What is perinatal mental health and fathers? The term ‘perinatal’ refers to the period of time around childbirth. Interpretations of the timeframe of this period vary; in some cases, it includes the time before conception until two years after an infant has been born. In the UK, the First 1001 Days Movement raises awareness of the developmental significance of the first two and a half years of a child’s life. In the course we explain: High risk of suicide in new fathers. The impact on the partner and the development of the child. PTSD, Perinatal Anxiety and Depression in fathers. Signs, Symptoms and how to engage with fathers. Importance of bonding and attachment with father - baby. Biological risk factors
This course aims to provide a more in depth understanding of COSHH & RIDDOR.
This course covers the management of anaphylaxis and the use of auto-injectors for the initial treatment of anaphylaxis.
This course is suitable for operatives required to Work at Height, and will give operatives a sound foundation on the requirements of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and other relevant regulations. Also highlights the principles of how fall protection systems / equipment should be selected and used. This course will provide delegates with the knowledge and practical experience to enable them to work safely at height using a variety of basic systems and techniques. Book via our website @ ESS | Working at Height Module 2 - Safe Work at Height (General Operative) | Vp ESS (vp-ess.com) or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
This course is suitable for operatives required to Work at Height, providing a sound foundation on the requirements of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 in conjunction with a basic understanding of the types of fall protection systems and equipment available, its use, its limitations and unsafe practices. Suitable for individuals working around but not directly Working at Height. It allows the delegate to identify a working at height area and understand the procedures and regulations that control it. Book via our website @ ESS | Working at Height Module 1 - Safe Work at Height Awareness | Vp ESS (vp-ess.com) or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
Safer recruitment is designed to help those who are responsible for employing anyone who works with vulnerable groups, to identify and deter or reject individuals who are deemed to be at risk of abusing. It is crucial that all employers have a recruitment policy in place that takes into account safer recruitment best practices and considerations. This course covers key topics including: advertising, application forms, selecting candidates for interview based on the information they have presented, and post-interview checks - including DBS checks - before making an offer of employment. Recruitment of staff is now a complex process and there are many issues that need to be considered to ensure safe and successful recruitment, to reduce in turn the risk of harm, abuse and neglect of adults and children.
This is an opportunity to benchmark your current and future safety and health vision and priorities in line with global models of safety, and to benefit from good practice gathered from leading organisations from around the world. Through lively discussion, debate and exercises, including benchmarking, gap analysis and case studies, leaders attending this programme deepen their understanding of how to use their skills to drive their organisation to the next level in its safety and health performance. The programme is designed to help leaders:
Pushy boardroom bullies... battling agendas... conflicts of interest. Here are the most common drivers of trouble in the boardroom, and tools for making things right.