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Web Development Concepts for Everyone

Web Development Concepts for Everyone

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  • On-Demand course

  • 5 hours

  • All levels


This is a comprehensive course designed to provide a solid foundation in web development principles and practices. This course is intentionally structured to provide a technical understanding of web development concepts without delving into intricate implementation details. Anyone looking to better understand how web applications are built can take this course.

This course aims to equip learners with a conceptual comprehension of various web development principles rather than focusing on hands-on coding exercises. The course begins with a thorough introduction, setting the stage for the topics to follow. You will then delve into the front-end aspect of web development, learning about the client-side and server-side components, as well as the role of databases in web applications. You will gain insight into version control, with a specific focus on Git, including concepts such as branching, merging, and the use of GitHub for collaboration. Front-end libraries and frameworks take center stage, with a focus on jQuery, Chart.js, and popular front-end frameworks such as Angular. You will explore back-end web frameworks, including microframeworks with JavaScript and Express.js, as well as web frameworks with Java Spring. Code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) are introduced, with examples such as Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA. An introduction to DevOps is provided, covering Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), containerization with Docker, cloud orchestration using Kubernetes, and continuous monitoring. You will also gain an understanding of the DevOps maturity model. By the end of the course, you will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of web development, enabling you to confidently navigate the various technologies and concepts involved in building modern web applications.

What You Will Learn

Gain an understanding of websites and web applications
Explore libraries and front-end frameworks
Understand back-end web frameworks
Explore cloud and cloud services providers
Understand databases including SQL, NoSQL, and in-memory
Learn about version control systems such as Git


It is ideal for HR professionals, recruiters, and sourcing specialists who work specifically in the tech sector. Sales and client success executives who operate within the technology industry will also benefit from the course. Project and delivery management professionals looking to enhance their knowledge in the tech field will find value in the course content. Associate-level developers seeking to expand their skill set will find the course beneficial as well.


This is a short course that helps you understand the concepts used in web development without getting deep into coding practices. This course follows a slide-based approach, which will help you understand the concepts in an easy manner.

Key Features

Gain confidence in understanding the technologies that create and power the web * Learn the concepts used in web development without diving deep into coding * Understand programming languages and what makes them different

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About the Author
Scott Bromander

Scott Bromander is the director of software engineering at Statespace, the makers of the Aimlabs website and Aim Lab (PC game on Steam with 25m+ registered users). Scott has experience in the web/game development industry for over 15 years and a parallel career as an educator. He has worked with several Fortune 100 companies, partnering with them to design and build world-class web applications. In addition, he has designed curriculums for several development boot camp programs and has led higher education computer science programs. He is passionate about getting people engaged in technology and loves helping people.

Course Outline

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

This video introduces you to both the course and the instructor, as well as the target audience.

2. Course Note

This video explains the course outcomes and what to expect out of the course.

3. Course Tools

In this video, you will be introduced to the essential tools needed for this course.

2. The Basics of Full-Stack Web Applications

1. Introduction

This video introduces you to the course and what full stack is and what purpose it serves.

2. Frontend

This video explains the frontend, which is everything we can see on the webpage, which is a combination of layout and the style of all the elements on the screen. The

3. Client

This video explains the client, which is a login that makes a webpage smart. It handles user interactions and flow of data between the user and server. The client is what turns a webpage into a web application.

4. Server

This video explains the server that handles data exchanges between clients and databases. Users have the client on their device, so there are many clients. Those clients talk to the same server per application.

5. Database

This video explains a database that holds onto data for a web application long-term. The browser can only hold onto information for a limited time. The data in databases is persistent. The data does not go away if the database or application is turned off.

3. Version Control

1. Introduction to Version Control

This video introduces you to version control, which is a technology that supports versioning of in-progress software. It is more advanced than just saving files. Version control gives developers flexibility to safely experiment and collaborate with other developers.

2. Introduction to Git

This video explains Git, which is the most popular version control technology. Git pairs with popular platforms such as GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. It allows for version branching.

3. Branching

This video explains branching, which is a copy of the code base of a commit. The branch is a copy of the last commit and all the commits that came before it.

4. Merging

This video explains merging, which happens when a branch of new functionality is completed and ready to be brought back into the main development branch and ready to use.

