Booking options
Delivered In-Person
Our next weekend and midweek hypnotherapy classes start in September. Enrolments should be with us as early as possible to ensure a place, since we offer a limited number of places. If you prefer a classroom-type learning environment, with small classes and plenty of individual support, these are the courses for you.
You can study at Foundation or Practitioner level. If you start training with us in September, whether you attend at weekends or during the week, you will complete the Foundation level the following January, and the Practitioner level in July. Find out more about levels of training in the links below.
We have an active equalities policy and welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Weekend hypnotherapy classes are in Castleford and generally begin in September. Our training venue is central, close to public transport and parking.
We meet one weekend per month, excluding December and if you would like a list of dates for the next course, please contact us.
The days run from 9.30 am to 5 pm, with breaks mid-morning and mid-afternoon, and an hour for lunch.
One full day followed by thirty-eight half-days held on a weekday during term times. Midweek hypnotherapy classes meet half a day per week in term time only, making them ideal for those with children in school or regular weekend commitments.
The day we meet is different each year. We choose it to suit the availability of those attending, since we’re aware that not everyone can attend every day of the week.
To register your preferences, complete our application form. You pay your deposit only after the times and days are confirmed, so you know you can attend. But, to have your availability taken into account, you need to get your application to us as early as possible.
We do appreciate this system sounds rather ad hoc but, it has worked really well since we introduced it in 2012! Please contact us for more information if you have questions.
WHY MAKE HYPNOTHERAPY YOUR NEW CAREER?Perhaps others already confide their problems to you and you want to know how to help them? You may be seeking a more satisfying and fulfilling career, wanting to control your working hours or to have a practical and transportable skill to help you become self-employed.A hypnotherapist is, quite simply, someone who is trained to combine hypnosis and therapy to help those with personal problems. Hypnotherapists are not doctors or psychologists and do not work with serious mental illnesses. If you choose hypnotherapy as a career you'll be helping people with issues such as panic attacks, anxiety, stress, phobias, weight control and unwanted habits such as nail-biting or smoking.Hypnotherapy is an effective, rapid and results oriented therapy. In fact, research comparing many different studies of hypnotherapy has shown that on average smokers are over five times more likely to break the habit with hypnosis than by willpower alone.You’ll find more about the effectiveness of hypnotherapy, and what life as a professional hypnotherapist is like on our website. YorkshireHypnotherapy Training offers a friendly, practical and professional practitioner course which gives you all you need to begin a career as a professional hypnotherapist.
Some want to take their lives in a different direction by investing in a challenging, rewarding and enjoyable new career.
Some already work as complementary therapists or in the caring professions and want to add a new set of skills to their existing knowledge.
Some want a part-time therapy practice to supplement their existing income, or to keep them active in retirement.
Some simply wish to improve their communication skills, and their understanding of themselves and others.
ABOUT PRACTITIONER LEVEL TRAININGThe Practitioner Course includes all you will need to practice as a professional hypnotherapist.It is completed in stages, four Foundation and six Development modules held over approximately a year, in a choice of attendance patterns to make learning as easy as possible. The monthly attendance option is held at weekends and allows you to learn whilst you continue in your present employment; the weekly half-day attendance option offers term-time training within school hours and is especially convenient for those who need to fit their training around their family’s needs.Our small class size allows for plenty of personal attention. Over the course of your time with us, you will develop a sound theoretical knowledge and strong practical skills. Each module will offer a range of topics by way of tutor demonstrations and presentations, class discussions, and practical exercises. From time to time, we allow a small number of qualified hypnotherapists to attend our classes as part of their ongoing professional development. This gives you the opportunity to work with, chat to and learn from people already working in the field.Our syllabus contains full details of the course content but, briefly, this includes
The history of hypnosis
Understanding what hypnosis really is, and debunking the myths
Ethical issues in therapy practice
Recognising when it’s not advisable to use hypnosis
The psychological theories underlying different therapeutic approaches
Building a professional relationship: communication and basic counselling skills
Suitable approaches for a wide variety of client problems
A range of therapeutic techniques drawn from both hypnotherapy and NLP
How to adapt and personalise these techniques to each individual client
How to plan a realistic and effective therapy programme
Creating a successful hypnotherapy practice after you qualify
In addition, we enrol practitioner level students on an externally validated specialist qualification which you receive in addition to your practitioner diploma. This is included in the fees you pay for the course.
For Foundation level, you complete the first four modules only
Module One – Introduction to hypnosis
The history of hypnosis, Elman and Erikson
Contraindications and ethical considerations
What is hypnosis and how does it work?
The evidence for hypnotherapyBasic hypnotic inductionsLevels of trance and deepeners
Module Two – The therapeutic relationship
Building rapport: sensory preferences and non-verbal communication
Active listening and questioning skills
Developing your hypnotic skills
Module three – From hypnosis to hypnotherapy
Using hypnotic tests and convincers
Direct and indirect suggestion, metaphor
Developing a SMART therapy planOrganising your sessions
Working with motivation
Module four – Applying your skills to stress and related issues
Stress and anxietyPhobias and panic attacks
Dealing with abreactions and secondary gain
Basic skills assessmentModule five – Working with habits
Making audios and recordings
Rapid inductions
Neuroplasticity and how it affects behaviour
Unwanted behavioural habitsSmoking cessation
For practitioner level, you must complete all ten modules.
