Unlock the potential of your primary school students with our exclusive workshop in Essex, UK. Join us for a full-day training on 'Empowering Young Minds: Cultivating Healthy Self-Esteem in Children.' Equip your staff with practical strategies to recognize and address self-esteem challenges, fostering a positive and affirming school environment. Contact us now to book your date and invest in the well-being of your students and staff.
A half day workshop exploring practical ways we can invest in our workplace happiness.
Complementing the ‘Zones of Regulation’, or as a stand alone self regulation technique, Snappy Tappy® provides a practical and accessible method for children and young people to modify/calm the emotions they are feeling ‘in the moment’ or ‘after the event’, to help them feel LESS; • anxious • angry • fearful • frustrated • overwhelmed • shame • hurt or any other emotion which is distracting them, pre occupying them or preventing them being ‘in the green zone’ or in a balanced emotional state. Snappy Tappy® which is an adaptation of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an evidence- based modality. It is often referred to as Tapping by practitioners and users because that is what we do. Tapping works with the body’s internal energy systems similar to Acupuncture. However, where Acupuncture uses needles, Tapping uses stimulation of the meridians using gentle finger tapping pressure, while simultaneously focussing on the current difficulty. This dual attention helps your brain process whatever might be troubling you. Snappy Tappy® training takes place over two sessions both 3-4 hours long. The initial training introduces the background to Tapping, examines other adaptations of EFT and gets you ready for your own Snappy Taps and case studies. These are then reviewed 2 months later and you’re on your way to helping children and young people with Snappy Tappy®. Your licence is valid for 1 calendar year and can be renewed following a yearly check in and CPD. Meet the trainer: Miriam is the author and creator of Snappy Tappy® and uses daily in her workplace within education. This position allows for reflection and change, and also a wealth of ideas to help you be the most effective in helping children and young people around you. This course is for all educators and healthcare professionals that work with children, including children with special needs. Get in touch for an informal chat to see how Snappy Tappy® is going to equip you to help others. snappytappyEFT@gmail.com Miriam Frier 07967 705973
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