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The Simplest Guide™ to SAS Programming | Base SAS | Advanced SAS

The Simplest Guide™ to SAS Programming | Base SAS | Advanced SAS

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  • Completion Certificate
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  • On-Demand course

  • 11 hours 43 minutes

  • All levels


A comprehensive, simple, visual guide and a super-easy course using SAS with no installation on your computer necessary. This course uses the latest SAS Studio offered through SAS OnDemand and it's completely free. 12+ hours of knowledge-packed lectures, videos, quiz questions, followed by two practical and hands-on guided exercises and projects.

This course is for absolute beginners as well as advanced users who wish to learn SAS programming. Delivered in a highly visual style, these immersive lectures will equip you with cutting-edge tools used in many industries, primarily in pharma, finance, and insurance areas. Simplified into just four main areas, this course is an accelerated path to learning SAS programming. Data preparation will teach you how to import data from multiple sources, create new variables, write SAS functions, and understand what goes on behind the scenes in SAS datasets. Data structuring will make you leap into transforming data to a new level by merging and joining multiple datasets together, or turning them upside-down (sorting) and sideways (transposing). Data visualization will propel you further into the world of analytics and obtain insightful inferences from what is inside your data. The final section will take you into the world of macro programming that teaches you how to write your code professionally and elegantly. At the end of the course, you will try out most concepts discussed in this course through a coding exercise that will take you through these sections in preparation for your own SAS certification. The code files and all related files are uploaded on GitHub at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/The-Simplest-Guide-to-SAS-Programming-Base-SAS-Advanced-SAS-

What You Will Learn

Perform data analysis with the powerful SAS programming language
Import any type of data into SAS and construct meaningful reports
Analyze data with SAS that reveal amazing insights within your data
Create beautiful visualizations and reports for a better understanding
Strengthen your foundation for SAS base and advanced certification exams
Apply all topics learned and finish the 'Project Heavyweight' exercise


This course is designed for individuals looking to quickly acquire data manipulation and data analytics skills in order to get placed in job roles that involve a lot of data processing, or as part of data science university coursework, or to pass the Base SAS or Advanced SAS certification. No prior experience is required. This course uses SAS OnDemand for Academics Edition as the software tool to work with data.


This course operates under the conviction that the quickest way to learn, remember, and, more importantly, understand anything new is to not read it from a set of slides with a background narration but to visually see what is being taught in the form of real-world objects, associate them to the topic being discussed, and then allow our brains to form those hard-to-forget connections in our minds.

Key Features

A guide to the two SAS certification exams: SAS Base and SAS Advanced * This course uses the SAS OnDemand for Academics Edition that is free to be used on a PC or Mac * Quiz and practice tests after each section are included

Github Repo


About the Author
Aslam Khan

Aslam Khan works with businesses in understanding their complex problems, surfacing their business needs and offering viable technical solutions, overseeing change management, program benefits realization, and organizational project management. He has also worked in the clinical data management, biostatistics, and SAS programming areas of the life sciences industry. He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and a SAS Base and Advanced Certified Programmer, with a master's degree in management information systems.

Course Outline

1. Why Learn SAS

1. Course Overview

This video provides an overview of the entire course.

2. Getting Started with SAS Programming

1. Why Is SAS So Easy to Learn

This video explains why SAS is so easy to learn.

2. SAS Studio Through SAS OnDemand - Registration

This video demonstrates how to install SAS software on your computer.

3. Logging In to a SAS Session after Installation

This video demonstrates how to log in to a SAS session post-installation.

4. SAS User Interface

This video demonstrates the SAS user interface and how to use it.

3. Preparing Data

1. Section Overview

This video provides an overview of the entire section.

2. SAS Dataset, Variables, and Observations

This video explains a dataset in SAS; you will look at the variables and observations in SAS.

3. SAS Libraries

This video explains SAS libraries.

4. Library Naming Conventions

This video demonstrates the naming conventions of the libraries in SAS.

5. Dataset Naming Conventions

This video demonstrates the naming conventions of the datasets in SAS.

6. SAS Program Syntax

This video explains the syntax in SAS programming.

7. SAS Data Step and Proc Step

This video demonstrates the SAS code that is broken down into two modules: SAS Data Step and Proc Step.

8. Referencing Data in SAS

This video explains the referencing of data in SAS.

9. Bringing Data into SAS

This video demonstrates how to bring data into SAS.

10. Bringing Data into SAS Using the Import Wizard

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using the import wizard.

11. Bringing Data into SAS Using the LIBNAME Statement

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using the LIBNAME statement.

12. Bringing Data into SAS Using the FILENAME Statement

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using the FILENAME statement.

13. Bringing Data into SAS Using the DELIMITER Option

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using the DELIMITER option.

14. Bringing Data into SAS Using the DSD Option

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using the DSD option.

15. Bringing Data into SAS Using Column Input

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using column input.

16. Bringing Data into SAS Using Column Pointer @ Symbol

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using column pointer @ symbol.

17. Bringing Data into SAS Using the Line Pointer # Symbol

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using the line pointer pound operator.

18. Bringing Data into SAS Using Line Pointer Slash Symbol

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using a line pointer slash pointer.

19. Bringing Data into SAS Using the Trailing @ Symbol

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using the trailing @ symbol.

