city of edinburgh basketball club
The Club aims to provide a welcoming environment to enable children and young
people to develop valuable life skills of forming positive supportive
relationships, team work, communication and a strong work ethic building
confidence, self-esteem and resilience. Our aspirations are to encourage more
young people to take part in basketball and realise these benefits – by being
part of a team, learning new skills and for their emotional and physical
wellbeing. We seek to create a fun, inclusive environment and to feel and act
like a family where we support and encourage each other to be the best we can
be. Our values emphasise individual and team commitments of: Teamwork Respect
Accountability Integrity Tenacity In realising our values, we focus on
attracting, developing and retaining volunteers who lead by example and deliver
high quality basketball tailored to age and stage. We are committed to offering
opportunities for Club members to develop in skills in coaching, table
officiating and refereeing by offering training, qualifications and mentoring