Handset and/or Voicemail Training 1600’s, 1400, 96/95 series handsets, J Series and Voicemail Workplace Attendant Console and One-X Attendant Console One-X Portal and Video Soft phone / One X Communicator One-X Mobile/ Preferred Mobile IX Workplaces and Mobile App Agent and CMS Supervisor ASA – Avaya Site Administrator Tool AACC Administrator, Supervisor and Agent
Cyber Security Overview 1 Day Training in Heathrow
Cyber Security Overview 1 Day Training in Windsor Town
Cyber Security Overview 1 Day Training in Guildford
Cyber Security Overview 1 Day Training in Slough
Cyber Security Overview 1 Day Training in Bracknell
Students will learn and develop skills needed for a range of financial processes, including maintaining cost accounting records, advanced bookkeeping and the preparation of financial reports and returns. Course Overview This qualification covers a range of essential and higher-level accounting techniques and disciplines. Students will learn and develop skills needed for a range of financial processes, including maintaining cost accounting records, advanced bookkeeping and the preparation of financial reports and returns. Study the Level 3 Diploma to learn higher accounting techniques and disciplines and qualify for AAT bookkeeping membership (AATQB). The jobs it can lead to: • Accounts assistant • Accounts payable clerk • Audit trainee • Credit controller • Payroll administrator/supervisor • Practice bookkeeper • Finance assistant • Tax assistant • Accounts payable and expenses supervisor Entry requirements: Students can start with any qualification depending on existing skills and experience. For the best chance of success we recommend that students begin their studies with a good standard of English and maths. Course Content: Business Awareness: This unit provides students with an understanding of the business, its environment and the influences that this has on an organisation’s structure, the role of its accounting function and its performance. Students will examine the purpose and types for businesses that exist and the rights and responsibilities of the key stakeholders, as well as gain an understanding of the importance of professional ethics and ethical management within the finance function. Learning outcomes: • Understand business types, structure and governance and the legal framework in which they operate. • Understand the impact of the external and internal environments on business, their performance and decisions. • Understand how businesses and accounts comply with principles of professional ethics. • Understand the impact of new technologies in accounting and the risks associated with data security. • Communicate information to stakeholders. Financial Accounting: Preparing Financial Statements: This unit provides students with the skills required to produce statements of profit or loss and statements for financial position for sole traders and partnerships, using a trial balance. Students will gain the double-entry bookkeeping skills needed to record financial transactions into an organisation’s accounts using a manual bookkeeping system. Learning outcomes: • Understand the accounting principles underlaying final accounts preparation. • Understand the principles of advanced double-entry bookkeeping. • Implement procedures for the acquisition and disposal of non-current assets. • Prepare and record depreciation calculations. • Record period end adjustments. • Produce and extend the trial balance. • Produce financial statements for sole traders and partnerships. • Interpret financial statements using profitability ratios. • Prepare accounting records from incomplete information. Management Accounting Techniques: This unit provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to understand the role of management accounting in an organisation, and how organisations use such information to aid decision making. Students will learn the principles that underpin management accounting methodology and techniques, how costs are handled in organisations and why organisations treat costs in different ways. Learning outcomes: • Understand the purpose and use of management accounting within organisations. • Use techniques required for dealing with costs. • Attribute costs according to organisational requirements. • Investigate deviations from budgets. • Use spreadsheet techniques to provide management accounting information. • Use management accounting techniques to support short-term decision making. • Understand principles of cash management. Tax Processes for Businesses: This unit explores tax processes that influence the daily operations of businesses and is designed to develop students’ skills in understanding, preparing and submitting Value Added Tax (VAT) returns to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). The unit provides students with the knowledge and skills that are needed to keep businesses, employers and clients compliant with laws and practices that apply to VAT and payroll. Learning outcomes: • Understand legislation requirements relating to VAT. • Calculate VAT. • Review and verify VAT returns. • Understand principles of payroll. • Report information within the organisation. DURATION 250-300 Hours WHATS INCLUDED Course Material Case Study Experienced Lecturer Refreshments Certificate