5. GitHub

This video explains GitHub, which is a popular Git cloud platform used by individual developers and companies.

6. GitHub Visualization and Wrap-Up

This video explains GitHub's visualization and summarizes the section.

7. Other Git Cloud Platforms

This video explains other Git cloud platforms such as Bitbucket and GitLab.

4. Programming Languages

1. Runtime Environments

This video explains the runtime environment where an application, which is the result of writing code, is executed.

2. Introduction to Programming Types

This video introduces you to different programming types such as numbers, strings, and Booleans.

3. Strong Versus Weak

This video explains the difference between strong and weak programming types, where a weak programming type can change the type of the variable and the strong programming type cannot change its variable type.

4. Static Versus Dynamic

This video explains the differences between static and dynamic programming types.

5. Supersets and TypeScript

This video explains supersets, which are a language that contains all the features of a given language, but then is expanded or enhanced to include other features as well. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript developed and maintained by Microsoft.

6. Markup Languages

This video explains the markup language system for annotating a document in a way that is visually distinguishable from the content. Examples include HTML and XML.

5. Libraries and Front-End Frameworks

1. Front-End Libraries with jQuery

This video explains jQuery, a wildly popular library that rounded its rise before the popularization of technologies such as Angular and React. jQuery makes interacting with the "DOM" much more manageable while also simplifying client-to-server interactions.

2. Library Example with Chart.js

This video explains Chart.js, a popular charting library for JavaScript. It makes what would be a difficult combination of styling, layout, and data positioning into an easy to manage ordeal, saving developers loads of time in creating graphs and charts.

3. Front-End Frameworks

This video explains the various front-end frameworks.

4. Front-End Frameworks with Angular

Developed by Google, Angular is a front-end framework that utilizes the TypeScript Superset. It is an opinionated framework that has many architectural decisions already made for developers.

5. CSS Frameworks and Bootstrap

This video explains CSS frameworks and Bootstrap.

6. Special Mention - React

This video explains React; a JavaScript library developed by Facebook. While it has framework-like features, it is not fully featured and, therefore, is considered a library. There are still some architectural decisions that are left unmade.

7. Special Mention - AngularJS Versus Angular

This video explains the difference between AngularJS and Angular, which is written using JavaScript and TypeScript simultaneously.

6. Client / Server Communications

1. HTTP Protocol

This video explains the HTTP protocol, which is a communication standard between client and server over the Internet.

2. HTTP Methods

This video explains HTTP methods, where predefined verbs are used to describe the interaction that the client wishes to engage in with the server, often called a request. The most common HTTP methods are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

3. APIs

This video explains an Application Programming Interface, which is a declaration of how an application can communicate with another application, library, or framework.


This video explains REST API, which is a collection of six architectural constraints. In common language between developers, REST APIs point to a collection of HTTP methods that are resource-based.

5. Sockets

This video explains the WebSockets API, which makes it possible to open a bi-directional, interactive session between a client and server. WebSockets are the backbone for applications that have chat functionality.

7. Authentication and Authorization

1. Authentication (AuthN)

This video explains AuthN, which helps upgrade an application to allow it to collect information and validate WHO the user is.

2. Authorization (AuthZ)

This video explains AuthZ. After the application determines who the user is, authorization determines WHAT the user is allowed to do in the application.

3. OAuth and OpenID Connect

This video explains OAuth is a system that grants third-party websites limited access to user accounts. OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

8. Back-End Web Frameworks

1. Back-End Web Frameworks

This video explains back-end frameworks that give developers the tools to create applications that can receive requests over the Internet and turn those applications into servers.

2. Microframeworks with JavaScript, Node, and Express.js

This video explains microframeworks with JavaScript, Node, and Express.js.

3. Microframework Modules

This video explains microframework modules and packages as they tend to be as small as possible by design. Packages are common solutions that are bundled up and made available to other developers.

4. Web Frameworks with Java Spring

This video explains web frameworks, which were the major players in creating a more modern web experience. They handled interactivity and customized experiences before JavaScript matured and developed the web.

9. Databases

1. Relational Databases - SQL

This video explains SQL, a relational database where data is organized into rows and columns in a table. The entries in the table can have relationships to other tables and the developer can choose to structure ways to query or group that data.

