Maximize the value of data assets in the oil and gas sector with EnergyEdge's assessment-based training course on Python programming and analytics.
The two-day Adult MHFAider® courses are tailored around supporting adults, and can be attended by anyone from age 16 upwards. A lot of the education settings we work with have now trained a number of Adult MHFAider®’s to support their colleagues as part of their whole-school/college approach to mental health and wellbeing.
The goal of this course is to use Python machine learning to create algorithms that you can use in the real world. You'll start with the basics of machine learning. You'll learn how to create, train, and optimize models and use these models in real-world applications.
This course covers import documentation and procedures, commercial considerations, the importance of your purchase order, calculating VAT and duty, and how to reduce import customs clearance delays.
This course focuses on understanding all the basic theory and programming skills required as a data scientist, featuring 35+ practical case studies covering common business problems faced by them. This course seeks to fill all those gaps in knowledge that scare off beginners and simultaneously apply your knowledge of data science and deep learning to real-world business problems.
This course begins with establishing the motivation for reinforcement learning and then progresses on to equipping you with all the necessary theory. Each section of the course helps you not only understand the fundamentals of RL but also gain necessary coding skills by taking you through exercises. By the end of the course, you will be able to complete a project using the OpenAI Gym toolkit.
The course is crafted to reflect the most in-demand workplace skills. It will help you understand all the essential concepts and methodologies with regards to PySpark. This course provides a detailed compilation of all the basics, which will motivate you to make quick progress and experience much more than what you have learned.
In this course you will learn how to use the power of Python to train your machine such that your machine starts learning just like human and based on that learning, your machine starts making predictions as well!