HSPA and HSPA+ training course description HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) and HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access) provide speeds of upto 14Mbps downlink and 5Mbps uplink. This theory-based course provides an overview of the 3GPP R5 and R6 HSDPA/HSUPA standards and the technologies which are involved. The HSPA+ R7 enhancements are also covered. What will you learn Explain the relationship between HSPA and UMTS. Describe the benefits of HSPA/HSPA+ Explain the HSPA/HSPA+ technical enhancements. Explain packet flows in HSPA/HSPA+. Recognise the migration issues involved with HSPA/HSPA+ HSPA and HSPA+ training course details Who will benefit: Anyone working with HSPA. Prerequisites: Essential UMTS Duration 2 days HSPA and HSPA+ training course contents UMTS review UMTS architecture, components, interfaces, protocols, W-CDMA, standards, 3GPPr5, 3GPPr6, evolution to HSDPA and HSPA. HSPA basics What is HSDPA, what is HSUPA, key features, system capacities, data rates, delays. Key concepts: Adaptive modulation and coding (AMC), QPSK, 16QAM, HARQ, MAC-hs, multiplexing, subframes. HSPA channels Logical, transport, physical channels, dedicated vs. shared channels, HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, HS-DPCCH, code multiplexing, E-DCH, Enhanced DPCCH. MAC-architecture Controlling HS-DSCH, flow control, buffering, priority queues, packet scheduling, fast packet scheduling, Selecting modulation and coding. HARQ: Packet retransmissions, Incremental redundancy, comparison with ARQ, TFRC. MAC-d, MAC-c/sh, MAC-hs, MAC-es, MAC-e. HSPA migration HSDPA in the Radio Access Network (RAN), reuse of existing UMTS components, changes required, Impact on Iub/Iur interfaces, new and modified NBAP procedures, backwards compatibility. Packet flows Packet data session setup, simultaneous voice and data, QoS, TCP flow control, WCDMA packet scheduler, mobility procedures. HSPA phase 2 (3GPP r6) What is evolved HSPA? Speeds. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). Optional all IP architecture. R8 and LTE.
Broadband access training course description ADSL is a broadband technology providing fast Internet access (amongst other applications) over existing telephone lines. This course covers an overview of the DSL family, what ADSL is through to how ADSL works. What will you learn Describe what ADSL is. Describe how ADSL works. Describe the ADSL architecture. Recognise the limitations of ADSL. List the elements required for an ADSL installation. Broadband access training course details Who will benefit: Network engineers and anyone who will be working with ADSL. Prerequisites: Intro to data communications & networking Duration 2 days Broadband access training course contents What is ADSL? Broadband definitions, OSI layer 1, ADSL services, WANS. ADSL features: always on, point to point, Asymmetric, speeds. ADSL benefits, xDSL family, standards, history, example DSL forum documents. ADSL architecture The big picture, The PSTN and telephones, Digital and analogue, PSTN and modems, ADSL vs. modem speeds, Block 1: Customer premises, Block 2: The last mile, Block 3: The exchange, Block 4: the core network. Customer premises Splitters, micro filters, splitter architectures, Splitterless ADSL, ADSL modems, USB, ADSL routers. The local loop ADSL PHY, Some basics, ADSL margins, speed implications, distances, RADSL, Line testing, whoosh tests, line coding, multiple channels, FDM, echo cancellation, Modulation: AM, FM, PM, QAM, QAM constellations, DMT, CAP, Framing, Superframes, fast data mode, interleaved mode, RADSL revisited. The exchange Local exchange ADSL items, DSLAMs, ADSL racks, Contention. The core network The role of the core network, ATM, ATM VPI/VCI, ATM cells, ATM layers, AAL5, RAS, Home gateways. ADSL and the higher layers Layer 2 choices, PPPoA, PPP, CHAP, Layer 4 and above, ADSL and ATM. Installing and configuring ADSL Choosing providers, line activation, hardware requirements, Configuring layer 1 and layer 2, Configuring IP. Summary ITU ADSL standards
Ansible training course description The course focusses on the use of ansible for network devices instead of its usual server use case. The course progresses from the basics of ansible and playbooks onto using network specific modules including NAPALM. The use Jinja2 templating with ansible is also studied. Hands on sessions with ansible configuring routers and switches follow all major sections. What will you learn Automate tasks with ansible. Write ansible playbooks. Configure network devices with ansible. Troubleshoot network devices with ansible. Use ansible network modules. Use jinja2 templates with ansible. Ansible training course details Who will benefit: Network engineers. Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation Duration 2 days Ansible training course contents What is ansible? The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. Hands on Installing ansible, enabling SSH on network devices. Ansible architecture How ansible 'normally' works, Agentless, SSH, ansible and Python, modules, how ansible work on network devices, Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, ansible.cfg. Hands on Getting started, running ad hoc commands. Playbooks ansible-playbook, users, YAML, plays, tasks, modules. ansible-vault. Hands on Running playbooks. More playbooks Handlers, variables, environmental variables, playbook variables, inventory variables, variable scope and precedence, accessing variables, facts, ansible vault. Conditionals, wait_for. Hands on Using variables and conditions in playbooks. Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, inventory variables, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Hands on Inventories and variables. Ansible network modules Built in modules, custom modules, return values. ansible-doc -l. connection: local, Cisco modules, Juniper module, Hands on Using modules for your network devices. Ansible templatings The template module, the assemble module, jinja2 templates, for, if else. Hands on Configuring network devices from templates. Roles and includes Dynamic includes, Handler includes, playbook includes. Roles, role parts: handlers, files, templates, cross platform roles, ansible galaxy. Hands on includes example, building roles. Ansible and NAPALM Installation, napalm-ansible, NAPALM modules: napalm_diff-yang, napalm_get_facts, napalm_install_config, napalm_parse_yang, napalm_ping, napalm_translate_yang, napalm_validate. Hands on Using NAPALM modules in ansible.
Dreamweaver training course description Dreamweaver is a web authoring program that allows you to build professional quality websites. This course starts with a tour of Dreamweaver and customising your workspaces, moving onto HTML and CSS basics. Page layouts, templates and interactive pages are also covered. The final session covers how to use Dreamweaver as a HTML editor. Hands on session follow all the major theory chapters. What will you learn Use Dreamweaver to create websites. Customise Dreamweaver. Use templates. Add interactivity to web pages. Use Dreamweaver to edit HTML code. Dreamweaver training course details Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to create or edit websites. Prerequisites: None. Duration 3 days Dreamweaver training course contents Getting started Installing the programme, Updating to the latest version,, Online content, On first launch, Choosing the program colour theme, Setting up the workspace, Defining a Dreamweaver site, Checking for updates, Additional resources. Customizing your workspace Touring the workspace, Using the start screen, Exploring new feature guides, Setting interface preferences, Switching and splitting views, Selecting a workspace layout, Personalising Dreamweaver, Working with extract, Creating custom keyboard shortcuts, Using the Property inspector, Using the Related Files interface, Using tag selectors, Using the CSS Designer, Using the Visual Media Query (VMQ) interface, Using the DOM viewer, Using Element dialogs, displays and inspectors, Setting up version control in Dreamweaver, Exploring experimenting and learning. HTML Basics What is HTML? Where did HTML begin? Frequently used HTML elements, What's new in HTML5. CSS Basics What is CSS? HTML vs. CSS formatting, HTML defaults, CSS box model, Applying CSS styling, Multiples, classes and ids. Web design basics Developing a new website, Scenario, Working with thumbnails and wireframes, Creating a page layout Evaluating page design options, Working with predefined layouts, Styling an existing layout, Styling elements using the Extract panel, Extracting text from a Photoshop mockup, Troubleshooting CSS styling, Extracting text styling from a Photoshop mockup, Creating a gradient background using Extract, Extracting image assets from a mockup, Adding CSS background effects in code, Finishing up the layout. Working with templates Creating a template from an existing layout, Inserting editable regions, Inserting editable regions, Inserting HTML entities, Inserting metadata, Validating HTML code, Producing child pages, Moving CSS styles to linked file, Updating a template. Working with text, lists and tables Previewing the completed file, Creating and styling text, Creating lists, Creating and styling tables, Spell-checking webpages, Finding and replacing text. Working with images Web image basics, Previewing completed files, Inserting an image, Controlling image positions with CSS classes, Working with the Insert panel, Using the Insert menu, Inserting non-web file types, Working with Photoshop Smart Objects, Copying and pasting images from Photoshop, Inserting images by drag and drop, Optimizing images with the Property inspector. Working with navigation Hyperlinks, previewing the completed file, creating internal and external hyperlinks, setting up email links, Creating image-based links, Targeting page elements, Locking an element on the screen, Styling a navigation menu, Checking your page, Adding destination links. Adding interactivity Dreamweaver behaviours, Previewing the completed file, Working with Dreamweaver behaviours, Working with jQuery Accordion widgets, Inserting a jQuery Accordion widget, Styling a jQuery Accordion. Publishing to the web Defining a remote site, Cloaking folders and files, Wrapping things up, Putting your site online, Synchronizing local and remote sites. Working with code Creating HTML code, multicursor support, commenting your code, Working with CSS preprocessors, Selecting code, Collapsing code, Expanding code, Accessing Split code view, Previewing assets in Code View.
