Overview This comprehensive course on Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer will deepen your understanding on this topic. After successful completion of this course you can acquire the required skills in this sector. This Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer comes with accredited certification from CPD, which will enhance your CV and make you worthy in the job market. So enrol in this course today to fast track your career ladder. How will I get my certificate? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. Who is This course for? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. Requirements Our Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible with tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. Career Path Learning this new skill will help you to advance in your career. It will diversify your job options and help you develop new techniques to keep up with the fast-changing world. This skillset will help you to- Open doors of opportunities Increase your adaptability Keep you relevant Boost confidence And much more! Course Curriculum 23 sections • 225 lectures • 16:47:00 total length •Course Introduction: 00:06:00 •The Application We're Going to Build: 00:09:00 •Section Introduction gg: 00:01:00 •Introduction to the Command Line Interface in Mac and Linux: 00:10:00 •Installing the X-Code Command Line Tools for Mac: 00:02:00 •Installing Git for Source Code Version Control: 00:03:00 •How to install Homebrew on a Mac: 00:04:00 •Installing GPG Security Systems on a Mac: 00:02:00 •Guide to RVM for Ruby Management: 00:09:00 •Configuring RubyGems and Installing Rails: 00:07:00 •Installing the Postgres Database on a Mac: 00:05:00 •Installing and Working with the Sublime Text Editor: 00:17:00 •Deep Dive into the Command Line - Part 1 of 2: 00:14:00 •Deep Dive into the Command Line - Part 2 of 2: 00:12:00 •PC Environment Setup: Installing Virtual Box: 00:03:00 •Guide to Installing Ubuntu Linux in VirtualBox: 00:10:00 •How to Reboot a Linux Virtual Machine from Terminal: 00:02:00 •Installing Desktop Applications and Ubuntu Navigation Tips and Tricks: 00:09:00 •How to Sign Up for a GitHub Account: 00:03:00 •How to install Git on Linux and Connect to GitHub via SSH: 00:20:00 •How to Securely Install Node and NPM on Linux via NVM: 00:09:00 •Installing the Heroku CLI and the Full Deployment Lifecycle: 00:14:00 •How to install and Work with Sublime Text in Linux: 00:08:00 •PC Setup: Guide for Ruby on Rails and Postgres on Linux - Part 1 of 2: 00:10:00 •PC Setup: Guide for Ruby on Rails and Postgres on Linux - Part 2 of 2: 00:15:00 •Fixing the Role Does Not Exist Error: 00:05:00 •Section Introduction ee: 00:01:00 •Signing Up for a Project Management Account: 00:03:00 •Managing the Project Management Dashboard: 00:08:00 •Importing Project Management Tasks into Pivotal Tracker: 00:01:00 •Creating a Rails Application: 00:11:00 •Generating a Blog for the Portfolio Application Using Rails Scaffolds: 00:11:00 •Analyzing the Rails Process: Index and Show Actions: 00:12:00 •Analyzing the Rails Process: New, Create, Update, Edit, and Destroy Actions: 00:14:00 •Analyzing the Rails Process: Routing with Resources: 00:07:00 •Rails File System Overview: 00:13:00 •Updating the Project Management Dashboard: 00:01:00 •Deep Dive: Analyzing the Application Generator - Part 1: 00:12:00 •Deep Dive: Analyzing the Application Generator - Part 2: 00:17:00 •Section Introduction bb: 00:02:00 •How to Sign Up for a Github Account: 00:03:00 •Generating SSH Keys to Securely Communicate with Github: 00:04:00 •Guide to GitHub: 00:12:00 •How to Update a .gitignore File to Securely Store Secret Credentials: 00:11:00 •Guide to the Markdown Syntax: 00:10:00 •Updating the Git Sprint in the Project Management Dashboard: 00:01:00 •Deep Dive: Analyzing Version Control and Git - Part 1: 00:18:00 •Deep Dive: Analyzing Version Control and Git - Part 2: 00:13:00 •Section Introduction aa: 00:01:00 •Guide to the Rails Controller Generator to Build Pages Part 1: 00:16:00 •Guide to the Rails Controller Generator to Build Pages Part 2: 00:05:00 •Guide to the Rails Model Generator to Build out Data Specific Features: 00:17:00 •Guide to the Rails Model Generator for Building Out the Portfolio Feature: 00:10:00 •Deep Dive: Analyze Rails Generators and How to Customize a Generator - Part 1: 00:15:00 •Deep Dive: Analyze Rails Generators and How to Customize a Generator - Part 2: 00:11:00 •Section Introduction SS: 00:02:00 •Building out a Seeds File for Generating Dynamic Sample Data: 00:15:00 •Implement an Index Action from Scratch in Rails: 00:12:00 •Build the New and Create Functionality from Scratch in Rails: 00:20:00 •Implement the Ability to Edit Database Records from Scratch in Rails: 00:13:00 •How to Use the Link to Method in Rails for Creating Dynamic Links: 00:13:00 •How to Implement the Show Action from Scratch in Rails: 00:12:00 •Building the Ability to Delete Items in Rails: 00:15:00 •How to Implement Custom Routes for Pages in Rails: 00:09:00 •How to Override the Rails Resources Routes for the Show Action: 00:07:00 •How to Implement Permalinks in a Rails Application - Part 1: 00:17:00 •How to Implement Permalinks in a Rails Application - Part 2: 00:05:00 •How to Use Enums in Rails to Manage Data Stages: 00:13:00 •How to Implement a Custom Action in Rails via a Button Click - Part 1: 00:12:00 •How to Implement a Custom Action in Rails via a Button Click - Part 2: 00:10:00 •Updating the Project Management Dashboard and Performing a Pull Request: 00:05:00 •Deep Dive: Rails Routing and Data Flow - Part 1: 00:13:00 •Deep Dive: Rails Routing and Data Flow - Part 2: 00:13:00 •Deep Dive: Rails Routing and Data Flow - Part 3: 00:16:00 •Section Introduction RR: 00:01:00 •Implementing Data Validations in Rails 5: 00:12:00 •Guide to Data Relationships in Rails: 00:16:00 •How to Implement Custom Scopes in Rails 5: 00:16:00 •How to Set Default Values in Rails 5: 00:13:00 •How to Use Concerns in Rails 5: 00:13:00 •Building an Additional Parent/Child Relationship in Rails 5: 00:10:00 •Rails 5 Complex Forms: Configuring Nested Attributes in the Model: 00:17:00 •Rails 5 Complex Forms: Configuring Nested Attributes in the Form: 00:17:00 •Deep Dive: Working with SQL and ActiveRecord in Rails 5 - Part 1: 00:16:00 •Deep Dive: Working with SQL and ActiveRecord in Rails 5 - Part 2: 00:14:00 •Deep Dive: Working with SQL and ActiveRecord in Rails 5 - Part 3: 00:15:00 •Section Introduction QQ: 00:01:00 •How to Install Devise in Rails 5: 00:08:00 •Using Devise to Implement Registrations and Login Functionality: 00:18:00 •Building Custom Routes for Authentication Pages with Devise in Rails 5: 00:03:00 •Enable Users to Logout and Dynamically Render View Content in Rails 5: 00:07:00 •How to Add Custom Attributes to a Devise Based Authentication System: 00:15:00 •How to Use Controller Concerns in Rails 5 for Devise Custom Attributes: 00:15:00 •Integrate Virtual Attributes to Extract First and Last Name Data from a User: 00:17:00 •Deep Dive: Using BCrypt to Implement Encryption in Ruby: 00:19:00 •Section Introduction PP: 00:01:00 •Rails Data Flow Review and Working with Params: 00:14:00 •Using Rails Sessions to Share Data between Pages: 00:19:00 •Refactoring the Session Tracker into a Controller Concern: 00:07:00 •Working with Strong Params in a Rails 5 Controller: 00:13:00 •Deep Dive: Building a Guest User Feature in Rails - Part 1: 00:14:00 •Deep Dive: Building a Guest User Feature in Rails - Part 2: 00:18:00 •Section Introduction OO: 00:03:00 •How to Customize the Rails Master Layout File - Part 1: 00:15:00 •How to Customize the Rails Master Layout File - Part 2: 00:09:00 •Guide to Using Multiple Layout Files in Rails 5: 00:14:00 •Introduction to Rendering Collections via Partials in Rails 5: 00:09:00 •Introduction to Partials in Rails 5: 00:08:00 •How to Send Data to Partials to Generate Custom Behavior in Rails 5: 00:15:00 •Guide to View Helpers in Rails 5: 00:17:00 •How to Use the Rails Content Tag Helper to Auto Generate HTML Code: 00:15:00 •Introduction to Rendering Collections via Partials in Rails 5: 00:09:00 •Guide to Manually Configuring Partials to Work with Collections in Rails: 00:07:00 •Guide to Helpful ActionView Helper Methods in Rails 5: 00:15:00 •Deep Dive: Tips and Tricks to Working with ActionView in Rails 5 - Part 1: 00:12:00 •Deep Dive: Tips and Tricks to Working with ActionView in Rails 5 - Part 2: 00:15:00 •Section Introduction NN: 00:01:00 •How to Utilize Puts Debugging in Rails: 00:08:00 •Guide to Byebug in Rails 5: 00:09:00 •Guide to Debugging with Pry in Rails 5: 00:19:00 •Proper Way to Implement Error Management in a Rails Application - Part 1: 00:15:00 •Proper Way to Implement Error Management in a Rails Application - Part 2: 00:06:00 •Section Introduction MM: 00:01:00 •How to Install Bootstrap 4 into a Rails 5 Application - Part 1: 00:10:00 •How to Install Bootstrap 4 into a Rails 5 Application - Part 2: 00:12:00 •Section Strategy for Building a Custom RubyGem: 00:11:00 •How to Build a RubyGem from Scratch - Part 1: 00:06:00 •How to Build a RubyGem from Scratch - Part 2: 00:15:00 •Section Introduction hh: 00:02:00 •Introduction to Authorization and How to Install the Petergate Gem: 00:08:00 •How to Add Roles to the User Model in Rails 5: 00:05:00 •Guide to Implementing Petergate in Rails 5 Application - Part 1: 00:15:00 •Guide to Implementing Petergate in Rails 5 Application - Part 2: 00:12:00 •Workplace Facilities: 00:35:00 •Portfolio Design Planning for Layout Specific Styles: 00:09:00 •Implementing the Initial Homepage Design in Rails 5 with Bootstrap 4: 00:09:00 •Building a Navigation Partial for the Master Application Layout with Bootstrap: 00:11:00 •Implement a Footer Along with Adding Method Arguments to a Rails View Helper: 00:14:00 •How to Embed a Google Map into a Rails Application: 00:06:00 •Guide to Updating the Styles for the Devise Edit Account Page in Rails: 00:16:00 •How to Override Default Bootstrap Styles for Text Alignment in the Card Class: 00:06:00 •Implementing Styles for the Devise Registration Page with Bootstrap 4: 00:14:00 •How to Design the Login and Password Pages with Bootstrap 4 Form Styles: 00:15:00 •How to Set Default Values for View Helper Method Arguments in Rails 5: 00:04:00 •Integrating a Different Design for a Separate Blog Layout in Rails 5: 00:04:00 •How to Use Bootstrap 4 to Add a Custom Nav Bar to a Blog Layout in Rails: 