In this course, students will learn general strategies for planning, designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining an IoT system through various case studies and by assembling and configuring an IoT device to work in a sensor network.
This course presents an approach for dealing with security and privacy throughout the entire software development lifecycle. You will learn about vulnerabilities that undermine security, and how to identify and remediate them in your own projects.
An opportunity to develop knowledge and skills for wound management, infection control and removing skin closure devices.
A Day in Wales. Join me for this fantastic photography workshop of woodland, lakes and waterfalls.In this course we cover all of the above. What do you need to bring with you?Camera/lenses/Spare memory card/batteries/tripod - A digital camera with "semi-automatic/manual" controls (Aperture and Shutter priority) is recommended to get the most from the course. Filters (if you have them) A packed lunch/snacks The relevant user manual for your camera Warm/waterproof clothing and suitable footwear - weather can be unpredictable all year round in Snowdonia. A notepad and pen What happens in bad weather?I monitor weather forecasts and if conditions are predicted to be completely unsuitable, to ensure both your safety and enjoyment of the day, it may be necessary to cancel a workshop. I will endeavour to provide at least 24hrs notice, although this cannot always be guaranteed; you will be offered either a full refund or a place on a future course.
This half day course is designed to help participants who need to write or revise policies and procedures for their organisations. It will help them to develop effective structures for the writing and design and ensure that they meet key legal and good practice requirements on some of the most important policies such as health and safety, equal opportunities and financial procedures. It will also look at the process of consultation and implementation so that the policies obtain “buy-in” and commitment from staff and volunteers.
This half day course is designed for new treasurers, general trustees and management committee members or staff who work in smaller organisations to understand the basics of how to manage the finances within a voluntary or community organisation. It covers all the essential issues ranging from drawing up a budget to ensuring that the organisation has sound financial procedures.
This half day course is designed for new treasurers, general trustees and management committee members or staff who work in smaller organisations to understand the basics of how to manage the finances within a voluntary or community organisation. It covers all the essential issues ranging from drawing up a budget to ensuring that the organisation has sound financial procedures.
This half day course is designed to help participants in the voluntary and community sector to monitor and evaluate the work of their organisation effectively and ensure that their working practices are robust and fit for purpose. It can also be relevant to those staff in statutory agencies who work on community projects.
This half day or whole day course is designed around a project planning workbook that will provide participants with questions and practical advice to ensure that a project is well thought-out and practical, with clear aims and objectives. It will also help to ensure that if you are applying for project funding that you have answers to all the likely questions you will be asked. The half day course will cover the basics and ensure that the most important areas of project planning are addressed. The course could be extended to a whole day, covering all the areas and offering time for participants to complete the majority of the work book. The course would be suitable for anyone who is planning a project or who needs to re-focus a project that is not working effectively.
I often buy clothes and accessories spontaneously. This results in a wardrobe full of pieces that don’t pair with anything. “I have nothing to wear….” I hear you say. A handful of treasures just hanging in there before progressing into a charity giveaway bag. Not if you know your true colours that will elevate your look and mood as well as save money and the environment. Based on this colour analysis we can create a capsule wardrobe using your existing pieces and follow your colour chart to purchase matching items in future. Whatever fashion dictates, buying less and more consciously will reduce waste, save money and creates a wonderful wardrobe you can be proud of! The analysis is based on inherited tones as well as personality. Based on 4 seasons: spring and autumn being warm and summer and winter cool in the colour spectrum.