Not everyone is born with it, but unlike IQ, Emotional Intelligence can be acquired and improved with practice.
4 phone sessions 45 mins One session alone 3 with girlfriend Love language training Emotions evaluation Relationship boundaries Mediation Understanding each other better Overhaul for bad patterns Examining problem areas Couples training course Compromise solutions implementation The conclusion to move forward
Arguing over child arrangements Finding it hard to communicate because of breakup Arguing constantly Want to make things more amicable Sessions with both parties Mediation Therapy and guidance 2 sessions with each party 2 40 mins sessions with each party
No friends Lonely Depressed and stressed Guidance Life skills coaching Support coach Social skills training Life coaching Tackle problems Facing Fears 4x 45 min sessions
Life and career guidance Life coaching Addressing problem areas Understanding emotions E.i training Social skills Social awareness
Couples therapy Discuss the future Discuss needs Marriage and communication discussion Marriage prep consultation 4 sessions 1 hour x 4
Talk issue through Couples therapy Address trust issues Social habits training Relationship boundary setting Address arguments and conflict issues Social media issues and tension issues addressed 3 x 1 hour
Teach you how to be a better dater Help you with confidence Teach love languages Self-awareness test Personality type test Dating coaching Past issues healing process Assess love life Improve relationships Help with your dating profile 4 sessions 1 hour Dating advice for singles
Affinity Publisher Training Course for Beginners. Online Affinity Training with live instructors or face to face onsite. Learn to create and design layouts for flyers, brochures, newsletters, marketing documents and business stationery.