Overview Objectives Understand the fundamental concepts of credit risk Evaluate and understand internal and external credit ratings Understand value at risk (VaR) and its use in measuring credit risk Explain the counterparty risk for derivatives, particularly over-the-counter derivatives Describe different credit risk models according to the recommendations of the Basel Committee
Overview This training course will give participants a developed knowledge of credit analysis. Through a mix of lectures and interactive case studies, participants will be able to perform detailed credit analysis, including analysing market and environment, computing key financial ratios, interpreting cash flows and analysing financing needs. Key Topics Financial needs and the business operating cycle Review of financial statements Financial ratio analysis Corporate cash flow analysis Cash flow projections for debt service Key lending policy guidelines
Overview The credit Risk Assessment course gives participants a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and methodologies in understanding the drivers of credit risk, modelling tools used for the measurement of credit risk, and current best practices in credit risk management techniques. The course focuses on the actual practice of credit risk assessment within financial institutions as well as on the quantitative and methodological tools and procedures that are at the cutting edge of measuring, mitigating and managing credit risk.
It is essential that those charged with responsibility for credit control and debt recovery have a full appreciation of the relevant law: no-one can negotiate effectively to recover a debt if they don't understand the ultimate sanctions they can apply. This programme is designed to give them a practical, up-to-date understanding of the law as it applies to your particular organisation. This course will help ensure that participants: Understand the relevant laws Know how and when to invoke legal processes Avoid legal pitfalls in debt collection negotiations Specific, practical learning points include: Definition of 'harassment' How to set up an in-house collection identity Whether cheques in 'full and final settlement' are binding The best steps to trace a 'gone away'... and many, many more. 1 Data protection and debt recovery There are a whole range of things which can be checked on members of the public and which are not affected by the restraints of the Data Protection Act. These will be explained in simple, clear terms so that staff can use this information immediately. 2 County Court suing The expert trainer will show how to sue for money owed, obtain judgment and commence enforcement action without leaving your desk. This module is aimed at showing how to make the Courts work for you instead of the other way around! 3 Enforcement of judgments There are many people who have a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against their debtor but who still remain unpaid. This session explains each of the enforcement methods and how to use them to best effect. Enforcement methods covered include: Warrant of Execution Using the sheriff (now known as High Court Enforcement Officers) Attachment of earnings Third Party Debt Orders Charging Orders (over property and goods) Winding-up companies and making individuals bankrupt 4 Office of Fair Trading rules on debt recovery Surprisingly few people are aware of the Office of Fair Trading rules on debt recovery and many of those that do know think they don't apply to them - but they do. Make sure you know what you need to! 5 New methods to trace elusive, absentee and 'gone away' debtors Why write the money off when you can trace the debtor and collect the money you are owed? 6 Credit checking of new and existing customers It makes sense to credit check would-be, new and existing customers to evaluate the likelihood of payment delays or perhaps not being paid at all. This session shows a range of credit checking steps, many of which can be done completely free of charge, including a sample credit application/ account opening form. 7 Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations Do your staff understand this legislation and how to use it to make people pay quicker than ever before? The trainer shows how. 8 The Enterprise Act The Enterprise Act made some startling changes to corporate and personal insolvency. What are the implications for credit control and debt recovery within your organisation?
Report Writing 1 Day Training in Liverpool
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Liverpool
Time Management 1 Day Training in Liverpool
Event Planning 1 Day Training in Liverpool
Business Networking 1 Day Training in Liverpool
This course is designed specifically to help improve your collection rates. The UK's leading trainer in the subject uses practical examples and case studies to show how to use debt collection techniques that really work. This programme will help participants to: Understand debtors and communicate with them effectively Improve their telephone and writing skills Appreciate the key legal issues Track down 'gone-aways' Improve their collection rates 1 Giving credit and collecting debts The benefits when you get it right The cost of getting it wrong 2 Analysing yourself The importance of making the right 'first impression' Assessing your own personal communication style and how this affects your results How do you (or might you) look in the debtor's eyes? What would you like to change? 3 Analysing your debtors Types of debtorThe delaying debtorThe genuine debtorThe cashflow or hardship problem debtorThe ones who never intended to pay Spot the most common reasons and excuses for non-payment - and learn how to deal with them 4 Understanding debt recovery and the law Data protection issues County Court suing enforcement methods Human rights and debt recovery Retention of title matters 5 Telephone skills for debt recovery A 7-point plan which works every time Learning by example: listening to and analysing some pre-recorded (or live) collection callsWhat was done well?What should have been done differently?Did the collector recognise opportunities?Did the collector create opportunities where seemingly none existed?Did the collector negotiate well or not at all? 6 Writing skills for debt recovery Key phrases to avoid What to include A sample letter which gets results in over 90% of cases 7 Tracking down the 'gone aways' A unique debtor-tracing plan Why spend money on external tracers when you can find those 'gone away' debtors for yourself? 8 Course review The traps to avoid Key personal learning points