Learn to Belly Dance in a short time in this level 1 course and have fun working out whilst learning a new skill in your own time, at your own pace and in your own space, no matter where you are!
TEACHERS TRAINING COURSES are designed for those of you who are looking to take your dancing skills to a higher level. As the art of belly dance becomes more popular, the demand for teachers is rising and it is an extremely rewarding gift to be able to transfer and share your skills with others. This course is also beneficial for those of you who wish to gain a deeper understanding of Belly Dance and dancing in general. If you’ve ever thought of doing what you enjoy for a living, this is definitely for you.
General level – For everyone! A great way to keep fit, tone abs, bums and tums, build core strength and technique based, so this is good if you want to learn or improve movement and refine precision in them.
Learn a salsa routine in the comfort of your own home. A class at General level which entails footwork, arms, flourishes, body movements and musicality.
Learn Intermediate Belly Dance in a short time in this level 2 course and have fun working out whilst learning a new skill in your own time, at your own pace and in your own space, no matter where you are!