Moments of Truth are 'touch points' in time that a customer evaluates when giving you a service 'score.' Apply our 10 tips for great greetings md introductions. Discover why it is important to choose your opening words selectively. We will show you how to strike the perfect balance between professionalism and 'personalism'.
Learning Objectives
Describe the Primary Effect's influence on first impressions, Implement effective greeting words choices, Balance professionalism with personalism
Target Audience
Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
course Content
1 sections•1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
1Building Rapport: Greetings and Introductions in Sales
Chart Learning Solutions is a performance improvement company through online learning. We develop people in Leadership, Sales, Customer Service and Team Performance. We do this through our Assessments, Online learning with peer to peer and virtual group coaching.