Booking options
Delivered Online or In-Person
1 hour
Join us for a Mimiquins information session followed by time for a private scan.
We have some limited spaces available to come and meet the ladies behind this wonderful company... find out all about the 3D scanning process and see the body double mannequin in person.
Tickets for the information sessions are only £5 and this includes a coffee or tea, plus a piece of homemade cake.
Finally a mannequin that is an exact replica of your beautiful body, isn't it fantastic?
The gorgeous Classic Mimiquin is a full scale replica of your body with a traditional firm and pinnable surface. Formed from a precise 3D scan, these custom dressforms are made from sustainable and locally sourced materials, and come with a height adjustable stand, so you'll have everything you need to start creating as soon as you open the box.
Your custom mannequin has three cores as standard so you can use it balanced on the stand centrally or with the pole in either leg making it possible to create shorts, trousers and lingerie.
If you would like to book a scanning session there will be slots available after the presentation and Q&A.
Welcome to Stitching Kitchen the friendly and supportive studio where Textile Artist Hannah Thompson encourages everyone to have fun with fabric, thread and fluff! Lots...