Life and career guidance Life coaching Addressing problem areas Understanding emotions E.i training Social skills Social awareness
Support and advice Confidentiality and directional advice Daily support Self-esteem building Domestic advice helpline assistance Help understanding individuals situation Progressive coaching Moving forward and finding true love 30 mins x 4 a week 4 weeks package
Learning to control anger Address negative behaviour patterns Support Self-regulation implementation strategies Emotional management Emotional intelligence training Tests and situational guidance Coaching Self-improvement and management strategies 1-hour x 5 sessions
A personalised resilience profile and 60 minute coaching and exploration session for those who want to develop their capacity to adapt positively in an ever changing world.
Addressing jealousy and trust issues Couples coaching Resolving problems Relationship advice Ascertaining where trust issues are stemming from Change destructive behavioural patterns Rebuild trust and relationship foundation Address emotional challenges Assessment and mediation sessions separately 4 sessions x 1 hour
Attend our world class Kanban University accredited Certified Kanban System Design training course and learn to implement Kanban in your company
Confidence Training Emotional Intelligence Training Dating Coach Support Daily Social skills examination Dating history analysis Red flag Training and Dating Coach Self-assessment and analysis Insecurities and pinpoint dating issues and problems 4 weeks of coaching Overview of dating skills Dating advice for singles
Help with your profile Dating advice Messaging on your behalf Phone sessions Help you edit and improve the profile Online dating guidance Tinder online assistance Dating coaching for 3 weeks One session a week via phone and skype Dating advice for singles
Historical Association webinar series: Making history accessible Presenters: Catherine Priggs and Dale Banham In this session, participants will review their action research projects established during the first webinar. Coaching conversations will encourage reflection, allowing participants to share their actions and insights. Additionally, they will begin developing a strategic plan to outline next steps for supporting students with SEND in accessing the history curriculum. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: Image: A Squire "Old English" padlock on a gate latch in Devon (Image: Partonez/Wikimedia Commons)