00:07:00 •Customizing the Design for the Blog Index Page with Bootstrap 4: 00:19:00 •Guide to Adding Styles to the Blog Show and Form Pages with Bootstrap 4: 00:12:00 •Implementing Partials, Pagination, and Font Awesome Icons - Part 1: 00:23:00 •Implementing Partials, Pagination, and Font Awesome Icons - Part 2: 00:23:00 •Initial Design for the Portfolio Index Page with Bootstrap 4: 00:17:00 •Integrating the Portfolio Animated Navigation Slider, Footer, and Index: 00:14:00 •Using the Bootstrap 4 Grid Layout to Style the Portfolio Show Page in Rails: 00:06:00 •Implementing Bootstrap 4 Forms for the Portfolio Form Pages: 00:13:00 •How to Build a View Helper to Dynamically Generate a Nav Bar - Part 1: 00:20:00 •How to Build a View Helper to Dynamically Generate a Nav Bar - Part 2: 00:19:00 •Deep Dive: Rails Asset Pipeline Part 1: 00:01:00 •Deep Dive: Rails Asset Pipeline Part 2: 00:19:00 •Section Introduction LL: 00:01:00 •How to Integrate a Position Attribute and Custom Scope in Rails: 00:12:00 •Installing the jQuery UI and html5sortable JavaScript Libraries in Rails 5: 00:09:00 •Initial Implementation of Drag and Drop Interface in Rails 5: 00:13:00 •Implementing Drag and Drop Functionality into a Ruby on Rails 5 App Part 1: 00:18:00 •Implementing Drag and Drop Functionality into a Ruby on Rails 5 App Part 2: 00:11:00 •Implementing Authorization Rules for Drag and Drop Feature with Petergate: 00:07:00 •Deep Dive: jQuery CoffeeScript in Rails: 00:19:00 •Section Introduction jj: 00:01:00 •Introduction to Using Images and the Rails Asset Pipeline: 00:12:00 •How to Set a Full Size Video Background in Rails with Bootstrap 4: 00:08:00 •Deep Dive: Installing and Configuring Carrierwave for Image Uploads in Rails 5: 00:20:00 •Deep Dive: Integrating Connection to AWS S3 for File Hosting with Carrierwave: 00:14:00 •Implementing File Upload Button Styles and Refactoring Placeholder - Part 1: 00:06:00 •Implementing File Upload Button Styles and Refactoring Placeholder - Part 2: 00:19:00 •Section Introduction ii: 00:01:00 •Difference Between form_form and form_tag in Rails - Part 1: 00:15:00 •Difference Between form_form and form_tag in Rails - Part 2: 00:16:00 •How to Integrate Cocoon in Rails 5 for jQuery Nested Forms: 00:20:00 •Guide to Integrating Alerts that Automatically Fade Away in Rails 5: 00:15:00 •Refactoring Alert Notifications to Use a Shared View Helper in Rails: 00:13:00 •Deep Dive: How to Build an HTML Form from Scratch the Works with Rails: 00:17:00 •Section Introduction ff: 00:03:00 •Integrating the Twitter Gem to Pull in Tweets in Rails 5: 00:20:00 •How to Render Tweets on a Rails View Page: 00:07:00 •Building a Parser View Helper Method to Make Twitter Links Clickable in Rails: 00:15:00 •Customizing the Styles for the Tech News Page with Bootstrap 4: 00:07:00 •Section Introduction cc: 00:01:00 •Running the Comment Generator and Installing the NoSQL Redis Database in Rails 5: 00:18:00 •Building the Comment Form and Required Controller Actions - Part 1: 00:14:00 •Building the Comment Form and Required Controller Actions - Part 2: 00:08:00 •Refactoring the Comment Form into a Partial and Implementing Data Validations: 00:05:00 •Building the jQuery Functions for Processing Comments - Part 1: 00:19:00 •Building the jQuery Functions for Processing Comments - Part 2: 00:05:00 •How to Create a Broadcast with ActionCable in Rails 5: 00:14:00 •Guide to Implementing Live Data Updates in a Rails 5 Application - Part 1: 00:15:00 •Guide to Implementing Live Data Updates in a Rails 5 Application - Part 2: 00:06:00 •Styling the Comment Section and Implementing Gravatar Based Thumbnails in Rails: 00:16:00 •Section Introduction dd: 00:01:00 •Planning Final Project Updates and Assignment: 00:11:00 •Building a Scope to Show the Most Recent Blog Posts and Hiding Draft Posts: 00:09:00 •Hiding the Show Page for Blogs in Draft Mode in Rails 5: 00:04:00 •How to Add a Drop Down Form Element in Rails 5 for Parent/Child Relationships: 00:09:00 •Using the Controller Generator to Build the Topic Features - Part 1: 00:10:00 •Using the Controller Generator to Build the Topic Features - Part 2: 00:11:00 •How to Build a Widget for the Blog to Render Topics in Rails 5: 00:17:00 •How to Implement Radio Buttons in a Rails Form to Update Enum Values: 00:09:00 •Guide to Integrating Markdown and Syntax Highlighting in a Rails 5 Application: 00:13:00 •Integrating Breadcrumbs and Icons for the Blog Show Pages: 00:12:00 •Building a Partial for Managing Admin Actions for Blog Posts: 00:15:00 •How to Implement a Responsive Navigation Bar with Bootstrap 4: 00:11:00 •Updating the Source/Session Tracking System for the New Layouts: 00:14:00 •How to Integrate a Favicon in Rails 5: 00:08:00 •Implementing Responsive Image Components for the Portfolio Layout: 00:06:00 •Adding Card Styles to the About and Contact Pages: 00:09:00 •How to Implement Collapsable Content Components in a Rails 5 Application: 00:09:00 •How to Integrate Bootstrap Progress Bars in a Rails Application: 00:13:00 •How to Integrate Custom Fonts in a Rails 5 Application: 00:17:00 •Updating the Seeds File in Rails: 00:07:00 •Signing Up for and Creating a New Heroku Application: 00:04:00 •How to Deploy a Rails 5 Application to Heroku: 00:13:00 •Working with the Rails Console on Heroku: 00:11:00 •Installing Redis on Heroku for ActionCable Commenting Feature: 00:04:00 •Configuring Action Cable to Work on Heroku: 00:11:00 •How to Implement the Typed.js Library into a Rails 5 Application: 00:12:00 •How to Install and Configure Webpack, Yarn, and jQuery into a Rails 5.1+ App: 00:19:00 •How to Work with Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2+: 00:24:00
