BalletDots is for pre-schoolers (3yrs+). The classes include an introduction to ballet in a creative, imaginative, nurturing environment. TRIAL BOOKINGS: Of course you are welcome to watch the trial class but following the trial, WhizzDancers are expected to be independent in the room. TERM BOOKINGS: You are welcome to watch the first class but following this your WhizzDancer will be expected to go in the class independently. You will be expected to provide full uniform. Details will be sent following. We have lots of opportunities ahead for your WhizzDancer including exams and shows. We look forward to meeting them in the studio :) Downstairs Dance Studio Please bring: - Comfortable clothes to move in (no zips or demin) - A teddy - No ballet shoes required for the trial Please contact for more information on how to book your free trial.
(5-8yrs) Using a range of music from the latest pop songs to great musical theatre songs (old and new!) JazzPops offers a range of dance throughout the term with a dash of some musical games. Combined with an introduction to Tap class, incorporating the work of the ISTD Primary Class along with some toe tapping and super fun stomping choreography! TRIAL BOOKINGS: Of course you are welcome to watch the trial class but following the trial, WhizzDancers are expected to be independent in the room. TERM BOOKINGS: You are welcome to watch the first class but following this your WhizzDancer will be expected to go in the class independently. You will be expected to provide full uniform. Details will be sent following. We have lots of opportunities ahead for your WhizzDancer including exams and shows. We look forward to meeting them in the studio :) Downstairs Dance Studio Please bring: - Comfortable clothes to move in (no zips or demin) - No ballet shoes required for the trial Please contact for more information on how to book your free trial.
(5-8yrs) Using a range of music from the latest pop songs to great musical theatre songs (old and new!) JazzPops offers a range of dance throughout the term with a dash of some musical games. Combined with an introduction to Tap class, incorporating the work of the ISTD Primary Class along with some toe tapping and super fun stomping choreography! TRIAL BOOKINGS: Of course you are welcome to watch the trial class but following the trial, WhizzDancers are expected to be independent in the room. TERM BOOKINGS: You are welcome to watch the first class but following this your WhizzDancer will be expected to go in the class independently. You will be expected to provide full uniform. Details will be sent following. We have lots of opportunities ahead for your WhizzDancer including exams and shows. We look forward to meeting them in the studio :) Downstairs Dance Studio Please bring: - Comfortable clothes to move in (no zips or demin) - No ballet shoes required for the trial Please contact for more information on how to book your free trial.
Java Webinar Course summary In this Java Webinar Course you will learn Java Basics and OOP Principles. Java Webinar Course description This Java Course is Online, instructor-led, practical attended via When we receive your booking, we email a connection invitation. This Java Course Webinar will allow you to learn flexibly and commute-free from home. There is no need for attending face-to-face, all advantages of the classroom in built-in and planned for during the delivery of this webinar. We teach online with excellent instruction and targetted well-planned practicals that will clearly illustrate techniques and accurately develop your skills. Question time is built in. Session 1: Data Types, Variables, and Arrays: Primitive types; Characters; Boolean; Working with variables and its scope; Type conversion and casting; Introduction to String class; Working with arrays Session 2: Operators and Expressions Introduction of operators; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators; More in operators Session 3: Decision Making If statement; If - else statement; If- else if - else statement; Nested if - else; Switch Statements Session 4: Using Loops The while, do-while and the for loop; Enhanced for loop; Jump statements : break, continue; The return statement; Nesting loops; Using the for-each loop with Arrays Session 5: Methods Introduction of methods; Creating a Method in class; Calling a Method; Returning value from a Method; Adding a Method that takes parameters Session 6: Classes Creating an Object; Using an Object. Adding Instance variables; Controlling accessibility; Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors; Inheritance. Abstraction. Interfaces and implementing interfaces. Override. Polymorphism. The dot operator, this, static, super, final keywords More in Methods and Classes: Overloading methods; Overloading Constructors; Using objects as parameters; Returning objects; Recursion Java Access control: private, public and protected; Java Nested and inner classes; A stack class Session 7: Java Data structures Files, Streams, Collections. Session 8: Java Exception Handling Fundamentals of exception handling; Exception types; Using try and catch; Multiple catch clauses; Nested try statements; Throw and throws; Finally Blocks Included in the Java Webinar Courses: Java Webinar Course Certificate on completion Java Webinar Course Manual Practical Java Webinar Course exercises, Java Webinar Code Samples/ Java Webinar Course Revision work After the course, 1 free session for questions online Java Webinar Course via Max group size, online and in classroom, on this Java Webinar Course is 4.
