Trade barriers are going up across the globe. And cybercrime is on the increase. The link between the two? The value of trade secrets. As countries become increasingly protectionist as regards international trade, so their IP law has been changing, with the result that companies that previously would have sought protection through patents are opting to go down the trade secret route instead. But is this a high-risk strategy? Technology is changing and this is having an impact on forms of commercial co-operation. Collaborative or open forms of innovation by their very nature involve the sharing of intellectual property (IP), and in many instances this IP is in the form of valuable confidential business information (ie, trade secrets). Little surprise, then, that trade secrets disputes have increased accordingly. At the same time, the changes in technology make trade secrets more vulnerable to attack, misappropriation, theft. So just how effective are the legal protections for trade secrets? How can organisations safeguard the value in their IP (increasingly, the single biggest line in their balance sheets)? This programme is designed to help you address these issues. Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. This session is designed to give you a deeper understanding of: Emerging trends in trade secrets protection and exploitation The current situation in key jurisdictions Recent case law How leading companies are responding The importance of trade secret metadata Different external stakeholders and their interests Key steps for effective protection of trade secrets Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. 1 What are trade secrets? Definitions Examples Comparison with other forms of IP (patents, confidential information, know-how, copyright) 2 Current trends The various changes taking place affecting trade secrets - legal changes, trade wars, cybercrime, technology, commercial practice The current position in the UK, Europe, USA, China, Japan, Russia Corporate best practice 3 Trade secret disputes - how to avoid them Trade secret policies, processes and systems Administrative, legal and technical protection mechanisms The role of employees The sharing of trade secrets with others 4 Trade secret disputes - how to manage them Causes Anatomy of a trade secret court case 'Reasonable particularity' 5 Related issues Insurance Tax authorities and investigations Investor relations 6 Trade secret asset management roadmap Maturity ladder First steps Pilot projects
🧑⚕️🧑🔬🚑🩺 DO YOU WANT TO LEARN VALUBLE SKILLS, WANT TO WORK EVENTS, FESTIVALS AND IN NIGHTCLUBS, OR HAVE A DESIRE TO WORK IN THE AMBULANCE SERVICE.🚑 This is the first step into the Medical world as a First Responder. The QA Level 3 Award in First Response Emergency Care also known as FREC3 is a PHEM D qualification which is the entry level into being able to provide medical cover at events. The cost is £425 plus VAT per person (£510pp) This is a 5 day course being held at our training centre in Laindon, Essex (SS15 6SS), all days must be attended and sessions will be 9am-5pm each day. Available course dates: July – 8th-12th August - 5th-9th The course will run with a minimum of 4 learners and a maximum of 6 learners. If you would like more information or to book onto either of the above courses please email for a booking form.
This course aims to provide a more in depth understanding of COSHH & RIDDOR.
This course covers the management of anaphylaxis and the use of auto-injectors for the initial treatment of anaphylaxis.
This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
Safer recruitment is designed to help those who are responsible for employing anyone who works with vulnerable groups, to identify and deter or reject individuals who are deemed to be at risk of abusing. It is crucial that all employers have a recruitment policy in place that takes into account safer recruitment best practices and considerations. This course covers key topics including: advertising, application forms, selecting candidates for interview based on the information they have presented, and post-interview checks - including DBS checks - before making an offer of employment. Recruitment of staff is now a complex process and there are many issues that need to be considered to ensure safe and successful recruitment, to reduce in turn the risk of harm, abuse and neglect of adults and children.
This is an opportunity to benchmark your current and future safety and health vision and priorities in line with global models of safety, and to benefit from good practice gathered from leading organisations from around the world. Through lively discussion, debate and exercises, including benchmarking, gap analysis and case studies, leaders attending this programme deepen their understanding of how to use their skills to drive their organisation to the next level in its safety and health performance. The programme is designed to help leaders:
Pushy boardroom bullies... battling agendas... conflicts of interest. Here are the most common drivers of trouble in the boardroom, and tools for making things right.
This course is designed to provide delegates with awareness in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and how it may affect them, their colleagues, and their employer.