Overview This comprehensive course on Corporate Finance: Profitability in a Financial Downturn will deepen your understanding on this topic. After successful completion of this course you can acquire the required skills in this sector. This Corporate Finance: Profitability in a Financial Downturn comes with accredited certification from CPD, which will enhance your CV and make you worthy in the job market. So enrol in this course today to fast track your career ladder. How will I get my certificate? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. Who is This course for? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this Corporate Finance: Profitability in a Financial Downturn. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. Requirements Our Corporate Finance: Profitability in a Financial Downturn is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible with tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. Career Path Learning this new skill will help you to advance in your career. It will diversify your job options and help you develop new techniques to keep up with the fast-changing world. This skillset will help you to- Open doors of opportunities Increase your adaptability Keep you relevant Boost confidence And much more! Course Curriculum 2 sections • 10 lectures • 02:42:00 total length •Module 1 - Introduction to Corporate Finance: 00:10:00 •Module 2 - Long Term Financial Planning and Growth: 00:28:00 •Module 3 - Analysis of the Financial Statement: 00:28:00 •Module 4 - Capital Budgeting: 00:26:00 •Module 5 - Financial Risk-Return Tradeoff: 00:18:00 •Module 6 - Profitability During Financial Downturn: 00:13:00 •Module 7 - Managing Profitability in Financial Downturn: 00:13:00 •Module 8 - Corporate Finance Regulations: 00:14:00 •Module 9 - Career Path in Corporate Finance: 00:12:00 •Assignment - Corporate Finance: Profitability in a Financial Downturn: 00:00:00
Overview This comprehensive course on History of Corporate Finance In a Nutshell will deepen your understanding on this topic. After successful completion of this course you can acquire the required skills in this sector. This History of Corporate Finance In a Nutshell comes with accredited certification from CPD, which will enhance your CV and make you worthy in the job market. So enrol in this course today to fast track your career ladder. How will I get my certificate? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. Who is This course for? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this History of Corporate Finance In a Nutshell. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. Requirements Our History of Corporate Finance In a Nutshell is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible with tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. Career Path Learning this new skill will help you to advance in your career. It will diversify your job options and help you develop new techniques to keep up with the fast-changing world. This skillset will help you to- Open doors of opportunities Increase your adaptability Keep you relevant Boost confidence And much more! Course Curriculum 11 sections • 16 lectures • 02:11:00 total length •Introduction: 00:01:00 •Introduction.pdf: 00:02:00 •Financial and Capital Markets: 00:09:00 •The Importance of Intellectual Property Protection: 00:09:00 •Role of Government in Financial Markets: 00:12:00 •Market Efficiency and Market Crashes: 00:12:00 •Risk and Diversification: 00:15:00 •Call Options: 00:08:00 •Put Options: 00:03:00 •Shorting Call Options: 00:04:00 •Shorting Put Options: 00:03:00 •Mergers and Acquisitions: 00:25:00 •Takeovers, Leveraged Buyouts and Defence Tactics: 00:16:00 •2008 U.S. Financial Housing Collapse: 00:11:00 •Conclusion: 00:01:00 •Assignment - History of Corporate Finance In a Nutshell: 00:00:00
Overview This comprehensive course on How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile will deepen your understanding on this topic. After successful completion of this course you can acquire the required skills in this sector. This How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile comes with accredited certification, which will enhance your CV and make you worthy in the job market. So enrol in this course today to fast track your career ladder. How will I get my certificate? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. Who is This course for? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. Requirements Our How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible with tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. Career Path Having these various qualifications will increase the value in your CV and open you up to multiple sectors such as Business & Management, Admin, Accountancy & Finance, Secretarial & PA, Teaching & Mentoring etc. Course Curriculum 5 sections • 17 lectures • 01:04:00 total length •Introduction: 00:03:00 •Why consider using LinkedIn as a business tool: 00:02:00 •Who should consider using LinkedIn as a business tool: 00:04:00 •The Prerequisites to building a Professional LinkedIn Profile: 00:04:00 •Understanding who your target audience or Most Important Viewer: 00:04:00 •Defining your keywords: 00:03:00 •Choose your style of writing your Professional LinkedIn Profile: 00:03:00 •An overview of the Top 10 Tips of creating a Professional LinkedIn Profile: 00:06:00 •The Primary Areas of a Professional LinkedIn Profile: 00:05:00 •Managing your Professional LinkedIn Profile Introduction Section: 00:03:00 •Writing your about section: 00:02:00 •Adding your work experience to your Professional LinkedIn Profile: 00:05:00 •Education, Licenses, Certifications & Volunteer areas of the LinkedIn Profile: 00:04:00 •The Skills section of your Professional LinkedIn Profile: 00:04:00 •See this live in LinkedIn: 00:06:00 •Closing Remarks: 00:06:00 •Assignment - How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile: 00:00:00
Unlock a world of opportunities with our comprehensive CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Cloud+ & CompTIA Security+Preparation Course bundle! In the UK, where the demand for skilled IT professionals is skyrocketing, this bundle equips you with the power of multiple essential certifications. With a staggering 87% increase in cybersecurity breaches reported in the UK last year alone, our CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Cloud+ & CompTIA Security+ Preparation bundle is your ultimate armour against cyber threats. Delve into eight immersive CPD Accredited courses, each a standalone course: Course 01: Cloud Computing / CompTIA Cloud+ (CV0-002) Course 02: CompTIA A+ (220-1001) Course 03: CompTIA A+ (220-1002) Course 04: CompTIA CySA+ Cybersecurity Analyst (CS0-002) Course 05: CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+ (FCO-U61) Course 06: CompTIA Network+ Certification (N10-007) Course 07: CompTIA PenTest+ (Ethical Hacking) Course 08: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-601) From cloud innovations to network fortification, our CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Cloud+ & CompTIA Security+ bundle cover it all. CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Cloud+ & CompTIA Security+ bundle will not only open doors but ensure they remain secure. Take advantage of this chance to become a sought-after IT powerhouse in the UK job market! Learning Outcomes Become proficient in cloud technologies and management (CompTIA Cloud+). Establish core IT principles for advanced learning (CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+). Configure and troubleshoot networks with expertise (CompTIA Network+). Cybersecurity Expertise: Grasp essential security concepts and practices (CompTIA Security+). Learn techniques to identify system vulnerabilities (CompTIA PenTest+). Develop incident analysis and response abilities (CompTIA CySA+ Cybersecurity Analyst). The CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Cloud+ & CompTIA Security+Preparation bundle goes beyond the ordinary, offering a unique blend of certifications catering to different IT landscape aspects. From mastering cloud computing in the CompTIA Cloud+ module to honing network administration skills with CompTIA Network+, you'll cover an extensive range of topics.Gain the expertise to manage cloud infrastructure effectively, a skill in high demand across industries. Kick-start your journey with CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+, setting a solid foundation for advanced learning. Understand essential IT concepts that serve as the building blocks for your expertise. Elevate your networking game with CompTIA Network+.Explore the world of ethical hacking with CompTIA PenTest+. Uncover vulnerabilities, learn penetration testing techniques, and contribute to enhancing system security. Learn to analyze and respond to security incidents, a critical skillset in a world grappling with evolving cyber risks, from this impressive CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Cloud+ & CompTIA Security+Preparation bundle. In a rapidly evolving tech realm, being exceptional is paramount. This CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Cloud+ & CompTIA Security+ bundle is your answer to standing out, setting trends, and solving the intricate puzzles of modern technology. As you embrace this comprehensive learning experience from the CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Cloud+ & CompTIA Security+ bundle, you're not just pursuing certifications but becoming an IT expert, ready to shape the digital world. CPD 80 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards Who is this course for? This course is suitable for the following: Tech Enthusiasts Aspiring IT Professionals Career Changers Cloud Curious Minds Security Seekers Network Aficionados Requirements Without any formal requirements, you can delightfully enrol in this course. Career path Some of the career paths related to this field are: Cloud Architect: Design and manage transformative cloud solutions. (UK: £60,000 - £100,000+) Network Administrator: (UK: £25,000 - £45,000) Cybersecurity Analyst: (UK: £30,000 - £60,000) Ethical Hacker: (UK: £35,000 - £70,000) Systems Administrator: (UK: £25,000 - £45,000) Certificates CPD Certificate Of Completion Digital certificate - Included 8 Digital Certificates Are Included With This Bundle CPD Quality Standard Hardcopy Certificate (FREE UK Delivery) Hard copy certificate - £9.99 Hardcopy Transcript - £9.99