2. Example of a Relational Database - PostgreSQL

This video explains PostgreSQL, known as Postgres, a free and open-source relational database management system that emphasizes extensibility and SQL compliance.

3. Document Databases - NoSQL

This video explains NoSQL. Data is schemaless and organized into JSON-like objects. Instead of defined rows of needed information, an entry can be more free form. Entries can contain different information from other entries in the collection.

4. Example of a Document Database - MongoDB

This video explains MongoDB with an example of a document database.

5. In-Memory Databases

This video explains in-memory databases, which make the data extremely quick to access but the data is usually not persistent between sessions.

6. Example of an In-Memory Database - Redis

This video explains Redis, an in-memory data structure store used as a distributed, in-memory key-value database, cache, and message broker with optional durability.

10. Web Developer Tools

1. Code Editors

This video explains code editor, which is an application used by programmers to develop applications. More than a simple text-editor, a code editor is optimized for programming languages rather than spoken languages.

2. Example of a Code Editor - Visual Studio Code

This video explains Visual Studio Code, which is an example of a code editor.

3. IDEs

This video explains IDE or an integrated development environment, an application that facilitates software development for programmers.

4. Example of an IDE - IntelliJ Idea

This video explains IntelliJ Idea, which is an IDE specifically for the Java programming language. It was developed by JetBrains and streamlines the process of creating Java applications.

5. Console

This video explains a low-level command line interface included in operating systems that allows users to execute more discrete tasks than a regular computer.

6. Package Managers

This video explains package managers, which are often language- or framework-specific tools that manage the retrieval and organization of supporting code needed by developers that are created by other developers.

7. Build Automation Tools

This video explains how to build automation tools, which are supporting tools that can execute a number of different tasks for developers creating an application.

8. ORMs

This video explains ORM or Object Relational Mappers, which is a library that allows you to programmatically change data in a database using the programming language rather than the query language.

9. Postman

This video explains Postman, which is an application used for testing APIs. It is a client application that tests HTTP requests using a graphical interface.

11. Cloud Platforms

1. How Applications Run

This video explains how applications run in runtime environments.

2. Computer Hardware

This video explains the need to understand the basics of how our computer works.

3. Cloud Platforms

This video explains the cloud platform, which is a suite of services made available by a provider. The most common service made available by cloud platforms is site and application hosting and, in recent years, has expanded to a wide range of infrastructure.

4. Cloud Hosting with Heroku

This video explains Heroku, which is a cloud platform that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely on cloud.

5. Heroku with a Database

This video explains Heroku with a database.

6. AWS (Amazon Web Services)

This video explains AWS, which features a massive list of services for developers and cloud engineers to pick from. Each service is designed to take a portion of an application ecosystem.

7. Serverless with AWS

This video explains serverless, which is just a fancy term for choosing to use cloud services rather than write a server by hand. The truth is that it is still a server; it's just that the cloud services provider has written a portion of it for us, often providing a user interface to plug in values.

8. A Note on Cloud Certifications

This video explains cloud certifications.

12. DevOps

1. Introduction to DevOps

This video introduces you to DevOps, which is a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations. It aims to shorten the system's development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery of high software quality.

2. CI/CD

This video explains continuous integration and continuous delivery in DevOps.

3. Containerization with Docker

This video explains containerization, which is a way of packaging the code up complete with libraries, files, and dependencies in an environment that is predictable and portable. Docker is a suite of technologies that accomplishes this.

4. Cloud Orchestration with Kubernetes

This video explains container orchestration is the process of automating application deployment, scaling, and management. In a nutshell, it is a way to manage sets of containers. Kubernetes was originally developed by Google and is often referred to as K8 or Kube.

5. Continuous Monitoring

This video explains continuous monitoring, which is the process and technology used to detect compliance and risk issues associated with an operational environment.

6. DevOps Maturity Model

While there are many versions of the DevOps Maturity Model, it is meant to be a model that describes a company's journey along the path of building a DevOps culture. Most models provide a step/progression layout to help identify where a company is and what the next step may be.

13. Wrap Up

1. Thank You

This video wraps up the entire course and what you have learnt.

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  1. 1Web Development Concepts for Everyone

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