Complete JavaScript training course description A hands on course covering JavaScript programming. Core JavaScript is covered first, including the basics, arrays, functions, classes, modules and Regular expressions. Client side JavaScript is then covered including JavaScript in browsers, Scripting CSS, the jQuery library and HTML APIs. What will you learn Read JavaScript. Write JavaScript. Debug JavaScript. Complete JavaScript training course details Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn JavaScript. Prerequisites: None. Duration 3 days Complete JavaScript training course contents CORE JAVASCRIPT Lexical structure: Character set, comments, literals, identifiers, and reserved words, optional semicolons.. Types, values and variables: Numbers, text, boolean values, null and undefines, the global object, wrapper objects, immutable primitive values and mutable object references, type conversions, variable declaration, variable scope. Expressions and operators: Primary expressions, object and array initializers, function definition expressions, property access expressions, invocation expressions, object creation expressions, operator overview, arithmetic expressions, relational expressions, logical expressions, assignment expressions, evaluation expressions, miscellaneous operators. Statements: Expression statements, compound and empty statements, declaration statements, conditionals, loops, jumps, miscellaneous statements, summary of JavaScript statements. Objects: Creating objects, querying and setting properties, deleting properties, testing properties, enumerating properties, property getters and setters, property attributes, object attributes, serializing objects, object methods. Arrays: Creating arrays, reading and writing array elements, sparse arrays, array length, adding and deleting array elements, iterating arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, array methods, FCMAScript 5 array methods, array type, array-like objects, strings as arrays. Functions: Defining functions, invoking functions, function arguments and parameters, functions as values, functions as namespaces, closures, function properties, methods and constructor, functional programming. Classes and modules: Classes and prototypes, classes and constructors, Java-style classes in JavaScript, augmenting classes, classes and types, object oriented techniques in JavaScript, subclasses, classes in ECMAScript 5, modules. Pattern matching and regular expressions: Defining regular expressions, string methods for pattern matching, the RegExp object. JavaScript subsets and extensions: JavaScript subsets, constants and scoped variables, destructuring assignment, iteration, shorthand functions, multiple catch clauses, E4X: ECMAScript for XML. Server-side JavaScript: Scripting Java with Rhino, asynchronous I/O with node. CLIENT SIDE JAVASCRIPT JavaScript in web browsers: Client side JavaScript, embedding JavaScript in HTML, execution of JavaScript programs, compatibility and interoperability, accessibility, security, client side frameworks. The Window object: Timers, browser location and navigation, browsing history, browser screen information, dialog boxes, error handling, document elements as window properties, multiple windows and frames. Scripting Documents: Overview of the DOM, selecting document elements, document structure and traversal, attributes, element content, creating, inserting and deleting nodes. Example: generating a table of contents, document and element geometry and scrolling, HTML forms, other document features. Scripting CSS: Overview of CSS, important CSS properties, scripting inline styles, querying computed styles, scripting CSS classes, scripting stylesheets. Handling events: Types of events, registering event handlers, event handler invocation, document load events, mouse events, mousewheel events, drag and drop events, text events, keyboard events. Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. HTMLS APIs: Geolocation, history management, cross-origin messaging, web workers, type arrays and ArrayBuffers, blobs, the filesystem API, client side databases, web sockets.