Overview Uplift Your Career & Skill Up to Your Dream Job - Learning Simplified From Home! Kickstart your career & boost your employability by helping you discover your skills, talents, and interests with our special 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course. You'll create a pathway to your ideal job as this course is designed to uplift your career in the relevant industry. It provides the professional training that employers are looking for in today's workplaces. The 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course is one of the most prestigious training offered at Skillwise and is highly valued by employers for good reason. This 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course Course has been designed by industry experts to provide our learners with the best learning experience possible to increase their understanding of their chosen field. This 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course, like every one of Skillwise's courses, is meticulously developed and well-researched. Every one of the topics is divided into elementary modules, allowing our students to grasp each lesson quickly. At Skillwise, we don't just offer courses; we also provide a valuable teaching process. When you buy a course from Skillwise, you get unlimited Lifetime access with 24/7 dedicated tutor support. Why buy this 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course ? Lifetime access to the course forever Digital Certificate, Transcript, and student ID are all included in the price Absolutely no hidden fees Directly receive CPD Quality Standard-accredited qualifications after course completion Receive one-to-one assistance every weekday from professionals Immediately receive the PDF certificate after passing Receive the original copies of your certificate and transcript on the next working day Easily learn the skills and knowledge from the comfort of your home Certification After studying the course materials of the 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course there will be a written assignment test which you can take either during or at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the PDF certificate for free. Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £8. Who is this course for? This 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z course is ideal for Students Recent graduates Job Seekers Anyone interested in this topic People already work in relevant fields and want to polish their knowledge and skills. Prerequisites This 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning. This 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. Career path As this course comes with multiple courses included as a bonus, you will be able to pursue multiple occupations. This 2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course is a great way for you to gain multiple skills from the comfort of your home.
How to create a museum visual story Please Note: this is a recording of a session which took place 3 October 2024. The purchase includes access to the recording until April 2025 to view as many times as you like, as well as resources used during the training. Do you want to create a visual story about your museum to help families and other visitors to plan their visits, but don’t know where to start? About this training In this session, SEND in Museums Consultant Sam Bowen will guide you through how to create visual stories, drawing on her own professional museum learning knowledge and lived experience as a parent of a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). A visual story is a photo document supported by limited but clear explanatory text. By including a visual story on your website, you can help a range of visitors, including families, to plan their museum visits. Sam explains, “Visual stories act as both a way-finding tool and a reassurance, as they help eliminate the unknown of visiting somewhere new. For many people with neurodivergence or high levels of anxiety, visual stories can be very helpful in removing the fear factor of entering an unfamiliar place.” During this virtual training event, we will: find out why visual stories are important for a range of families to help plan their visits, learn how to create a visual story and how to present it on a website, think about how to test a visual story with families. Take a look at the full schedule. This virtual training session will be delivered over one and a half hours by Sam Bowen, SEND in Museums Consultant. Who should attend? This training is aimed at staff at museums, galleries and heritage sites who are interested in making their organisations more welcoming to SEND families.
