The HoardingUK National Hoarding Conference is back in 2024! This year we're looking at what IS working. Our expert panel will include housing, environmental health, fire service, social care and other relevant professionals. Attend to hear how we've jointly overcome hurdles to deliver a successful, integrated, cost-effective, time managed programme.
Join our wait list! As we add new Beginner Painting Classes to this site, we will endeavour to contact you to let you know that they have become available. Courses usually cost £15, however, there are occasional free or special edition courses. More information on the tutor:
One of the most powerful ways to tap into intrinsic motivation is by cleaning up your mindset. The way you talk to yourself, visualise and manage your emotions is directly related to your ability to stay motivated and focused. This session will introduce you to a menu of mind hacks to help you Free your Mind?
Presentation on Palliative Care in End Stage Liver Disease by Dr Clare Jeffries, Consultant in Palliative Medicine. This session will cover: The scale and impact of liver disease, a life limiting condition. Disease trajectory, prognosis and prognostication. Who, when and why should people be referred to palliative care? Prescribing in liver disease. Some common symptoms and palliative care management approaches.
In this session James will talk about the importance of making plans for our digital lives and provide a live demo highlighting how Advance Care Plans, Funeral Wishes, Bucket Lists (What Matters Most) and Online Accounts can be created. He will also provide guidance as to how people can upload and leave goodbye messages for their loved ones (like a Victorian Memory box but in a digital format).