Java CrossOver Course for Coders 1-Day, 11am - 6pm Online, Instructor-led, Interactive, Practical Java Basics to coders who are converting to Java from a different coding language. You do not need much time to learn the syntax of Java, because you have done similar work in other programming languages Hands-on, Practical Course, Instructor-led Course. Online with 1 day, from 11am - 6pm. In classroom at on request only. Locations Java CrossOver Course description Overview of Java: This course covers Java Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. Java Data Types and using Variables in Java: Here we learn to code using data types and variables of different data types: Primitives; Characters; Boolean; Variables and variable scope; String class; Type conversion and casting. Java Operators and Expressions: What are operators and how to use them; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators. Decision Making: The Java Syntax for the If-statement; If,else; If,else if,else; Nested if; Switch Statements; Using Loops: For loops, while loops, do while, Enhanced for loop; Nesting loops; break, continue; The return statement. Arrays: Working with arrays, 2-d arrays, iterating arrays. Using the for-each loop with Arrays Lists: Working with lists. Lists vs Arrays. Files,streams with Java: Open, Read and Write to CSV Files, txt files and bin files. Exception Handling: Fundamentals of exception handling; Exception types; Using try and catch; Multiple catch clauses; Nested try statements; Throw and throws; The finally blocks Introduction to Classes and Objects: Creating a Class; Creating an Object; Using an Object; Adding Instance variables; Controlling accessibility; Naming conventions for class members. Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors; Inheritance. Abstraction. Interfaces and implementing interfaces. Override. Polymorphism. The dot operator, this keyword, the static keywords, the super keyword. Using Methods: Introduction of methods; Creating a Method in class; Calling a Method; Returning value from a Method; Adding a Method that takes parameters; More in Methods and Classes: Overloading methods; Overloading Constructors; Using objects as parameters; Returning objects; Recursion; Access control : private, public and protected; The final keyword. What is included PCWorkshops Course Certificate on completion Java Course Notes Java Code Examples Practical Java Course exercises, Java Course Revision work After the course: 1-Hour personalised online revision session Book the Java CrossOver Course About us Our experienced trainers are award winners. More about us FAQ's Client Comments
This course is for 16+ candidates who are absolute beginners and are interested in the recording, production and engineering of music and sound. Candidates will learn to develop and practice their skills using a variety of sound equipment and DAW software. Explored skills are basic recording studio operations (live studio sessions), the use of loop sequencing software, and an introduction to audio and MIDI editing techniques. Day: Monday & Wednesday evenings (one academic year) Times: 6pm - 9pm Who is this course for? This course is an entry-level precursor and prepares learners for the full Level 2 Music Technology qualification. More able learners can also do the parallel Level 2 course if desired. What will I learn? This will include course objectives. •Use Midi sequencing and software •Use Midi & Audio techniques •How to use computerized file location, file saving and backup procedures •Record and mix down a combination of MIDI and AUDIO materials •How to build a portfolio of evidence to show development of your work.
PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FORTHCOMING COURSE DATES COURSE OVERVIEW. DURATION: 1 DAY () LOCATION: HAMPSHIRE THIS FULLY ACCREDITED 2 DAY COURSE IS DESIGNED FOR INDIVIDUALS OR TEAMS WISHING TO RECEIVE RELEVANT MEDICAL TRAINING TO WORK, LIVE AND OPERATE IN HOSTILE OR REMOTE LOCATIONS AROUND THE GLOBE. Delegates are instructed using a ground-up approach, learning techniques and practices that enable confidence and competence in dealing with life potentially changing injuries. Training and risk assessment goes a long way to safeguarding against injuries and threats in any environment however, sometimes the unexpected or unplanned can occur. From vehicle-related incidents and natural disasters to terrorist attacks and armed incidents. It is at this point that trauma and medical skills come to the forefront, allowing an individual to get involved and provide a casualty with a chance of survival, rather than the panic that comes from ignorance, leading to unnecessary fatalities. Our highly experienced and professional instructors provide you with the confidence to be someone who gets involved. Unsure if this is the right course for you? Get in touch with our team to help you choose the best course for your needs. COURSE ELEMENTS. MEDICAL KITS, EQUIPMENT AND PRIOR PLANNING MEASURING VITAL SIGNS AND DIAGNOSIS OF CASUALTIES BALLISTIC AND BLAST TRAUMA RESUSCITATION AND BASIC LIFE-SAVING INCLUDING CPR AND USE OF AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS MANAGEMENT OF SHOCK STABILISING AND TRANSPORTING CASUALTIES BASIC INTRODUCTION TO MEDICATION DEALING WITH BURNS AND SOFT TISSUE DAMAGE TRIAGE – HOW TO MANAGE AND PRIORITISE MULTIPLE CASUALTIES MANAGEMENT OF AIRWAYS AND USE OF RESPIRATORY AIDS VEHICLE SCENE SAFETY AND EXTRICATION HAEMORRHAGE CONTROL – BLEEDING AND CATASTROPHIC BLEEDING USING TOURNIQUETS AND HOMEOSTATIC AGENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ILLNESS – HEAT, COLD & DEHYDRATION MANAGEMENT OF FRACTURES AND BROKEN BONES
Course Outline: What is “Diversity and Inclusion”? The Cultural Contact Lens - understanding different people's experiences The Social Ecological Model - understanding how individual elements sit within and impact upon social change Finding your ‘why’, and the Business Case for D&I Going above and beyond the Law - the Equality Act (2010) and protected characteristics Becoming comfortable with feeling uncomfortable Privilege, power, and the Cycle of Oppression An introduction to allyship Summary and questions
The perfect introduction to our expert instruction and the instrument of your choice.
Mig Welding for beginners one day course. Learn to Mig weld. Welding one day introductory course. One 2 One tuition welding course. Welding lessons. Mig welding class. Welding for everyone.