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Do you want your dating to be an enjoyable and empowered experience? Would you like to develop a healthier, more intentional approach to dating? Sign up to Rachel's eight week course and get the tools you need to become more resilient and understand the psychological processes going on with dating.
Brightcore Consultancy delivers Senior Mental Health Lead training in schools and colleges which meets the Department for Education’s quality criteria, and our course is in fact the highest rated of all the nationally DfE approved Senior Mental Health Lead training courses, scoring a perfect 5/5 in each of the 9 DfE quality assurance standards during the quality assurance process.
CRRUK equips professionals with the concepts, skills and tools to build conscious, intentional relationships, and to coach relationship systems of any size.
Become a META-Health professional with our 6 months intensive training! Do you want to learn the scientific background of body-mind-interactions and how to integrate this knowledge in your practical work with your clients? This course contains both self-study and live training in online classes and covers the META-Health Level 1 and 2 material. It will take 6 months including 24 live sessions, 2 hours each, mainly in a weekly rhythm. You will get preparatory videos, reading material and tasks that help to understand and integrate the content, while the group sessions focus on demonstrations, discusion of the material, and practical exercises for you. All the time, our trainers and tutors will support you and we’ll be a learning family with an active chatgroup. Altogether you should reckon approximately 5 hours per week.
The purpose of these qualifications is to enable learners to coach clients – one to one and in small groups – towards their health and fitness goals. Learners will develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours to plan and deliver creative and personalised exercise programmes, provide nutritional advice and support clients with their overall lifestyle management.
CRRUK equips professionals with the concepts, skills and tools to build conscious, intentional relationships, and to coach relationship systems of any size.
The Real Estate Analyst course has been taught non-stop to global real estate firms over the last 25 years, and is without doubt the core financial modelling training in your career portfolio. Whether you have an upcoming financial modelling test for a new job or an APC exam, the Real Estate Analyst course is the choice for you.
An intensive group coaching programme for qualified and certified coaches who want to add group coaching as an offer in their practice.