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With this excellent Python Programming course London you will achieve job-ready coding expertees.
How does it work?
Online, Instructor-led lessons: 1 full day lesson per week, for 12 weeks
Plus Self-study Materials and a Structured Self-Study Program
Plus 1-1 mentoring Scheduled in addition
Plus Live Online Practical Project to showcase your expertees
Part Time
1 full day per week, online instructor-led.
Self study, in your own time.
1-1 mentoring, schedule your preferred time.
Earn and Learn, stay employed, work, earn your salary until you qualify, then change.
1-1 Mentoring
Additional, between weekly sessions.
Work at your pace, 1-1 sessions can cover extra work and/or help you catch up.
Gain confidence, because we revise & validate your practicals.
Be re-assured, get immediate answers to your questions.
Learn by doing, the best way to re-inforce learning, is by trying on your own.
Practical, most of the self-study work is practical exercises.
Gain experience, this aspect of the course gives you experience employesr are seeking.
Practical Project
Live online, upload your project.
Showcase, your expertees are testified online.
Become known, your project will put you in contact with the coding community.
Video Tutorials, Short and easy.
Python Coding Examples, Plenty thereof.
Manuals and Notes Reference materials.
Exercises, Practical work with every class
Our Style
Personalised, 1-1 Mentoring & Small Groups, Max 4.
Practical, Hand-on.
Online Instructor-Led.
Week 1
Overview of Python Fundamentals:
Python Data Types, Variables:
Primitive types; Characters; Boolean; Working with variables and its scope; Type conversion and casting;
String Functions, Strings vs numbers vs dates.
Getting user input.
Python Operators and Expressions:
Introduction of operators; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators.
Decision Making:
If statement; If - else statement; If- else if - else statement; Nested if - else; Switch Statements
Using Loops:
The while, do-while and the for loop; Enhanced for loop; Jump statements : break, continue; The return statement; Nesting loops.
Week 2
OOP Principals
Using Methods:
Learn Python method basics. Defining Methods, Parameters, Returning values, Overloading methods, Calling methods. Encapsulation.
Classes and Objects Inheritance, Override, Constructors, Parametised Constructors, the self keyword, Inner classes
Week 3
Lists. Tuples. Sets, Dictionary. Json Files.
Using Built-in modules and functions for strings, maths and dates.
Exception Handling, Files, Streams.
Database concepts, Relational Database
Data Types, Columns, Tables
SQL statements
DDL SQL Statements:
Create and drop a databases
Create,aleter and drop alter tables
Select queries: where-clauses, wildcards, order by, joins, aggregates, having,
DML Queries: Insert, Update and deleting records
Connect to a from Python to a SQLite3 database,
Data Driven Python Project:
DDL Queries: Create a table, alter tables, drop a table
Creating a log of transactions, using the above
DML Queries: insert, delete, update records
Creating a log-in facility to register, delete and maintain users
Create a Search facility using select queries
Query a database with wildcard parameters and display results
Week 4
Numpy Arrays The Python NumPy Module: Working with arrays, create data using arrays. Array manipulation and array-wise math functions. String functions on arrays.
Numpy Built-In Functions : Math, arithmetic and statistical functions.
Numpy Calculations
Week 5
Pandas Series
Data Cleaning
Python Pandas Dataframes and data importing
Python Dataframes
Data Series. Date/ Time Functionality. Time series.
Creating Dataframes, Indexing.
Dict to Dataframe, Dataframe to Dict.
Csv to Dataframe, Dataframe to csv.
Excel to Dataframe, Dataframe to Excel.
Data Cleaning and preparation
Finding, replacing and filtering missing data.
Remove Duplicates.
Replacing values.
Renaming Axis Indexes.
Pandas Data Wrangling
Discretization and Binning.
Random Sampling.
Transforing data using function and mapping,
Hierarchical Indexing,
Sorting, Stastitics,
Dataframe Joins, Merging, Concatenation, Overlap.
Reshaping and pivoting.
Week 6
Query a Pandas Dataframe
Data Analysis:
Analysing and finding data using filter, slicing and dataframe queries.
Finding data by Iteration.
Find statistics: Functions, Aggregate functions.
Unique values.
String objects, Regex.
Week 7
Chart Types: Bar, Column, Line, Scatter, Pie, Area, Histogram, Funnel Charts
Formatting: Changing gridlines lines, axes, scales, markers, colours,
Chart Elements: legends, titles, plot seizes, exporting.
Week 8:
Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning:
Classification Algorithms:
Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine
Regression Algorithms: Linear, Polynomial
Unsupervised Machine Learning:
Clustering Algorithms: K-means clustering, Hierarchical Clustering
Dimension Reduction Algorithms: Principal Component Analysis Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)
Association Algorithms: Apriori, Euclat
Ensemble Methods Algorithms: Stacking, bagging, boosting. Random Forest Random Forest, Gradient Boosting
Neural Networks and Deep Leaning Algorithms: Convolutional Network (CNN)
Data Exploration and Preprocessing:
Data cleaning, data transformation and data pre-processing are covered using Python functions to make data exploration and preprocessing relatively easy.
Python Tkinter Front-end Basics
Getting Started with HTML
Getting Started with CSS
Getting Started with Php
Getting Started with JavaScripts
Our experienced trainers are award winners.
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