This qualification provides a comprehensive overview of risk and risk management. It is a great way for health and safety professionals to expand their knowledge of risk beyond health and safety.
SARs Investigations: Practice like a Professional Designed to either complement Managing SARS Investigations Best Practice Guide or as standalone learning, this unique course will put you in the centre of an investigative scenario, providing you with direct practical experience. You will have the opportunity to explore the key elements of investigating an internal report or alert and to use the skills and techniques required including analysis, decision making and articulating suspicions. Fundamentals- demonstrate a solid understanding of SARs and be able to describe the internal investigations that can lead to the filing of a report. Identify- the circumstances that led to the filing of an internal SAR in the scenario. Confidence- conduct an effective and robust investigation into reported suspicious activity, applying judgement and critically assessing the information available in order to make the correct decisions. This course and its contents, are in no way intended to constitute legal advice in the writing or submission of Suspicious Activity Reports. What do our customers say? "Superb. Really enjoyed doing this short course. An immersive and thought-provoking experience that puts you totally into the Nominated Officer seat!" Kier Hayes VISA
Sanctions Awareness Designed for non-sanctions experts Sanctions compliance is a high-profile area of risk management and regulatory scrutiny. This online course is designed for non-specialists and is a great starting point for those looking to gain knowledge and demystify this complex area. Sanctions fundamentals- get to grips with sanctions and their significance in today's international environment Application and impact- understand how sanctions are applied, their impact and the different categories of sanctions Challenges- identify what are they and how to apply the learnings in your workplace Red flags- know what to look out for when dealing with customers and clients. What are sanctions and who imposes them? Types of sanctions Who, what and where in the world? Other stakeholders involved Sanctions hazard perception
ACCA AAA, 100% Pass Guarantee, Full Learning and Revision Components, Tests, Mock Exam, Tutor Support and ACCA Approved Materials Included, Exceptional Pass Rates