This qualification delivers a solid foundation in finance administration and core accounting skills, including double-entry bookkeeping, basic costing and an understanding of purchase, sales and general ledgers. Course Overview This qualification delivers a solid foundation in finance administration and core accounting skills, including double-entry bookkeeping, basic costing and an understanding of purchase, sales and general ledgers. Students will also learn about accountancy related business and personal skills and be introduced to the four key themes embedded in the qualification: ethics, technology, communications and sustainability. The jobs it can lead to: • Account administrator • Accounts assistant • Accounts payable clerk • Purchase/sales ledger clerk • Trainee accounting technician • Trainee finance assistant Entry requirements: Students can start with any qualification depending on existing skills and experience. For the best chance of success, we recommend that students begin their studies with a good standard of English and maths. Course Content: Introduction to Bookkeeping: This unit provides students with an understanding of manual and digital bookkeeping systems, including the associated documents and processes. Students will learn the basic principles that underpin double-entry bookkeeping systems. Learning outcomes: • Understand how to set up bookkeeping systems. • Process customer transactions. • Process supplier transactions. • Process receipts and payments. • Process transactions into the ledger accounts. Principles of Bookkeeping Controls: This unit builds on the knowledge and skills acquired from studying Introduction to Bookkeeping and explores control accounts, journals and reconciliations. Students will develop the ability to prepare the value added tax (VAT) control accounts as well as the receivables and payables ledger accounts. They’ll use the journal to record a variety of transactions, including the correction errors. Students will be able to redraft the initial trial balance, following adjustments. Learning outcomes: • Use control accounts. • Reconcile a bank statement with the cash book. • Use the journal. • Produce trial balances. Principles of Costing: This unit gives students an introduction to the principles of basic costing and builds a solid foundation in the knowledge and skills required for more complex costing and management accounting tasks. Students will learn the importance of the costing system as a source of information that allows management to plan, make decisions and control costs. Learning outcomes: • Understand the cost recording system within an organisation. • Use cost recording techniques. • Provide information on actual and budgeted cost and income. • Use tools and techniques to support cost calculations. The Business Environment: This unit provides knowledge and understanding of key business concepts and their practical application in the external and internal environment in which students will work. Students will gain an understanding of the legal system and principles of contract law and an appreciation of the legal implications of setting up a business and the consequences this may have. This unit will also give an understanding of how organisations are structured and where the finance function fits. Learning outcomes: • Understand the principles of contract law. • Understand the external business environment. • Understand the key principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR), ethics and sustainability. • Understand the impact of setting up different types of business entity. • Understand the finance function within an organisation. • Produce work in appropriate formats and communicate effectively. • Understand the importance of information to business operations. DURATION 170-190 Hours WHATS INCLUDED Course Material Case Study Experienced Lecturer Refreshments Certificate
This qualification covers complex accounting and finance topics and tasks leading to students becoming confident with a wide range of financial management skills and applications. Course Overview This qualification covers complex accounting and finance topics and tasks leading to students becoming confident with a wide range of financial management skills and applications. Students will gain competencies in drafting financial statements for limited companies, recommending accounting systems strategies and constructing and presenting complex management accounting reports. Study the Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting to master complex accounting tasks and qualify for senior finance roles, as well as AAT full membership. The jobs it can lead to: • Accounts payable and expenses supervisor • Assistant financial accountant • Commercial analyst • Cost accountant • Fixed asset accountant • Indirect tax manager • Payroll manager • Payments and billing manager • Senior bookkeeper • Senior finance officer • Senior fund accountant • Senior insolvency administrator • Tax supervisor • VAT accountant Entry Requirements: Students can start with any qualification depending on existing skills and experience. For the best chance of success, we recommend that students begin their studies with a good standard of English and maths. Course Content: Applied Management Accounting (mandatory): This unit allows students to understand how the budgetary process is undertaken. Students will be able to construct budgets and then identify and report on both areas of success and on areas that should be of concern to key stakeholders. Students will also gain the skills required to critically evaluate organisational performance. Learning outcomes: • Understand and implement the organisational planning process. • Use internal processes to enhance operational control. • Use techniques to aid short-term and long-term decision making. • Analyse and report on business performance. Drafting and Interpreting Financial Statements (mandatory): This unit provides students with the skills and knowledge for drafting the financial statements of single limited companies and consolidated financial statements for groups of companies. It ensures