The CIEH Foundation Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety supports businesses in their legal obligations to ensure employees are protected from harm. This course is ideal for those who want to develop their knowledge of health and safety issues in the workplace and of the regulations for maintaining a healthy and safe working environment. This course will focus on common hazards and how to control them. It will help you work more safely and be more aware of how your own actions can affect the health and safety of others.
The CIEH Introductory Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety provides an awareness of key health and safety issues, and the part that staff should play in keeping themselves and others free from harm at work. This course will give you a basic background in, and understanding of, general health and safety practices and the control measures required to reduce risks in the workplace.
All employees should be aware of and knowledgeable about health and safety in the workplace. This course is ideal for all staff and employees at all levels, providing them with the underpinning health and safety knowledge that they will require to work safely and efficiently on a daily basis.
CCHRC has been specially designed to provide training for anyone who has functional responsibility for controlling health risks on a construction site, such as site supervisors and site managers.
The main subject areas of the course are: Good practice in asbestos removal or remediation Asbestos Removal Control Plans Air sampling for asbestos Enclosures, clearance air monitoring and reporting
This course provides the theory, practical knowledge and skills required for use of microscopes and fibre counting to WHO rules, air sampling and four-stage clearance procedures. The course is based around 'HSG248 Asbestos: The Analysts Guide for Sampling, Analysis and Clearance Procedures'.
This course provides the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to persons who will knowingly disturb asbestos containing materials during the course of their work activities, including building maintenance workers and supervisory personnel, and building maintenance managers.
Some 60% of injuries at work are caused by lifting heavy objects. This powerful, practical programme is designed to help stop any of your staff from becoming the next statistic. 1 Introduction and objectives 2 Overview of Health and Safety Legislation and HSE Injury Statistics Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1992 MHSWR 1999 specific duties to risk assess Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) 1992 Breakdown of injury statistics and costs of poor manual handling 3 The musculoskeletal system explained Prevention and ill-health Ergonomics RSI The spine in detail 4 Risk assessment General principles The TILE method Employees' duties Workplace scenarios
The IOSH Managing Safelyaward is valid for three years. Award-holders need to undertake this one-day refresher programme every three years in order to maintain their status. This very interactive, practical programme covers: An interactive case study exercise is used throughout the day to apply refreshed knowledge to the plan-do-check-act model and then link it back to the workplace. For example, participants examine the elements of a safety and health policy, come up with ideas to influence safety culture, and select the best communication methods to engage a workforce.
The main subject areas of the course are: Good practice in asbestos removal or remediation Asbestos Removal Control Plans Air sampling for asbestos Enclosures, clearance air monitoring and reporting