Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Poole
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Portree
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Portsmouth
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Preston
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Reading
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Sheffield
Applying the Family Constellations approach and more, Silvia Siret - who is a certified, trauma-informed, Holistic Life Coach, Relational Counsellor and Mindfulness Teacher - will intuitively and gently guide the group through a deep mind-body process to greater understanding, a wider perspective, and ways forward.
Organisations are essentially about people working together and yet so often they fail to capitalise upon the full potential of this.
A Solution Circle is a 30 minute creative Problem Solving Process for getting unstuck…Ideal for busy people! lt was designed by Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint. This is a short and powerful tool. It is effective in getting “unstuck” from a problem in life or work. Solution Circles are tools of “community capacity”. It assumes and demonstrates that nearby people – in any community or work place have the capacity to help – if asked. It requires a person to ASK – not an easy thing in our culture of privacy and “do it alone”. This tool puts all the values we espouse into practice and demonstrates that TOGETHER WE’RE BETTER. Course Category Problem Solving Description A Solution Circle is a 30 minute creative Problem Solving Process for getting unstuck…Ideal for busy people! lt was designed by Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint. This is a short and powerful tool. It is effective in getting “unstuck” from a problem in life or work. Solution Circles are tools of “community capacity”. It assumes and demonstrates that nearby people – in any community or work place have the capacity to help – if asked. It requires a person to ASK – not an easy thing in our culture of privacy and “do it alone”. This tool puts all the values we espouse into practice and demonstrates that TOGETHER WE’RE BETTER. In this training you will learn how to set up and facilitate Solution Circles Learning Objectives For participants to learn how to facilitate a Solution Circle For participants to understand the underlying rationale and ethos of this way of working For participants to learn the power of team work and problem solving when including challenging individuals Who Is It For? Team Around the Child agencies Parents and Professional working together Families Multi Agency Teams Social workers CAMHS teams Year Managers Primary and secondary staff teams Early Years and School based Practitioners Heads and Deputies SENDCOs Advanced Skills Teachers Primary and secondary teachers Local Authority Support Services Course Content This can be introduced in a twilight, half day or even a full day workshop with individualised coaching. We will provide background context for this approach and will directly model the process with real live issues facing participants. So bring your most challenging concerns to this training. The course answers the questions: What to when you are stuck Can we find an alternative to permanent exclusion or special unit or school placement? Struggling with a child for whom praise is ineffective? Feeling isolated in your responses to a child’s needs? Worried about where your instinctive reactions are leading you? Cannot seem to get any consensus view of a young person’s behaviour/needs amongst all the family and professionals involved – is everyone pulling in different directions? We will cover: Setting the tone Background and detailed teaching of process Inclusion values underpinning this work Graphic and process facilitation skills Processes modelled and opportunities to try process out with coaching Practical setting up of insights and solutions circles Lessons learned
This can be introduced in one day but is better offered over a series of twilight or half day workshops with individualised coaching. We will provide background context for this approach and will directly model the process with real live issues facing participants. So bring your most challenging concerns to this training. Course Category Behaviour and Relationships Visioning and Problem Solving Team Building and Leadership Description ‘Insights and Solutions Circle’ a new expanded version of Solution Circle that uses some of the best of the Circle of Adults process. Its a 50 minute process and works really well with families and professionals! Contact us today for a live demo or training… Steps Problem presented Questions asked Theories Shared Strategies listed Dialogue regarding selected strategies Next steps Testimonials Excellent! It was great how we all cam up with ideas and theories including us parents I wish all meeting about my child’s behaviour were like this The whole world is going to be interested in this… The empowerment is great The buzz after the meeting says it all. Learning Objectives Deeper understanding of what is actually happening underneath the presenting behaviour Increased confidence in managing and building relationships with challenging pupils in mainstream schools Learn process for locating richer and wider range of practical strategies to impact on behaviour problems Deeper understanding of yourself and the psychodynamic processes happening between pupils, staff and pupils and families Opportunity to reflect on professional practice Mutual support established with other front line practitioners Who Is It For ? Team Around the Child agencies Parents and Professional working together Families Multi Agency Teams Social workers CAMHS teams Year Managers Primary and secondary staff teams Early Years and School based Practitioners Heads and Deputies SENCOs Advanced Skills Teachers Primary and secondary teachers Local Authority Support Services Course Content This can be introduced in one day but is better offered over a series of twilight or half day workshops with individualised coaching. We will provide background context for this approach and will directly model the process with real live issues facing participants. So bring your most challenging concerns to this training. The course answers the questions: Can we find an alternative to permanent exclusion or special unit or school placement? Cannot understand why a child is behaving as they do? Struggling with a child for whom praise is ineffective? Feeling isolated in your responses to a child’s needs? Worried about where your instinctive reactions are leading you? Cannot seem to get any consensus view of a young person’s behaviour/needs amongst all the family and professionals involved – is everyone pulling in different directions? We will cover: Setting the tone Background and detailed teaching of process Inclusion values underpinning this work Graphic and process facilitation skills Processes modelled and opportunities to try process out with coaching Practical setting up of insights and solutions circles Lessons learned If you liked this you may like: CIRCLES OF ADULTS…