This Course at a Glance Assess the need for secure handling of information Know how to develop positive and trusting working relationships with care users Understand the phrases confidentiality, permission, and 'need to know' Know how to handle personal and sensitive information securely Demonstrate the various legislations relating to handling information Learn about the various current data protection laws, such as the GDPR Learn how to handle information in a way that complies with the legal framework Know how to work in accordance with the approved code of practice Know how to keep your records up to date and readable Handling Information in A Care Setting Course Overview Those that work in a care setting often have a lot of personal information about a patient, therefore it's critical that this information is managed and maintained correctly and securely. The UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) impose a legal duty on care settings to protect the information kept and processed. Moreover, confidentiality and secure information handling play an important role in developing that positive and trusting relationship. Handling such sensitive information with negligence, on the other hand, may result in a poor relationship, prompting the service user to refuse to cooperate with you. This comprehensive Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course is designed to improve your knowledge and comprehension of the requirements for handling information in a care setting, as well as best practices for handling information in a care setting. This course examines key legislations governing the exchange of personal information. You'll also learn how to build trusting relationships with those in your care and define crucial phrases like 'need to know' and 'permission,' including what you should do if you have any concerns regarding the handling of confidential information. Upon successful completion of this Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course, you will be able to handle information securely in a care setting and know how to develop positive and trusting relationships with care users by protecting their sensitive information. Who should take this course? This Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course is primarily aimed at people working in any care environment such as: Nurse Healthcare professionals Social care worker Support staff Counsellor However, this training is not limited to a specific profession or sector concerned. This course also appeals to a broader audience of persons interested in learning more about the importance of secure data handling in social care settings. Entry Requirements There are no academic entry requirements for this Handling Information in A Care Setting Online Course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. However, you are required to have a laptop/desktop/tablet or smartphone and a good internet connection. Assessment Method This Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course assesses learners through multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Upon successful completion of each module, learners must answer MCQs to step into the next module. Through the MCQs, it is measured how much a learner could grasp from each section. In the assessment pass mark is 75%. Course Curriculum Module 1: Legislation Module 2: Putting it Into Practice Recognised Accreditation CPD Certification Service This course is accredited by continuing professional development (CPD). CPD UK is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field. Certificate of Achievement Valuable Certification Upon successful completion of this Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course, you will be eligible to download CPD accredited free electronic certificate instantly. There is a minimal shipping charge applicable to get the hardcopy course completion certificate which is: Shipment Inside the UK = £5.99 International Shipment = £16.99 Overview This Course at a Glance Assess the need for secure handling of information Know how to develop positive and trusting working relationships with care users Understand the phrases confidentiality, permission, and 'need to know' Know how to handle personal and sensitive information securely Demonstrate the various legislations relating to handling information Learn about the various current data protection laws, such as the GDPR Learn how to handle information in a way that complies with the legal framework Know how to work in accordance with the approved code of practice Know how to keep your records up to date and readable Handling Information in A Care Setting Course Overview Those that work in a care setting often have a lot of personal information about a patient, therefore it's critical that this information is managed and maintained correctly and securely. The UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) impose a legal duty on care settings to protect the information kept and processed. Moreover, confidentiality and secure information handling play an important role in developing that positive and trusting relationship. Handling such sensitive information with negligence, on the other hand, may result in a poor relationship, prompting the service user to refuse to cooperate with you. This comprehensive Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course is designed to improve your knowledge and comprehension of the requirements for handling information in a care setting, as well as best practices for handling information in a care setting. This course examines key legislations governing the exchange of personal information. You'll also learn how to build trusting relationships with those in your care and define crucial phrases like 'need to know' and 'permission,' including what you should do if you have any concerns regarding the handling of confidential information. Upon successful completion of this Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course, you will be able to handle information securely in a care setting and know how to develop positive and trusting relationships with care users by protecting their sensitive information. Who should take this course? This Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course is primarily aimed at people working in any care environment such as: Nurse Healthcare professionals Social care worker Support staff Counsellor However, this training is not limited to a specific profession or sector concerned. This course also appeals to a broader audience of persons interested in learning more about the importance of secure data handling in social care settings. Entry Requirements There are no academic entry requirements for this Handling Information in A Care Setting Online Course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. However, you are required to have a laptop/desktop/tablet or smartphone and a good internet connection. Assessment Method This Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course assesses learners through multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Upon successful completion of each module, learners must answer MCQs to step into the next module. Through the MCQs, it is measured how much a learner could grasp from each section. In the assessment pass mark is 75%. Course Curriculum Module 1: Legislation Module 2: Putting it Into Practice Recognised Accreditation CPD Certification Service This course is accredited by continuing professional development (CPD). CPD UK is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field. Certificate of Achievement Valuable Certification Upon successful completion of this Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course, you will be eligible to download CPD accredited free electronic certificate instantly. There