st paul's school for girls
St Paul’s is a Catholic school for girls situated in the Archdiocese and within
the city of Birmingham. It exists primarily to assist Catholic parents in giving
their children a good Catholic education so that they may lead fulfilled lives,
which promote the common good of society. By Catholic education we mean that
every aspect of school life is permeated by the belief of the school community:
in a loving God, as revealed by Jesus Christ that all persons are sacred because
each is made in the image of God and therefore deserving of respect that all
creation is an expression of the goodness and love of God revealed through it.
that all are entitled in justice, to be given the opportunity to develop fully
as persons and thus have equality of access to the Curriculum. As the school
shares in the Church’s mission to educate and nurture in the faith, prayer, the
Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations have a central role in the life and
work of the school community.