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1 hour 30 minutes
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An hour of deep recalibration and re-soursing and relationship, under the care and auspices of moss.
'Theres a thinking that joins things up, and a thinking that joins with things' - Tim Ingold
We'll combine the tools of deep-mapping, journalling and gentle breathwork.
This is a themed deep-mapping offering for a small group, which may be followed up by further one to one sessions tailored to you.
Read my article about Deep-Mapping here
More about the unique possibilities of time with moss here
This is an introduction to The Soul Shed ethos. Join the mailing list here
Just bring yourself, your phone camera, and a journal and pen.If you are a SoulCollager, you might like to bring any cards you have made for this theme.
This experience is designed for adults.
The only experience you need is in being you! Bring your curiosity and creativity. ill supply the rest