Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Cork
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Chatham
This masterclass will enable you to gain comprehensive awareness and be a supportive guide for Key Staff through fully understanding recent changes and developments in one of the fastest growing categories of safeguarding concerns.
This session will provide a clear update for governors as to the latest developments in terms of risk, updates on statutory guidance and KCSIE requirements from the governance perspective, and an overview of what the safeguarding team should be working on.
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Manchester
A relaxed, fun course covering the basics of first aid; CPR, Dealing with Unconsciousness and Dealing with Choking. This course is recognised as a refresher for all First Aid Qualifications and a chance to get together with other first aiders and discuss all things first aid. It is not the same as a requalifier. If your certificate is due to expire you must attend a full course.
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Middlesbrough