Overview 2 day applied course in modelling Basel IRB parameters and generating IRB Pillar 1 credit risk capital requirement for a mixed retail and corporate loan book Who the course is for Credit risk management, model validators and quants Loan officers / loan portfolio management ALM staff Bank investors – equity and credit investors Course Content To learn more about the day by day course content please request a brochure To learn more about schedule, pricing & delivery options, book a meeting with a course specialist now
Our Economic and Financial Modelling courses are suitable for economists, researchers and regulators in policy making institutions such as central banks, ministries of finance, trade and investment, economic planning authorities, regional/international policy institutions, think tanks, petroleum industry and other business/economic sectors that make use of statistical and econometric modelling techniques.
Overview A 1-day course on inflation-linked bonds and derivatives, focusing on the UK market in particular. We examine how inflation is defined and quantified, the choice of index (RPI vs. CPI), and the most common cash flow structures for index-linked securities. We look in detail at Index-linked Gilts, distinguishing between the old-style and new-style quotation conventions, and how to calculate the implied breakeven rate. Corporate bond market in the UK, and in particular the role of LPI in driving pension fund activity. Inflation swaps and other derivatives, looking at the mechanics, applications and pricing of inflation swaps and caps/floors. The convexity adjustment for Y-o-Y swaps is derived intuitively. Who the course is for Front-office sales product control research Traders Risk managers Fund managers Project finance and structured finance practitioners Accountants, auditors, consultants Course Content To learn more about the day by day course content please request a brochure To learn more about schedule, pricing & delivery options, book a meeting with a course specialist now
Overview 2 day course on single name CDS, index CDS and index CDS options and how to use them to express views and hedge risks in credit markets Who the course is for Consultants Analysts Managers C-Level executives People in need of knowledge to develop a blockchain strategy People working with blockchain projects Regulators Course Content To learn more about the day by day course content please request a brochure To learn more about schedule, pricing & delivery options, book a meeting with a course specialist now
Overview 1 day course covering mechanics, pricing and applications of cross currency swaps (CCS) and cross currency basis swaps (CCBS) Who the course is for Corporate treasurers and financial institution asset-liability management staff Interest rate and FX derivative traders, salespeople and quants Multi-lateral development banks Fixed income asset managers Risk management Course Content To learn more about the day by day course content please request a brochure To learn more about schedule, pricing & delivery options, book a meeting with a course specialist now
Overview The first half of the course will cover all the essential tools of the currency markets – spot FX, forwards, FX swaps and NDFs. We look both at the pricing of these products and also how customers use them. The afternoon session will cover a range of important topics beyond the scope of an elementary course on currency options. We start with a quick review of the key concepts and terminology, and then we look at the key exotics (barriers and digitals) and how they are used to create the most popular customer combinations. We move on to look at the currently most-popular 2nd generation exotics, such as Accumulators, Faders and Target Redemption structures. Who the course is for FX Sales, traders, structurers, quants Financial engineers Risk Managers IT Bank Treasury ALM Central Bank and Government Treasury Funding managers Insurance Investment managers Fixed Income portfolio managers Regulators Course Content To learn more about the day by day course content please request a brochure To learn more about schedule, pricing & delivery options, book a meeting with a course specialist now
No-one in business will succeed if they are not financially literate - and no business will succeed without financially-literate people. This is the ideal programme for managers and others who don't have a financial qualification or background but who nonetheless need a greater understanding of the financial management disciplines essential to your organisation. This course will give the participants a sound understanding of financial reports, measures and techniques to make them even more effective in their roles. It will enable participants to: Overcome the barrier of the accountants' strange language Deal confidently with financial colleagues Improve their understanding of your organisation's finance function Radically improve their planning and budgeting skills Be much more aware of the impact of their decisions on the profitability of your organisation Enhance their role in the organisation Boost their confidence and career development 1 Review of the