Module six – Self-esteem / Weight control / Parts techniques
The development of the belief system
Working with confidence
Improving self-esteem
Parts techniques
Working with weight control
Comparing CBT and analytical approaches
Module seven – Analytical hypnotherapy
Age regression and exploring the past life experience
Ego defence mechanisms
Working with the inner child
Advanced skills assessment
Module eight – Health and wellness
Hypnotic pain control
Working with serious illnesses
Childbirth and fertility
Autogenic training
Module nine –Introduction to wider skills
Working with groups
Working with children
Gestalt and dream analysis
Final summation assessment and exam
Module ten – Business building
Record keeping and data protection
The professional body, CPD and supervision
Promoting your services, and the ASA guidelines
Self-care in self-employment
Hypnotherapy in the UK is classed as a "complementary" therapy. It is not as strictly regulated as other talking therapies such as counselling. There is a voluntary regulation agreement in place, and a Training Standard.
The Training Standard, strictly speaking, only applies to in-person training, but we feel that all our students deserve the same high-quality training.
Our online courses, therefore, meet the same requirements regarding training hours, learning targets, and assessment as our in-person courses.
We believe this gives you peace of mind that our training will enable you to register with a professional body, get insurance and practice as a hypnotherapist. Whichever course you choose, you will be able to see clients online or in person.
Our course covers a total of 450 hours of study including at least 120 hours of live training and 165 hours of directed learning (homework). The rest is personal study and each month you will be given information to guide you on this. YHT offers a choice of attendance patterns. Whichever you decide on, the practitioner course is made up of ten, two-day modules, each of which takes roughly a month to complete.
Monthly attendance: twenty weekend training days (two Saturdays per month).
Midweek attendance: one full day followed by thirty-eight half-days held once a week during term time. The midweek option may be a blended course (online and in-person students learning together).
Foundation-level students attend just the first four modules in either attendance format.
As said above, we elect to use the guidelines in the Training Standard for our online courses.
This says that you need to be evaluated on both your practical skills and your theoretical knowledge and that although some of this can be carried out by observation and feedback, it must also include case studies and exams.
At YHT we assess you on both homework and what you do in the class. Your tutor is primarily responsible for marking your work and monitoring your progress, but some of your written work and some of your practical work in the classroom will also be reviewed by a suitably qualified person who has not otherwise been involved in your training. This 'second opinion' acts as a kind of quality control for both you and your tutor, and you can meet our most regular independent assessors on the 'tutors' page of the website.
In our experience, being assessed in any way can be a worrying thought, especially if you haven’t taken any kind of test for some time. But imagine you were going to see a therapist; you would certainly want to know that they had proved that they had reached a good standard of skill and knowledge before being given a professional qualification. Your clients will be just the same.
This course aims to produce confident and effective therapists, so it will cover everything you need to know to pass, gradually building up your skills as your knowledge and experience grow
Time can be spent looking at study skills for anyone who feels they are a bit ‘rusty’ and we have a free ebook giving study tips which you can request through the website.
Your tutor will be there throughout to help and support you and can be contacted between classes if you feel you need additional guidance.
If you have any concerns or questions about this, please get in touch.
We offer plenty of support during your course, and afterwards.
Time is set aside in every module for discussion of what you have learned so far, the practice you have been doing since the last class, and any other questions you might have.
You are free to phone or email your tutor for advice at any time between classes or to arrange a one-to-one tutorial.
We have a LinkedIn group and quarterly supervision meetings which both students and graduates are welcome to join.
Our Facebook page features articles, offers, courses and other items of interest to students and is also useful for those promoting a practice.
Our support is ongoing after you finish your course. You can contact your tutor at any time in addition to any other supervision arrangements you might make.
The Hypnotherapy Practitioners' course offered by Yorkshire Hypnotherapy Training has been assessed and validated at thePractitioner Level by the GeneralHypnotherapy Standards Council (UK). Our training is also recognised by the InternationalCertification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapist sand others. Please check the website for up-to-date accreditations.
Students can join any of the relevant accrediting bodies at the practitioner level once they graduate.
When you pass the Foundation level modules you will be given the interim award, the YHT FoundationCertificate in Hypnotherapy.
When you have also successfully completed the development section of the course, you will receive:
·The YHT Diploma in Professional Hypnotherapy(DipPH)
·The YHT Certificate of NLP skills (CertNLPS)
If you register as a practitioner with the GHR, you will also receive their Award, the GQHP.
In addition, you will receive a certificate for the externally validated course you have undertaken aspart of your independent study.
My name is Debbie Waller. I had 15 years of experience as a voluntary advisor/counsellor for a national charity and was awarded a First Class degree from Leeds Metropolitan University before becoming qualified as a Hypnotherapist, StressManagement Coach and EMDR/BLAST practitioner.
As well as running a successful therapy practice and Yorkshire Hypnotherapy Training
I am a registered hypnotherapy supervisor and run several peer support groups as well as working one to one
I spoke at the UK Hypnosis Conference in London in November 2018 and I hope to return soon.
I am the author of 'The Metaphor Toolbox', 'TheirWorlds, Your Words' and 'The Hypnotherapist'sCompanion', and a co-author of the 'HypnotherapyHandbook', all available on Amazon in paper back and Kindle format.
I am a former editor of the HypnotherapyJournal.
I am the editor of and primary contributor to the online journal Hypnotherapy Training &Practitioner.
You can find out more about my qualifications and professional affiliations in therapy and in training on the website.
No, I'm afraid not. (Though we do have a free taster course on our website, But the Cademy website won't list prices unless we set up a method of payment for you to use. We have an application process and don't ask for any payment until after you have been offered a place and don't want to risk them charging you. So it shows as free on their site.