MindGYM Premium - Become A Co-Creator & get daily live Training
£199 Monthly
JoinJoin our Community of Co-Creators and take part in our daily polymathic trainings.
By engaging in polymathic training on a daily basis, we change the structure (neuroplasticity) — the platform of the mind — to run new programs of increased levels of confidence, creativity and communication.
Polymathic training, uses multiple subjects at the same time, within an unrehearsed verbal flow state presentation on a single word, for up to one hour. It starts with a minute to learn the beginnings of flow state and to address the holistic nature of identity — which breaks a person out of the shell identity by catalysts of suggestion and challenge.
The results are massively increased levels of awareness, emotional management and strategic thinking, away from alpha and beta brain wave dominance. Group daily training are either on Clubhouse or Zoom.
Book your first training now or sign up for the MindGYM Premium directly and start your journey as a Co-Creator now!
Membership includes:- MindGYM App Access: Gain access to OVER 200 HOURS OF AUDIO VISUAL MATERIAL* that is designed to act as a catalyst to expand the bandwidth of your thinking.
- Consciousness University Library: Access to a range of sample introductions, essays and reports on NMA, The Future of Work, Human Potential and Consciousness.
- Community Chat: Join our community chat within the App so you can share ideas and develop insights.
- Daily Live Training: 20 x 1hr Live Polymathic Training as an active Co-Creator, Training Sessions on practicing flow state to achieve massively increased levels of Confidence, Communication & Creativity
- Monthly Coaching Call: Introspection, Guidance and Community are fundamental in NMA - As Premium Member and Co-Creator you get a personal 30 min coaching call each month.
- Global Community: Learn how to co-create & collaborate by working with our Global Community - public speaking, holding rooms and co-creating
- Reward Program: Become A Co-Creator and join our Reward Program to inspire others and get rewarded each month for it.
For more information see: Council For Human Development Swiss Association | Co-Create A Better World | Consciousness-University | MindGym.clubMindGYM Basic Membership
£9.95 Monthly is the world’s most powerful and revolutionary human development platform, specifically designed to upgrade the mind into states of super creativity and agile thinking, through the science of Neuroplastic Mental Acceleration — NMA; changing the structure of the brain for massively increased cognitive function and performance with amazing life and career results.
For private individuals or entrepreneurs looking to enhance their cognitive function and release their latent potential for next generation thinking, or corporations seeking to enhance their staff with innovation and critical thought, the MindGYM app is a no brainier access point to powerful live and digital programs that are guaranteed to give immediate results.
NMA renders all coaching, training and development programs obsolete, simply because it addresses the causes of convergent thinking bias, and frees the mind by developing the structure of the brain. It’s revolutionary, it’s re-evolutionary, and it’s for those who want the speed of thinking that is necessary to survive the fourth industrial revolution and the rise of AI.
Our Basic Membership is an Easy Start into the World of Neuroplastic Mental Acceleration Training (NMA). Start now with your MindGYM Basic Membership to get full access to the audiovisual online program incl. access to the Consciousness University Library and a 20-minutes assessment call with one of our trainers. Not sure what it's all about? Have a look at our Taster Content with the free App Version and get addicted to change!