Event Planning 1 Day Training in Middlesbrough
Business Networking 1 Day Training in Middlesbrough
Travel and Parking arrangements: Paid parking is available (attendees are responsible for paying parking fees) From New St Station, follow signs to Moor St station. When you get to Moor St, go down the hill to the side of the station towards the multi-storey car park. At the car park, go left under the railway bridge. Immediately after the railway bridge turn right onto Shaw's passage, which is quite short. We're on the corner at the end of Shaws Passage - walk round the corner onto Allison Street and past the Cafe to the full glass door with the Birmingham Friends of the Earth hanging sign.
10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Carlisle
10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Leicester
10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Dundee
10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Arbroath
Overcome social awkwardness and social anxiety the fast, fun and easier way. DO YOU find yourself drying up or going blank when under pressure, or get tongue-tied when someone makes a smart remark? One of the reasons that you dry up or get tongue-tied – is because you are programmed to go into your head and try to think of something to say. Most of us have become left-brain dominant because of the way we’ve been educated and we don’t know how to activate our powerful and more creative right-brain. This is why the "I Don't Know what to Say" Improvisation Course is so effective at overcoming social difficulties. It gives you access to your spontaneous right-brain, and in fact, enables you to operate from both right and left-brain together. It is probably one of the fastest and most effective ways of building verbal confidence as well as liberating you on all sorts of levels.
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Milton Keynes