ShapeBlue are the largest independent integrator of CloudStack technologies
globally and are specialists in the design and implementation of IaaS cloud
infrastructures for both private and public cloud implementations. We combine
100s of person-years of experience in designing and building complex network,
storage and compute infrastructures with globally leading skills in Apache
CloudStack. Our services include Consulting, Integration, training and
infrastructure support. Our technical teams are all active contributors to the
Apache CloudStack project and a good percentage of our team are also project
committers. In South Africa and SADC, ShapeBlue are also distributors for
NetApp, solutions. We also work with, and have deep expertise in, a range of
networking and storage technologies that we have selected as being ideally
suited in the build-out of Clouds. We have helped design and build some of the
worlds largest cloud infrastructures. See our Case Studies for examples of our
work. We have a global customer base with offices in London (UK), Mountain View
(CA), Bangalore (India), and Cape Town (South Africa)