is a minimal shipping charge applicable to get the hardcopy course completion certificate which is: Shipment Inside the UK = £5.99 International Shipment = £16.99 FAQ Is CPD a recognised qualification in the UK? CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Are QLS courses recognised? Although QLS courses are not subject to Ofqual regulation, they must adhere to an extremely high level that is set and regulated independently across the globe. A course that has been approved by the Quality Licence Scheme simply indicates that it has been examined and evaluated in terms of quality and fulfils the predetermined quality standards. When will I receive my certificate? For CPD accredited PDF certificate it will take 24 hours, however for the hardcopy CPD certificate takes 5-7 business days and for the Quality License Scheme certificate it will take 7-9 business days. Can I pay by invoice? Yes, you can pay via Invoice or Purchase Order, please contact us at info@lead-academy.org for invoice payment. Can I pay via instalment? Yes, you can pay via instalments at checkout. How to take online classes from home? Our platform provides easy and comfortable access for all learners; all you need is a stable internet connection and a device such as a laptop, desktop PC, tablet, or mobile phone. The learning site is accessible 24/7, allowing you to take the course at your own pace while relaxing in the privacy of your home or workplace. Does age matter in online learning? No, there is no age limit for online learning. Online learning is accessible to people of all ages and requires no age-specific criteria to pursue a course of interest. As opposed to degrees pursued at university, online courses are designed to break the barriers of age limitation that aim to limit the learner's ability to learn new things, diversify their skills, and expand their horizons. When I will get the login details for my course? After successfully purchasing the course, you will receive an email within 24 hours with the login details of your course. Kindly check your inbox, junk or spam folder, or you can contact our client success team via info@lead-academy.org Course Fee £20 £40 50% OFF ð CPD UK Accredited PDF Certificate Included 4 interest-free payments of £5 Handling Information in A Care Setting Online Course quantity ENROL NOW Duration: * Hours Instant Access Get In Touch Today Live CHAT WITH US CALL ON - 0300 124 5585 Certificate of Achievement Valuable Certification Upon successful completion of this Handling Information in A Care Setting Training Course, you will be eligible to download CPD accredited free electronic certificate instantly. There is a minimal shipping charge applicable to get the hardcopy course completion certificate which is: Shipment Inside the UK = £5.99 International Shipment = £16.99 FAQs Is CPD a recognised qualification in the UK? CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Are QLS courses recognised? Although QLS courses are not subject to Ofqual regulation, they must adhere to an extremely high level that is set and regulated independently across the globe. A course that has been approved by the Quality Licence Scheme simply indicates that it has been examined and evaluated in terms of quality and fulfils the predetermined quality standards. When will I receive my certificate? For CPD accredited PDF certificate it will take 24 hours, however for the hardcopy CPD certificate takes 5-7 business days and for the Quality License Scheme certificate it will take 7-9 business days. Can I pay by invoice? Yes, you can pay via Invoice or Purchase Order, please contact us at info@lead-academy.org for invoice payment. Can I pay via instalment? Yes, you can pay via instalments at checkout. How to take online classes from home? Our platform provides easy and comfortable access for all learners; all you need is a stable internet connection and a device such as a laptop, desktop PC, tablet, or mobile phone. The learning site is accessible 24/7, allowing you to take the course at your own pace while relaxing in the privacy of your home or workplace. Does age matter in online learning? No, there is no age limit for online learning. Online learning is accessible to people of all ages and requires no age-specific criteria to pursue a course of interest. As opposed to degrees pursued at university, online courses are designed to break the barriers of age limitation that aim to limit the learner's ability to learn new things, diversify their skills, and expand their horizons. When I will get the login details for my course? After successfully purchasing the course, you will receive an email within 24 hours with the login details of your course. Kindly check your inbox, junk or spam folder, or you can contact our client success team via info@lead-academy.org
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Overview Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Solid Execution Strategy Course is yet another 'Teacher's Choice' course from Teachers Training for a complete understanding of the fundamental topics. You are also entitled to exclusive tutor support and a professional CPD-accredited certificate in addition to the special discounted price for a limited time. Just like all our courses, this Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Solid Execution Strategy Course and its curriculum have also been designed by expert teachers so that teachers of tomorrow can learn from the best and equip themselves with all the necessary skills. Consisting of several modules, the course teaches you everything you need to succeed in this profession. The course can be studied part-time. You can become accredited within 05 Hours studying at your own pace. Your qualification will be recognised and can be checked for validity on our dedicated website. Why Choose Teachers Training Some of our website features are: This is a dedicated website for teaching 24/7 tutor support Interactive Content Affordable price Courses accredited by the UK's top awarding bodies 100% online Flexible deadline Entry Requirements No formal entry requirements. You need to have: Passion for learning A good understanding of the English language Be motivated and hard-working Over the age of 16. Certification CPD Certification from The Teachers Training Successfully completing the MCQ exam of this course qualifies you for a CPD-accredited certificate from The Teachers Training. You will be eligible for both PDF copy and hard copy of the certificate to showcase your achievement however you wish. You can get your digital certificate (PDF) for £4.99 only Hard copy certificates are also available, and you can get one for only £10.99 You can get both PDF and Hard copy certificates for just £12.99! The certificate will add significant weight to your CV and will give you a competitive advantage when applying for jobs. Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Solid Execution Strategy Introduction The 5 Components of an Execution Strategy 00:09:00 Why Your Execution Strategy Matters Anytime Fitness Case Example 00:02:00 Zynga Case Example 00:02:00 Why Your Execution Strategy Matters 00:02:00 What Investors Look For 00:01:00 Create Milestones The Why of Milestones 00:03:00 Examples of Milestones 00:02:00 Yelp Case Study 00:01:00 Build a Staffing Plan Your Staffing Plan 00:09:00 Build Your Startup Plan Your Startup Plan 00:12:00 Common Mistakes 00:04:00 Determine Your Risk and Risk Mitigation Strategy Risk and Risk Mitigation 00:08:00 Identifying Risks 00:01:00 Risk Mitigation 00:03:00 Determine Your Key Performance Indicator Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 00:07:00 Workshop Workshop - Create Your Execution Plan 00:06:00 Support Materials Resource - Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Solid Execution Strategy 00:00:00