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Web Services/Rest API Testing with SoapUI and Real-time Projects

Web Services/Rest API Testing with SoapUI and Real-time Projects

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  • On-Demand course

  • 18 hours 49 minutes

  • All levels


This course gets you started with the testing of web services and REST APIs using SoapUI features and tools. You will start with the basics and advance towards designing test frameworks for performing manual and automation testing on web services and APIs with the help of real-time projects.

Do you want to get up and running with SoapUI to test web services and APIs? This course is designed in a manner that lets you learn from scratch without any knowledge of SoapUI, web services, and REST API. The course starts with an introduction to web services and APIs, enabling you to understand the different types of web services and the importance of Web Services Description Language (WSDL) in web services. Next, you will learn to manually test web services and APIs using the SoapUI tool and use Groovy to trigger SoapUI requests for automation testing. As you progress, you will learn to design the SoapUI framework from scratch using TestNG, Jenkins, and Java API. Moving along, you will understand the concepts of security and database testing using SoapUI and learn how to integrate SoapUI with Eclipse. Before you wrap up, you will prepare for job interviews with sample interview questions and get an introduction to SQL queries for database testing. By the end of this course, you will be well-versed with web services and APIs specifications and will be able to write effective manual and automation test cases for web services and APIs. All recourses are available at https://github.com/packtpublishing/web-services-rest-api-testing-with-soapui-real-time-projects

What You Will Learn

Distinguish between Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and SoapUI protocol
Test web services and REST API using SoapUI
Write robust automation scripts for API testing using SoapUI features
Develop robust automation framework for API test cases
Understand the importance and procedure of mocking web services
Perform security and database testing using SoapUI


Whether you are new to testing or an experienced manual or functional automation tester, who wants to explore manual and automation testing of web services using SoapUI, this course is for you. Penetration testers who want to understand security flaws will also find this course useful. You can get started with this course without any prior knowledge of web services testing or SoapUI.


With the help of real-time projects, interview questions, and interesting examples, this course helps you understand how to test web services and APIs using SoapUI features.

Key Features

Get knowledge about web services, APIs, and their functionality * Unlock efficient methods and tools to test web services and APIs * Learn how to design framework for automation testing from scratch using TestNG, Jenkins, and Java API

Github Repo


About the Author
Rahul Shetty

Rahul Shetty is the founder and trainer at Rahul Shetty Academy. He is a passionate software tester and has 13 years of rich experience in the IT industry. He has completed more than 300 offline training batches. Rahul has extensive knowledge in web automation testing, mobile automation testing, and API automation testing. He has also worked with various CMM-level organizations and managed the set-up of QA processes for projects.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Webservices

1. Course FAQ's (Must Watch)

Introduction to Webservices: Course FAQ's (Must Watch)

2. What are Webservices? Understand with Live example

Introduction to Webservices: What are Webservices? Understand with Live example

3. Explaining Types of Webservices-Soap and REST

Introduction to Webservices: Explaining Types of Webservices-Soap and REST

4. What is WSDL? Importance of it in Webservices

Introduction to Webservices: What is WSDL? Importance of it in Webservices

5. DIfferences between WSDL and Soap Protocol

Introduction to Webservices: DIfferences between WSDL and Soap Protocol

2. Exploring Soap UI Tool Basic Features

1. SoapUI Installation/Documentation

Exploring Soap UI Tool Basic Features: SoapUI Installation/Documentation

2. Calculator WebService Example

Exploring Soap UI Tool Basic Features: Calculator WebService Example

3. Creating Testsuites and testcases

Exploring Soap UI Tool Basic Features: Creating Testsuites and testcases.

4. Local Webservice installation for practise

Exploring Soap UI Tool Basic Features: Local Webservice installation for practise

5. Explaining Webservice operations in detail

Exploring Soap UI Tool Basic Features: Explaining Webservice operations in detail

3. Webservices Testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free Version

1. Basic Assertions for Test validations

Webservices Testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free Version: Basic Assertions for Test validations

2. Advanced Assertions for validating responses

Webservices Testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free Version: Advanced Assertions for validating responses

3. Strategy to use Xpath assertions in Tests

Webservices Testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free Version: Strategy to use Xpath assertions in Tests

4. Properties Access-Data driven Strategy

Webservices Testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free Version: Properties Access-Data driven Strategy

5. Accessing properties from Testcase, Suite and project level

Webservices Testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free Version: Accessing properties from Testcase, Suite and project level

6. How to send values from response to another request-Property Transfer

Webservices Testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free Version: How to send values from response to another request-Property Transfer

7. End to end exercises

Webservices Testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free Version: End to end exercises

4. Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version

1. Introduction to Groovy Script Test step

Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version - Introduction to Groovy Script Test step

2. Importance of TestRunner and Context variable

Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version: Importance of TestRunner and Context variable

3. testRunner methods for get and set Property()

Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version: testRunner methods for get and set Property()

4. Accessing and updating the properties through Groovy methods

Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version: Accessing and updating the properties through Groovy methods

5. Parsing the Xml requests and responses with XML Holder API

Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version - Parsing the Xml requests and responses with XML Holder API.

