Booking options
Delivered In-Person
Delivered at your location
2 hours
Mini Medics provides a basic introduction to mental health and wellbeing for young people with no use of confusing terminology and allows children to learn a little bit more - at a level that is comfortable for them.
The Mini Medics courses are perfect for:
Primary schools
Secondary schools
After school clubs
Sports clubs
Organisations such as Cubs, Brownies and Scouts
As a qualified mental health trainer and parent myself - I am able to come into your setting and run the workshop with the kids able to ask questions that they maybe wouldn't be able to normally. I can also provide feedback, and support for you in the longer term as to how you can maintain their learning and exploration of well-being. This workshop is ideal for children aged 9-12, and can take place within school hours or as an add-on outside of school hours or within holiday clubs, and will take up to 2 hours to complete. Every child gets their own workbook and set of pencils to take away with them, and a certificate of completion at the end of the workshop.Booking is available in the Essex and South East Region.
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