Booking options
£185 - £285
£185 - £285
Delivered Online or In-Person
Excellent for beginners, practical, in small groups of max 4 people, 1 Day Online Instructor-led.
You could contact us for your prefereed date.
Session 1: Python Data Types and Variables:
Primitive types; Characters & Strings; Boolean; Working with variables and its scope; Conversion and casting types in Python.
Operators and Expressions:
Introduction of operators; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators..
Exercise: Calculate Movie Tickets for a Party, Are there enough seats in the cinema?
Decision Making & Loops
If statement; If - else statement; If- elif - else statement; Nested if - else;
Exercise: Calculate the travel fee to deliver goods
The while, For loop
Jump statements: break, continue;
Nesting loops.
Exercise: Enter a password, if incorrect 3 times, you are blocked.
Session 2: Data Structures
Exercise: Hangman Game
Exercise: Get a word for the game from a Json File, store the high score in a Dictionary file
Session 3: Files and exceptions
Exception Handling, Exception types; Using try and Except.
Files, streams: Open, Traverse, Read and Create Files: Csv, txt and Json Files.
API: Connecting to API’s.
Session 4: OOP
Creating and using custom Functions.
Using parameters and return values.
Creating a Class; Creating an Object; Using an Object; Adding Instance variables;
Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors.
Inheritance. Override.
Session 5: Pandas Dataframe Basics
Getting data into a dataframe: Dict to Dataframe, Dataframe to Dict. Excel To Dict, Dict to Excel , working with Excel data, multiple Excel sheets.
Getting information about the dataframe,
Filter, sort and query a Dataframes, Slicing Dataframes,
Duplicate values,Working with null-values, Sampling.
Exercise: Query the top 1000 grossing movies of the last century
Session 6: Built in Functions: String, Math, Random
Python built-in functions:
Strings functions. Maths functions. Random Functions.
Exercise: Find information in prose, to get the sentiment of the prose.
Exercise: Get a word for the game from a txt File
Exercise: Win the lottery
PCWorkshops's Python Programming Basics Certification
Course notes, exercises and code examples
Revision session after the course
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