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This course satisfies the supervision requirements in the LAA Standard Contract & covers the key skills needed to ensure compliance with the LAA Contract.
Private online Italian lessons
Learners will develop knowledge of FD&FA systems and apply this to the provision of detection and electrical actuation for gas extinguishing systems.
¡Hola, amigos! On the 18th 19th and 20th of December (19:30 GMT) we will offer an online free conversation class. 20th December Levels C1 to C2. We will meet other students, get to know each other and, of course, practice Spanish. Come and meet us! We will be learning some Navidad vocabulary, talks about Spanish and latino traditions and of course we will have lot of fun. Book your place in our web! Levels: A1 to C2. Check the web to know the available days for each level.
Online Spanish lessons with native Speakers
Harry Potter book course one to one
Harry Potter book course one to one
Harry Potter book course one to one
¡Hola, amigos! On the 18th 19th and 20th of December (19:30 GMT) we will offer an online free conversation class. We will meet other students, get to know each other and, of course, practice Spanish. 19th December Levels B1 to B2. Come and meet us! We will be learning some Navidad vocabulary, talks about Spanish and latino traditions and of course we will have lot of fun. Book your place in our web! Levels: A1 to C2. Check the web to know the available days for each level.