MPLS training course description A hands-on introduction to MPLS covering the basics of what MPLS is and how to configure it, through to more advanced concepts such as MPLS VPNs and traffic engineering with MPLS. What will you learn Describe MPLS Explain how MPLS works Describe the interaction between OSPF/IS-IS/BGP and MPLS Describe MPLS traffic engineering MPLS training course details Who will benefit: Anyone working with MPLS. Prerequisites: IP Routing BGP Duration 3 days MPLS training course contents What is MPLS? What does MPLS stand for? What is MPLS? Core MPLS, MPLS and the 7 layer model, MPLS is a protocol, MPLS is a standard, MPLS runs on routers, MPLS history, Why MPLS? For service providers, For enterprises. MPLS Architecture Label Switch Routers, two types of LSR, PE and P router roles, FEC, swapping labels, MPLS packet format, Loops, TTL control. Hands on: Building the base network. Enabling MPLS. Simple testing and troubleshooting of MPLS. Label distribution Label review, label switch path, label distribution methods, piggybacking, Label distribution Protocols, LDP, LDP operation, LDP packets, discovery messages, session messages, advertisement messages, notification message, Label Information Base, routing tables, the LFIB, MPLS forwarding, penultimate hop popping, handling labels, LSP control modes, when to distribute labels, how long to keep labels, aggregation, label merging. Hands on: LDP traffic analysis. MPLS TE and QoS What is MPLS TE? Why TE? TE versus shorted path, how MPLS TE works, CR-LDP, OSPF-TE, IS-IS-TE, TE with BGP, RSVP-TE, MPLS Fast reroute, MPLS QoS. Hands on: Enabling MPLS-TE. BFD BFD, hello the BFD protocol. MPLS VPN What is a VPN? MPLS VPN types, MPLS VPN comparison, MPLS L3 VPN, VRFs, MBGP, MPLS VPN architecture, VRF RD, VRF RT, the label stack, L2 VPNs, VPWS, AToM, VPLS. Hands on: MPLS L3 VPN setup, troubleshooting.
Definitive VPNs training course description A hands on course covering VPNs from the basics of benefits and Internet vs. Intranet VPNs through to detailed analysis of the technologies involved in VPNs. All the major VPN protocols are covered including PPPoE, L2TP, SSL, IPsec and dynamic VPNs. MPLS L3 VPNs are also covered. What will you learn Describe what a VPN is and explain the difference between different VPN types. Recognise the design and implementation issues involved in implementing a VPN. Explain how the various technologies involved in a VPN work. Describe and implement: L2TP, IPsec, SSL, MPLS L3 VPNs. Evaluate VPN technologies. Definitive VPNs training course details Who will benefit: Network personnel. Prerequisites: IP Security foundation for engineers. Duration 3 days Definitive VPNs training course contents VPN overview What is a VPN? What is an IP VPN? VPNs vs. Private Data Networks, Internet VPNs, Intranet VPNs, Remote access VPNs, Site to site VPNs, VPN benefits and disadvantages. VPN Tunnelling VPN components, VPN tunnels, tunnel sources, tunnel end points, hardware based VPNs, Firewall based VPNs, software based VPNs, tunnelling topologies, tunnelling protocols, which tunnelling protocol should you use? requirements of tunnels. VPN security components Critical VPN security requirements, Encryption and authentication, Diffie Hellman, DES, 3DES, RSA, PKI, Ca server types, pre shared keys versus certificates, Enrolling with a CA, RADIUS in VPNs. PPP Encapsulation, operation, authentication. Hands on Setting up PPPoE and analysing PPP packets. PPTP Overview, Components, How it works, control and data connections, GRE. Hands on Building a PPTP VPN. L2TP Overview, components, how it works, security, packet authentication, L2TP/IPSec, L2TP/PPP, Layer 2 versus layer 3 tunnelling. Hands on Implementing a L2TP tunnel. IPSec AH, HMAC, ESP, transport and tunnel modes, Security Association, use of encryption and authentication algorithms, manual vs automated key exchange, NAT and other issues. Hands on Implementing an IPSec VPN. Intranet VPNs Headers, architecture, label switching, LDP, MPLS VPNs. VPN products and services PE and CPE, management, various VPN products. VPN issues and architectures VPN architectures: terminate VPN before/on/ after/in parallel with firewall, resilience issues, VRRP, performance issues, QoS and VPNs. documentation.