principal financial statements What each statement containsOutlineDetail Not just what the statements contain but what they mean Balance sheets and P&L accounts (income statements) Cash flow statements Detailed terminology and interpretation Types of fixed asset - tangible, etc. Working capital, equity, gearing 2 The 'rules' - Accounting Standards, concepts and conventions Fundamental or 'bedrock' accounting concepts Detailed accounting concepts and conventions What depreciation means The importance of stock, inventory and work in progress values Accounting policies that most affect reporting and results The importance of accounting standards and IFRS 3 Where the figures come from Accounting records Assets / liabilities, Income / expenditure General / nominal ledgers Need for internal controls 'Sarbox' and related issues 4 Managing the budget process Have clear objectives, remit, responsibilities and time schedule The business plan Links with corporate strategy The budget cycle Links with company culture Budgeting methods'New' budgetingZero-based budgets Reviewing budgets Responding to the figures The need for appropriate accounting and reporting systems 5 What are costs? How to account for them Cost definitions Full / absorption costing Overheads - overhead allocation or absorption Activity based costing Marginal costing / break-even - use in planning 6 Who does what? A review of what different types of accountant do Financial accounting Management accounting Treasury function Activities and terms 7 How the statements can be interpreted What published accounts contain Analytical review (ratio analysis) Return on capital employed, margins and profitability Making assets work - asset turnover Fixed assets, debtor, stock turnover Responding to figures EBIT, EBITEDIA, eps and other analysts' measure 8 Other key issues Creative accounting Accounting for groups Intangible assets - brand names Company valuations Fixed assets / leased assets / off-balance sheet finance
Overview This two-day intensive course is ideal for finance professionals seeking to deepen their expertise in options trading and volatility management. The course will cover option pricing and risk management techniques. Exploring differences between physical and cash-settled options European versus American/Bermudan options, and the implications of deferred premiums. Examining the role of volatility in option pricing & Managing First-Generation Exotics. Who the course is for Derivative traders Quants and research analysts Fund managers, fund of funds Structured product teams Financial and valuation controllers Risk managers and regulators Bank and corporate treasury managers IT Course Content To learn more about the day by day course content please request a brochure To learn more about schedule, pricing & delivery options, book a meeting with a course specialist now
Overview Learn in detail about Exotic Options – Taxonomy, Barriers, and Baskets Who the course is for Fixed Income sales, traders, portfolio managers Bank Treasury Insurance Pension Fund ALM employees Central Bank and Government Funding managers Risk managers Auditors Accountants Course Content To learn more about the day by day course content please request a brochure To learn more about schedule, pricing & delivery options, book a meeting with a course specialist now
Overview This is a 2 day course on understanding credit markets converting credit derivatives, from plain vanilla credit default swaps through to structured credit derivatives involving correlation products such as nth to default baskets, index tranches, synthetic collateralized debt obligations and more. Gain insights into the corporate credit market dynamics, including the role of ratings agencies and the ratings process. Delve into the credit triangle, relating credit spreads to default probability (PD), exposure (EAD), and expected recovery (LGD). Learn about CDS indices (iTRAXX and CDX), their mechanics, sub-indices, tranching, correlation, and the motivation for tranched products. The course also includes counterparty risk in derivatives market where you learn how to managed and price Counterparty Credit Risk using real-world, practical examples Understand key definitions of exposure, including Mark-to-Market (MTM), Expected Exposure (EE), Expected Positive Exposure (EPE), Potential Future Exposure (PFE), Exposure at Default (EAD), and Expected Loss (EL) Explore the role of collateral and netting in managing counterparty risk, including the key features and mechanics of the Credit Support Annex (CSA) Briefly touch upon other XVA adjustments, including Margin Valuation Adjustment (MVA), Capital Valuation Adjustment (KVA), and Collateral Valuation Adjustment (CollVA). Who the course is for Credit traders and salespeople Structurers Asset managers ALM and treasury (Banks and Insurance Companies) Loan portfolio managers Product control, finance and internal audit Risk managers Risk controllers xVA desk IT Regulatory capital and reporting Course Content To learn more about the day by day course content please request a brochure To learn more about schedule, pricing & delivery options, book a meeting with a course specialist now