6. Triggering the Soap Requests through Groovy code

Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version: Triggering the Soap Requests through Groovy code

7. Practise Exercises- Automate the services

Webservices Automation Testing in SoapUI Free version: Practise Exercises- Automate the services

8. Triggering the Soap Requests through Groovy code

Validating the service responses with Assertions

5. REST API testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free version

1. REST API concepts

REST API testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free version: REST API concepts

2. REST API - Types of HTTP Methods

REST API testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free version: REST API - Types of HTTP Methods

3. Practical example on GET and POST

REST API testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free version: Practical example on GET and POST

4. Exercises- Datadriving from custom properties

REST API testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free version: Exercises- Datadriving from custom properties

5. Exercises-Property Transfer usage in REST example

REST API testing (Manual) with SoapUI Free version: Exercises-Property Transfer usage in REST example

6. REST API Automation Testing with SoapUI Free version

1. Json Script Assertion window-Automation

REST API Automation Testing with SoapUI Free version: Json Script Assertion window-Automation

2. Parsing the Json responses for API validation

REST API Automation Testing with SoapUI Free version: Parsing the Json responses for API validation

3. Examples on REST API Automation with Json as response

REST API Automation Testing with SoapUI Free version: Examples on REST API Automation with Json as response

4. Examples on REST API Automation with XML as response

REST API Automation Testing with SoapUI Free version: Examples on REST API Automation with XML as response

7. Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features

1. Basics of Pro version

Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features: Basics of Pro version

2. Data Source

Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features: Data Source

3. Data Sink

Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features: Data Sink

4. DatGen types

Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features: DatGen types

5. Testcase Debugging, Breakpoints

Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features: Testcase Debugging, Breakpoints

6. Reporting Techniques

Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features: Reporting Techniques

7. Jasper Reports and WebRecording

Soap UI PRO Tool extra Features: Jasper Reports and WebRecording

8. Rest API Json Assertions and Validations

1. Flicker API Introduction

Rest API Json Assertions and Validations: Flicker API Introduction

2. Json Path extraction from responses

Rest API Json Assertions and Validations: Json Path extraction from responses

3. Json Assertions on parsed responses

Rest API Json Assertions and Validations: Json Assertions on parsed responses

4. Advanced examples on Json Assertions

Rest API Json Assertions and Validations: Advanced examples on Json Assertions

9. End to End Framework Design

1. Framework Design Plan

End to End Framework Design: Framework Design Plan

2. Understand Preparing API Tests from the functional Documents

End to End Framework Design: Understand Preparing API Tests from the functional Documents

3. Building Rest API project in SoapUI

End to End Framework Design: Building Rest API project in SoapUI

4. Create Testcases from the defined API

End to End Framework Design: Create Testcases from the defined API

5. End to End Testing on Library API

End to End Framework Design: End to End Testing on Library API

6. Install Eclipse and Java for API Automation testing

End to End Framework Design: Install Eclipse and Java for API Automation testing

7. Creation of Java API project for Framework setup

End to End Framework Design: Creation of Java API project for Framework setup

8. WSDL Project concepts for Java tests set up

End to End Framework Design: WSDL Project concepts for Java tests set up

9. TestNG Integration to the Java API Tests

End to End Framework Design: TestNG Integration to the Java API Tests

10. Different combinations of Tests for WSDL API

End to End Framework Design: Different combinations of Tests for WSDL API

11. Defining Testng.xml file for one single Trigger point to all tests

End to End Framework Design: Defining Testng.xml file for one single Trigger point to all tests

12. Commands to trigger TestNG Java API Tests

End to End Framework Design: Commands to trigger TestNG Java API Tests

13. HTML Reports and Jenkins Installation

End to End Framework Design: HTML Reports and Jenkins Installation

14. Integrating the framework with Jenkins

End to End Framework Design: Integrating the framework with Jenkins

10. Java API driving and Security Testing with Soap UI

1. List of Security Threats

Java API driving and Security Testing with Soap UI: List of Security Threats

2. Security Testcases

Java API driving and Security Testing with Soap UI: Security Testcases

3. Security Testing-Practical example

Java API driving and Security Testing with Soap UI: Security Testing-Practical example

4. Creating SoapUI Project in Eclipse

Java API driving and Security Testing with Soap UI: Creating SoapUI Project in Eclipse

5. Running Soap UI Scripts from Eclipse

Java API driving and Security Testing with Soap UI: Running Soap UI Scripts from Eclipse

11. Database Testing with SoapUI

1. Database concepts

Database Testing with SoapUI: Database concepts

2. Creating Database from scratch

Database Testing with SoapUI: Creating Database from scratch

3. SoapUI Jdbc connection

Database Testing with SoapUI: SoapUI Jdbc connection

4. SQL Queries Testing with SoapUI features

Database Testing with SoapUI: SQL Queries Testing with SoapUI features

5. SQL Builder- SoapUI Pro

Database Testing with SoapUI: SQL Builder- SoapUI Pro

12. Load Testing on REST API

1. Performance Testing tool used for Testing REST API

Load Testing on REST API: Performance Testing tool used for Testing REST API

2. Putting Load on REST Calls

Load Testing on REST API: Putting Load on REST Calls

course Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1Web Services/Rest API Testing with SoapUI and Real-time Projects

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Founded in 2004 in Birmingham, UK, Packt’s mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and i...
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