Directions to The Warehouse: The address is: Travel and Parking arrangements: Paid parking is available (attendees are responsible for paying parking fees) From New St Station, follow signs to Moor St station. When you get to Moor St, go down the hill to the side of the station towards the multi-storey car park. At the car park, go left under the railway bridge. Immediately after the railway bridge turn right onto shaws passage, which is quite short. We're on the corner at the end of shaws Passage - walk round the corner onto Allison Street and along past the Cafe to the full glass door with the Birmingham Friends of the Earth hanging sign.
Celebrate the Buck Full Moon on the auspicious Buddist Dharma Day ~ with a beautiful evening of Gong and Sacred Sound in the Field of Healing, Bythorn, Huntingdon. Join Edwin and Harshani for a deeply replenishing and restorative evening on Thursday 10th July 2025
Creating Confidence in YOU. Come and learn some strategies & tips to put in your toolbox
Treraven farm sits on the outskirts of Wadebridge in North Cornwall, it has stunning far reaching views of Roughtor, Bodmin Moor and the Camel estuary towards Padstow. There are 170 acres of meadow and woodland. For the past 3 years I've been opening up ancient routes through the woodland so that people can gain the benefit of being surrounded by these wonderful trees. Within the 2 hour session I'll take you though this magical woodland to a place where we can rest and become grounded, we'll spend time in the company of 300 year old beech trees where I can give you some simple techniques to clear your mind, relax and listen to nature. Treraven farm is owned by the environmental charity called The Gaia Trust, I'll tell you of the work we are doing to keep the woodland healthy...but I won't get preachy! You'll need to able to walk for 3miles over uneven ground, there are shorter routes if you need them. This is a perfect way to relax and engage with nature and your own mindfullness.
This course will help you and your staff become familiar with the role and responsibilities of the designated safeguarding lead in your organisation. It will develop both your competence and confidence in carrying out the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Formally known as Level 3
Discuss issues Resolve the problem One hour session Talk to the coach Gain guidance and mediate the discussion Relationship advice
This one day course will teach students how to preform facials and take care of the face’s skin. Students will learn skin analysis, how to clean the face, selecting the correct products, application and removal of products, care and massage.