that students will have a proficient level of knowledge and understanding of international accounting standards, which will then be applied when drafting the financial statements. Students will also have a sound appreciation of the regulatory and conceptual frameworks that underpin the preparation of limited company financial statements. Learning outcomes: • Understand the reporting frameworks that underpin financial reporting. • Draft statutory financial statements for limited companies. • Draft consolidated financial statements. • Interpret financial statements using ratio analysis. Internal Accounting Systems and Controls (mandatory): This unit teaches students to consider the role and responsibilities of the accounting function, including the needs of key stakeholders who use financial reports to make decisions. Students will review accounting systems to identify weaknesses and will make recommendations to mitigate identified weaknesses in future operations. Students will apply several analytical methods to evaluate the implications of any changes to operating procedures. Learning outcomes: • Understand the role and responsibilities of the accounting function within an organisation. • Evaluate internal control systems. • Evaluate an organisation’s accounting system and underpinning procedures. • Understand the impact of technology on accounting systems. • Recommend improvements to an organisation’s accounting systems. Business Tax (optional): This unit introduces students to UK taxation relevant to businesses. Students will understand how to compute business taxes for sole traders, partnerships and limited companies. They will also be able to identify tax planning opportunities while understanding the importance of maintaining ethical standards. Learning outcomes: • Prepare tax computations for sole traders and partnerships. • Prepare tax computations for limited companies. • Prepare tax computations for the sale of capital assets by limited companies. • Understand administrative requirements of the UK’s tax regime. • Understand the tax implications of business disposals. • Understand tax relief, tax planning opportunities and agent’s responsibilities in reporting taxation to HM Revenue & Customs. Personal Tax (optional): This unit provides students with the fundamental knowledge of the three most common taxes that affect taxpayers in the UK: Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax. With this knowledge students will be equipped to not only prepare the computational aspects of taxes, where appropriate, but also appreciate how taxpayers can legally minimise their overall taxation liability. Learning outcomes: • Understand principles and rules that underpin taxation systems. • Calculate UK taxpayers’ total income. • Calculate Income Tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) payable by UK taxpayers. • Calculate Capital Gains Tax payable by UK taxpayers. • Understand the principles of Inheritance Tax. Audit and Assurance (optional): This unit aims to give a wider understanding of the principles and concepts, including legal and professional rules of audit and assurance services. The unit will provide students with an awareness of the audit process from planning and risk assessment to the final completion and production of the audit report. Students will also get a practical perspective on audit and assurance, with an emphasis on the application of audit and assurance techniques to current systems. Learning outcomes: • Demonstrate an understanding of the audit and assurance framework. • Demonstrate the importance of professional ethics. • Evaluate the planning process for audit and assurance. • Review and report findings. Cash and Financial Management (optional): This unit focuses on the important of managing cash within organisations and covers the knowledge and skills to make informed decision on financing and investment in accordance with organisational policies and external regulations. Students will identify current and future cash transactions from a range of sources, learn how to eliminate non-cash items and use various techniques to prepare cash budgets. Learning outcomes: • Prepare forecasts for cash receipts and payments. • Prepare cash budgets and monitor cash flows. • Understand the importance of managing finance and liquidity. • Understand the way of raising finance and investing funds. • Understand regulations and organisational policies that influence decisions in managing cash and finance. Credit and Debt Management (optional): This unit provides an understanding and application of the principles of effective credit control systems, including appropriate debt management systems. Students will be introduced to techniques that can be used to assess credit risks in line with policies, relevant legislation and ethical principles. Learning outcomes: • Understand relevant legislation and contract law that impacts the credit control environment. • Understand how information is used to assess credit risk and grant credit in compliance with organisational policies and procedures. • Understand the organisation’s credit control processes for managing and collecting debts. • Understand different techniques available to collect debts. DURATION 420-440 Hours WHATS INCLUDED Course Material Case Study Experienced Lecturer Refreshments Certificate
This course is designed for students who already have foundational knowledge and skills in Excel and who wish to perform robust and advanced data and statistical analysis with Microsoft Excel using PivotTables, use tools such as Power Pivot and the Data Analysis ToolPak to analyze data and visualize data and insights using advanced visualizations in charts and dashboards in Excel.