Zenjangle doodling is easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun and it allows you the freedom to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns that are a combination of dots, lines, and simple curves.
Learn to make your own bright and happy plant hangers in this beginner macrame class! No prior experience is needed. In this workshop, instructor Rahamatullah will lead as you learn: • How to begin a macrame piece, including an overview of necessary materials. • How to work several different macrame knots. • How to incorporate a wooden ring and wooden beads. • Leave with a finished plant hanger, and the know-how to design and create more pieces on your own. More benefits: no mistakes possible (you can always start over during the process), and great for reflexes and memory!
Learn to make your own bright and happy plant hangers in this beginner macrame class! No prior experience is needed. In this workshop, instructor Rahamatullah will lead as you learn: • How to begin a macrame piece, including an overview of necessary materials. • How to work several different macrame knots. • How to incorporate a wooden ring and wooden beads. • Leave with a finished plant hanger, and the know-how to design and create more pieces on your own. More benefits: no mistakes possible (you can always start over during the process), and great for reflexes and memory!
Learn to make your own bright and happy plant hangers in this beginner macrame class! No prior experience is needed. In this workshop, instructor Rahamatullah will lead as you learn: • How to begin a macrame piece, including an overview of necessary materials. • How to work several different macrame knots. • How to incorporate a wooden ring and wooden beads. • Leave with a finished plant hanger, and the know-how to design and create more pieces on your own. More benefits: no mistakes possible (you can always start over during the process), and great for reflexes and memory!
In deze webinar gaan we in op het gebruik van Mailchimp als platform om e-mails vorm te geven en e-adressen van je contacten mee te verzamelen en te beheren. Bovendien zorgt het systeem ook dat je voldoet aan de eisen van de GDPR en privacywetgeving In deze webinar gaan we in op Mailchimp, niet alleen omdat we hier als school zelf mee werken, maar ook omdat het platform gratis is zolang je minder dan 2000 adressen in het systeem zitten hebt. Voor beginnende kunstenaars en ontwerpers is dat dus een betaalbaar systeem. In deze workshop belichten we verschillende aspecten van een mailing, adresformulieren en sjablonen. We zoomen ook in op de account van LUCA en wat dit betekent voor studenten en docenten van LUCA. De webinar staat open voor studenten, alumni en docenten van LUCA School of Arts.
Are you interested in learning how to make polymer clay jewellery? Join us for a fun and informative workshop that will teach you everything you need to know about conditioning the clay, texturing, cutting, shaping the clay, forming and moulding. You'll create a range of finished jewellery pieces that you can take home with you afterwards. This is a great way to learn some new skills and explore a wide variety of style and techniques that are easy enough for beginners but also have room for more advanced learners!
During this 12 week course you will have the opportunity to work on your own project ideas to explore your different media choices.
During this 12 week course you will have the opportunity to work on your own project ideas to explore your different media choices.