SMTP training course description A hands on course focusing on the workings of email systems and the standard protocols that they use. The course is not specific to any particular implementation, but some vendor specifics are noted. Linux and Microsoft machines are used in hands on sessions to reinforce the theory of major sessions. The course concentrates on troubleshooting and interworking using network sniffing and protocol inspection rather than "which buttons to push". What will you learn Describe and explain SMTP MIME POP3 IMAP PGP, GPG, S/MIME SPF, DKIM, DMARC Configure mail routing Secure email systems SMTP training course details Who will benefit: Technical staff responsible for email systems. Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. Duration 3 days SMTP training course contents SMTP architecture What is SMTP, email before SMTP, SMTP history, the different protocols, clients, servers. Email composition, transmission, delivering emails, storing and reading emails. MUAs, MTAs, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, DNS, webmail. Hands on Setting up MTAs and MUAs and sending a simple email using telnet. The SMTP protocol SMTP protocol stack, SMTP headers, HELO, SMTP mail, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, DATA, SMTPUTF8, 8BITMIME, TURN, EHLO, ETRN, 3 digit replies. Hands on Analysing SMTP packets on a network. DNS and SMTP SMTP forwarding, SMTP relays, interoperation, how SMTP uses DNS, MX records. Hands on Setting up mail relays. SMTP headers IMF data, From, to, cc, bcc, sender and recipient headers, message Ids, received trails, in-reply-to, received-SPF, mail list headers. Hands on Using clients to analyse details from mail headers, including true originators and path of emails. MIME Email attachments, MIME versions, content type headers, encoding, base 64, binary data, multi part headers, troubleshooting attachments. Hands on Analysing MIME headers and attachments. POP3 What is POP3, where to use POP3, authorisation, transactions, POP3 commands: USER, PASS, STAT, LIST, RETR, DELE. Hands on Setting up a POP3 server, analysing POP3 packets on a network. IMAP and IMAPS What is IMAP, where to use IMAP, authorisation, mailbox structure, IMAP commands: LOGIN, AUTHENTICATE, LIST, CREATE, Examine (message flags), SELECT, STORE. Hands on Setting up an IMAP server and analysing IMAP packets on a network. Interoperation Mail gateways, addressing, Exchange, sendmail. Email security Basics, Transport level: STARTTLS. Content: PGP/GPG, mail signing and encryption, S/MIME, digital certificates, secure email submission. Hands on Setting up and using a PGP key, configure MTAs to use TLS. Email authentication and spam prevention Mail relays, grey listing, block list & RBL, DNSBL (Real-time Black hole List), White list, SPF, Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM), Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP), Abuse Report Format (ARF), Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC). Hands on Relay spamming and the blocking spamming.
About this Training Course In today's business environment, there has never been more of a need to make Asset Management and Maintenance more cost effective and efficient. By utilising the Reliability Centred Maintenance process (RCM), you can increase safety performance, reduce maintenance costs, improve the effectiveness of your operations, boost machine uptime, and gain a greater understanding of the level of risk your organisation manages. RCM is just one component of an overall integrated Asset Management Process. All participants will complete detailed pre-course questionnaires before this 3 full-day course, enabling the trainer to tailor course content in order to meet specific delegate needs. Participant objectives are re-visited before, during and after the course, allowing the trainer to focus on outcomes and address any participant concerns and specific issues during the program. Training Objectives At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Develop skills to carry out successful RCMs and introduce the RCM process into their own and their company's daily activities. Be aware of our changing business environment and the need to apply RCM to drive continuous improvement, in safety, cost reduction, and minimise their environmental footprint Understand the impact of human reliability and the various methods used to improve this important area Understand the basics of Change Management and the methods used to securely anchor this process and make it routine Develop an appreciation for a holistic 'Asset Management' program, and know where the RCM process fits in, and the benefits it will deliver Target Audience Reliability Centred Maintenance is primarily a team activity and benefits from a cross functional team participation. This course is aimed at managers, engineers, technicians and operators at all levels who are responsible for the operation and maintenance of plant equipment and who will benefit from the elimination of bad actors (recurring equipment failure) and continuous improvement in the areas of safety, environmental impact, reliability and integrity. Trainer Your expert course leader has enjoyed a 37-year career with Shell International in a variety of leadership roles predominantly in Turnaround, Maintenance and Engineering Management before he left in late 2017 to pursue his interest in Turnaround and Maintenance Management consultancy. He has undertaken several Asset Management and Engineering positions within Shell Australia including the implementation and establishment of formal Reliability Studies including FMEA, RCA, RCM, Maintenance Planning and Turnaround Management programs at Geelong Refinery. Additionally, he was appointed Shell's Regional Turnaround Advisor within Australia and South East Asia supporting Shell Operating Companies throughout several Australasian and European sites. In more recent times, he had been engaged to implement and establish a formal Turnaround Management program within Brunei Shell Petroleum as well as becoming the appointed Regional Turnaround Management Subject Matter Expert (SME), TA Network and Governance & Assurance lead for Shell within the Shell Australasian, Russian Federation and Indian Sub-Continent OpCo community. His career repertoire includes hands-on practitioner, supervisory, reliability, contracts and management roles and he holds several maintenance and engineering tertiary qualifications including an Associate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. He has presented at several Maintenance, Reliability, Asset Management & Turnaround forums and conferences. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations
Data Ethics for Business Professionals is designed for individuals who are seeking to demonstrate an understanding of the ethical uses of data in business settings.