their organisation/community in the future and we encourage this to be a positive naming, not just a list of the things they want to avoid. In this training we make this facilitation explicit and attempt to model, teach and enable practice of key skills and processes. Jack Pearpoint, Marsha Forest and John O’Brien developed these innovative PCP approaches in North America and they are being used successfully in many parts of the UK. The planning can focus on an individual, group or organisation and provides a powerful problem solving opportunity, which is flexible and robust enough for many occasions. Tell the story, find the dream, touch the nightmare, and explore who you are, what are the gifts and strengths of the person or group, what are the needs of those present and what is the action plan for the future? Testimonials Learning Objectives Participants understand group and graphic facilitation processes for Person Centred Planning Participants have skills and confidence to facilitate PATH/MAP processes Participants learn graphic as well as process facilitation skills. Strengthens practitioners inclusive practice Provides additional tools for those involved in inclusive work in schools and the wider community Further develop problem solving and planning skills Who Is It For ? Person Centred Planning Facilitators Multi Agency Teams Social workers CAMHS teams Year Managers Primary and secondary staff teams Early Years and School based Practitioners Heads and Deputies SENCOs Advanced Skills Teachers Primary and secondary teachers Local Authority Support Services Voluntary Organisations Course Content The course answers the questions: Need to find new ways to facilitate Planning? How to facilitate Person Centred Planning? How is it different to any other kind of meeting or planning? Person Centred working is great – but how exactly is it facilitated? What are the skills and processes that will make the group work really well and a wonderful graphic to be created? Bored with annual reviews, transition plans and review meetings? Want to find a way of making meetings and planning feel more real and engaging? Need an approach, which engages a young person respectfully together with his or her family and friends? Want the ultimate visual record of the process of a meeting, which will help everyone, keep track? Want to problem solve and plan for the future of a small or large group, service or organisation up to the size of an LA? Inclusive Solutions offer an introductory day to facilitating person centred planning or a 3 – 10 session course which is practical as well as values based. Participants will receive direct individualised coaching and training. We will cover: Group and Graphic Facilitation processes Use of music and dramatic participation methodology The person being at the centre Family members and friends being full partners Planning reflecting the person’s capacities, what is important to the person and specifying the support they require to make a full contribution to their community Planning building a shared commitment to action that will uphold the person’s rights Planning leading to continual listening, learning and action and helping the person get what they want out of life. Essential Lifestyle Planning, PATH MAPS Personal Futures Planning
In this practical and engaging workshop there is input on team building, problem solving as a team, improving communication and handling conflict. This is participatory day of paper, pens, graphics, music and activity. There are no PowerPoint slides or even a projector and screen! Course Category Team Building and Leadership Early Years Inclusion Description Want a really creative, effective, inclusive team? In this practical and engaging workshop there is input on team building, problem solving as a team, improving communication and handling conflict. This is participatory day of paper, pens, graphics, music and activity. There are no PowerPoint slides or even a projector and screen! We keep the focus on interpersonal processes for getting the best out of the team. Making teams both creative and inclusive is fully explored and processes for maximising this examined. Effective leadership and management, which can transform teamwork through collaboration and consensus-building processes is covered. We refocus the team on its capacities and gifts as well as give insights into what to do when individuals are off track. The Native American medicine wheel guides us through four quadrants of leadership, vision, community and management.Harrison Owen in his work on ‘Open Space Technology’ depicts the ancient Medicine Wheel (Owen, 2003). This is derived from centuries of tradition among First Nation Americans and has informed many cultures in different ways. We have found this an extremely powerful metaphor for understanding the process of team and organisational change and renewal. The wheel of change begins in the north with a leading idea, for us – there is a better way of creating a team for inclusion. Travelling clockwise to the east we develop a shared vision of what this could look like in our setting, school or community. Then moving south we ask who needs to come with us on the journey. We wish to take as many community members along with us as we can. In an Early Years setting , this would mean enrolling the support of manager, the wider staff group, parents and ultimately children. Finally, at the west, we manage and implement the idea. We take action and turn the inclusive team into reality. The cycle of this medicine wheel is an excellent way to view change processes for any team, organisation or community. When we contemplate change, the risk is always that we will jump prematurely from the big ideas (leadership) to practice (management) and ignore the other two important phases of creating vision and engaging the wider community. When the going gets tough and the inclusion of a child or young person is beginning to seem extremely difficult if not impossible many will conclude that the child should no longer be present. We would like to challenge this. Why do we move so quickly to assuming the child is in the wrong place? Surely the real question should not be ‘do they belong here?’ – but rather – ‘what team support is needed here for this to work?’ Or even more fundamental, ‘who needs a team around them at this time?’ Who needs the team? Who is struggling with the inclusion most? Is it the young person, their practitioner or teacher, their headteacher, setting manager, their parent or even a member of the local support services? Whatever the answer a team may need to be built, rallied or reformed. The nature of and number of that team will depend upon the situation. Diversity of membership will most surely be important to strengthen the quality of the support and of the ideas generated. Use radical rethinking when creating a new team or when revitalising an existing one. Creating effective teams for inclusion requires a courageous capacity for understanding and nurturing change both within the team and with those who the team work with. Testimonials ‘What a fun, enjoyable day its been. Motivating and made me laugh not fall asleep!’?? ‘This was everything a team building day was supposed to be. I have learned a lot about the people I work with and my role within the organisation’ ‘I had reservations about attending yet another team building day but this was executed by two great facilitators and they worked with us so we truly understood what we were thinking and feeling.’ ‘Innovative and refreshing’ Learning Objectives Empowerment of team players Deepened insights into team processes Practical strategies for team building learned Processes for enhancing creativity of team members explored Celebration and recognition of existing strengths and talents Who Is It For ? Any team Course Content This course answers the following questions: How can we re-energise our team? How can we make our team more inclusive? What tools can we use to work creatively in our team? We work around the ancient medicine wheel as it guides us through the four processes of leadership, vision, community and management. We place leading ideas in front of your team including ‘no kvetching’ and shared promises. We create a shared vision of how your team would love to be. We explore who the team is. When are they at their best? What happens when someone is off track? What do they really need? How do we take the community with us at a time of change? Finally we look at the management role of the team. Getting things done together. We use problem solving together as our focus for this. Finally your team will be asked to reflect. What has the training meant to them? If you liked this you may like: SUPPORT AND SUPERVISION FOR LEADERS
PMI® Authorized PMP® Exam Preparation is a four-day course which will help delegates to build on their knowledge in every area of project and program management skill development. This certification positions learners to successfully complete the Project Management Professional (PMP)® examination.
The success in 11+ Maths Exams is highly dependent on accuracy and time management. Many students do not complete the maths paper due to poor calculation speed and leave many questions unattempted resulting in low 11+ scores.