We deliver Workplace PAT Testing Courses across most of the UK to assist businesses with Compliance. We also work with Bridges into Work and ReACT in association with Careers Wales and the Welsh Government to offer work based skills which some Candidates could be eligible for Government funding.
#SafeUrbanDriving #Leicester #driver #driver_safety #driver_training #fors #sud
We can come to you and deliver Food Safety courses at your business premises. RSPH Level 4 Managing Food Safety and Hygiene Catering Course! This Level 4 course is perfect for those looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in food safety and hygiene in the catering industry. Throughout the course, you will learn about advanced food safety management, HACCP principles, and how to effectively implement food safety procedures. Special Offer: Book on this Level 4 Food Safety Training from July to August 2024 Contact us for a quote or to schedule training.
The Highfield's Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work Course meets the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, that all organisations must have adequate first aid provision. This 1 day course is suitable for smaller, low risk organisations who feel that the syllabus listed below meets the type of injuries common in your workplace and industry. This course covers the syllabus as laid down by the HSE.
Mediation and Conflict Course
#FORS #FORSilver #FORSconsultant #getFORS #FORStraining #safeurbandriving #SUD #drivercpc #leicester
Emotional Intelligence Training
There a different first aid procedures depending on where you are and who is involved in a situation, so it is important that you are trained for different scenarios that may occur. This allows you to adapt your approach for any given situation.