Our Business Transformation Courses are aimed at empowering business professionals with knowledge and skills needed to transform business operations using modern business techniques, information technology, data analytics, and software tools. Here, we offer a number of foundation, intermediate, practitioner, professional and specialist courses leading to certifications by leading chartered institutes across the world.
Our Economic and Financial Modelling courses are suitable for economists, researchers and regulators in policy making institutions such as central banks, ministries of finance, trade and investment, economic planning authorities, regional/international policy institutions, think tanks, petroleum industry and other business/economic sectors that make use of statistical and econometric modelling techniques.
Our banking and risk management courses are aimed at empowering finance professionals with the knowledge and skills needed in banking, risk management, financial services and regulation. Our courses are suitable for a wide range of audience including bank executives/directors, senior managers, financial risk managers, credit officers, relationship managers, bank operational staff, treasury/asset managers, compliance officers, investment bankers, and financial services regulators and supervisors.
Our bespoke leadership and management courses come in the form of extensive, high-quality short courses aimed at meeting your business needs, and increasing your business impact and performance. Our management training programs are suitable for improving the skills of first line managers, middle managers, senior managers and executive level managers across sectors and organisations. We also offer some personal development courses aimed at honing your business/personal skills and talents. Courses offered in this school include but are not limited to: Management and Leadership Skills Team Leadership Strategic Management and Leadership Marketing Management Financial Management Human Resource Management Talent Management Performance Management Project Management Essentials Leading Change in the Public Sector Best Practices in Public Procurement Public Administration We offer bespoke courses to suit your needs. Contact Us Today!
Changing patterns of thinking can be challenging, I work with individuals and small groups to discover techniques that are proven methods of change, such lateral thinking techniques, Appreciative Inquiry and other methodologies to change stuck patterns.
Polycom Handsets and Voicemail Soft Client Horizon Collaborate Desktop and Mobile App Receptionist Console Integrator Agent Client Supervisor Client Akixi Reporting Horizon Contact Agent Horizon Contact Supervisor Horizon Contact Admin User Web Portal User Admin Portal
Handset and/or Voicemail Training 1600’s, 1400, 96/95 series handsets, J Series and Voicemail Workplace Attendant Console and One-X Attendant Console One-X Portal and Video Soft phone / One X Communicator One-X Mobile/ Preferred Mobile IX Workplaces and Mobile App Agent and CMS Supervisor ASA – Avaya Site Administrator Tool AACC Administrator, Supervisor and Agent
78, 79, 88 and 99 series Handsets & Voicemail Cisco Call Manager (CCM) & Self Care Portal Jabber WebEx Meetings WebEx Training Centre WebEx Events Centre Attendant Console Standard and Advanced Console (ARC) UCCX/UCCE and Finesse Agent & Supervisor CUIC Reporting
Handset and/or Voicemail Training 1600’s, 1400, 96/95 series handsets, J Series and voicemail One X Communicator One-X Mobile IX Workplace Desktop and Mobile App Web Conferencing Collaboration System Administration Training up to Release 11 Voicemail Pro Administration Training ACCS Agent, Supervisor and Administration Training XIMA/CHRONICALL/ACR Agent, Realtime, Recording and Reporting
All i-series handsets & 90 series handsets and Voicemail UCE/UCS Softphone UCE/UCS Mobile Apps iOS & Android iPECS ONE Softphone & Mobile Apps iOS & Android Phonelink User Web Portals (Cloud and UCP) Cloud Manager Web Portal/UCP Admin tool Cloud and UCP Attendant Consoles iCalls (Tollring) Call Centre product