aston manor academy
Our school caters for children of all abilities in a well-disciplined
environment and through a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Our staff
are highly qualified, experienced and committed to ensuring that every pupil
reaches his or her potential. We currently have over 900 pupils on roll and
pride ourselves on being a close-knit community, in which everyone feels valued
and involved. This enables children transferring from primary schools to settle
in very quickly. We are proud of the way in which our pupils conduct themselves
both in school and outside. Visitors frequently compliment them on their
‘confident and courteous behaviour’. During every lesson, pupils’ efforts and
conduct are monitored by staff. Commendation stamps are recorded in their
planners at the end of a lesson. These are monitored by form tutors in afternoon
registration. This programme ensures that pupils who are working well are
rewarded; it also indicates those pupils who could try harder. This reward
system keeps parents informed, lesson by lesson, about how their child is
progressing. It draws on a support network which involves form tutors, heads of
department, heads of year, assistant head teachers, parents and ultimately, the
head teacher and school governors. You are more than welcome to come and visit
us at any time, arrangements can be made by contacting the school on 0121 359