Booking options
Delivered Online or In-Person
1 hour
All levels
We can book your test on your behalf! £22.50 + £7.50 admin fee
You can choose
Test Only (we will confirm exact time, once we receive your details)
Test and Preparation
attend Norwich House for up to 3 mock tests before test, only available on tests booked for 11am (attend Norwich House 9.30am)
or choose online test prep (we also offer additional support via telephone if required)
Do you need a CSCS Card?
We have over 10 years experience of delivering support to ensure our clients pass their citb operatives test and gain a CSCS Card.
You need to pass this test if you require a Green, Blue or Gold Card
For a green card you will also need a CSCS Approved Level 1 Certificate
For blue/gold cards you will need a NVQ in a construction related trade!