About Beech Lodge School Services
Beech Lodge is a small specialist school for children aged 7 to 18 who require a supportive and nurturing learning environment to reach their potential. At Beech Lodge we provide a specialist education for children who have social & emotional difficulties such as anxiety and school refusal due to developmental trauma and adverse childhood experiences, as well as communication and learning differences. Children come to us often feeling confused and misunderstood, with low self-esteem and disengaged from schooling. We give them an education that is tailored to their individual needs, enabling and empowering them to understand that ‘great minds think differently’, to gain confidence in themselves and progress their learning. Our beautiful purpose-built school is set in 10 acres of land in the countryside near Maidenhead, Berkshire. We are a progressive,
Key Details
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Primary Location
- Stubbings Lane, Henley Road,
- Berks
- United KIngdom
- SL6 6QL
All Locations
- Sorbon 24-26 Aylesbury End, Beaconsfield
- Sorbon, Beaconsfield