20. Bringing Data into SAS Using the Trailing Double @ Symbol

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using the trailing double @ symbol.

21. Bringing Data into SAS Using Proc Import for XLS (MS Excel) Files

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using proc import for XLS files.

22. Bringing Data into SAS Using Proc Import for TXT Files

This video explains how to bring data into SAS using proc import for text files.

23. Creating New Variables

This video explains how to create new variables in SAS datasets.

24. Creating New Variables - Code

This video explains how to create new variables with the help of actual coding.

25. Keeping, Dropping, and Renaming Variables in a Dataset

This video explains how to keep, drop, and rename variables in an SAS dataset.

26. If-else Conditional Statements - Deriving BMI Variable

This video demonstrates the usage of the conditional statement, if-else, to derive the BMI variable.

27. If-else Conditional Statements - Deriving STATUS Variable

This video demonstrates the usage of the conditional statement, if-else, to derive the STATUS variable.

28. Filtering Data

This video demonstrates how to filter data in the dataset.

29. SAS Dates

This video shows how to handle the date dataset in SAS.

30. SAS Functions - Upcase

This video shows the usage of SAS's upcase function.

31. SAS Functions - Lowcase, Propcase, Len, Cat

This video shows the usage of SAS's lowcase, propcase, len, and cat functions.

32. SAS Functions - Substr

This video demonstrates the usage of substr function.

33. SAS Functions - Trim, Left, Strip, Compress, Compbl

This video shows the usage of SAS's trim, left, strip, compress, and compbl functions.

34. SAS Character Functions - Scan Function

This video explains one of the SAS character functions-the Scan function.

35. SAS Character Functions - Index Function

This video demonstrates another SAS character function-the Index function.

36. SAS Numeric Functions - Sum Function

This video talks about the SAS numeric functions-the Sum function.

37. Null Dataset

This video talks about the null dataset.

38. SAS Numeric Functions - Abs Function

This video focuses on the SAS numeric functions and here, we will look at the Abs function.

39. SAS Numeric Functions - Ceiling, Floor, and Integer Functions

This video demonstrates a few sets of SAS numeric functions such as the Ceiling, Floor, and Integer functions.

40. SAS Numeric Functions - Minimum and Maximum Functions

This video explains a few more sets of SAS numeric functions such as Minimum and Maximum functions.

41. SAS Formats - Introduction

This video introduces you to the SAS formats.

42. Format Statement

This video demonstrates two ways of formatting in SAS to make the data more meaningful.

43. Format Naming Conventions

This video demonstrates the naming conventions of the format.

44. Format Using the PUT Function

This video demonstrates how to format SAS using the PUT function.

45. SAS Informats

This video explains the pre-existing formats in SAS.

46. SAS Informats - Code

This video demonstrates how SAS informats work.

47. Custom Formats Using Proc Format

This video explains how to create customer formats in SAS using Proc format.

48. Custom Formats Using Proc Format - Code

This video explains how to create customer formats in SAS using Proc format works.

49. Program Data Vector (PDV)

This video explains the program data vector in SAS.

50. Implicit Output- Descriptor Portion

This video explains the implicit output.

51. Implicit Output - var and Data Portion

This video demonstrates the creation of a new data vector.

52. Explicit Output

This video explains the explicit output in detail.

53. Explicit Output - Code

This video demonstrates the working of the explicit output.

54. Do Loops

This video explains what are do loops in SAS.

55. Guided Exercise - 'Project Cars' - Introduction

This video is a guided exercise to help you with the concepts learned in this section.

56. Section Conclusion

This video provides the conclusion of this section.

4. Structuring Data

1. Section Overview

This video provides an overview of the entire section.

2. Stacking Data Using a Data Step

This video explains about stacking data using a data step.

3. Stacking Data Using Proc Append

This video explains about stacking data using Proc Append.

4. Stacking Data Using Proc Append - Code

This video demonstrates the working of stacking data using Proc Append.

5. Interleaving of Data

This video focuses on the concept of interleaving of data.

6. Sorting Data Using Proc SortT

This video focuses on sorting data using the Proc Sort method.

7. Sorting Data Using Proc Sort - Multi-Level Sorting

This video demonstrates sorting data using Proc Sort but this time, we will use multi-level sorting.

8. Removing Duplicates - NODUP Option

This video demonstrates how to remove duplicate observations from the dataset using the NODUP option.

9. Removing Duplicates - NODUPKEY Option

This video demonstrates how to remove duplicate observations from the dataset using the NODUPKEY option.

10. Simple Merging of Data

This video explains how to merge simple datasets in SAS.

11. Merging Data Using Joins - Introduction

This video explains the concept of joins and how it is used to merge datasets.

12. Merging Data Using Inner Join

This video explains how to merge datasets using inner join.

13. Merging Data Using Inner Join - Code

This video demonstrates the working of merging data using inner join.

14. Merging Data Using Full Join

This video explains how to merge datasets using full join.

15. Merging Data Using Left Join

This video explains how to merge datasets using left join.

16. Merging Data Using Right Join

This video explains how to merge datasets using right join.

17. Merging Data Using 'Far' Joins

This video explains how to merge data using far left/right joins.

18. PROC SQL - Copying Data

This video demonstrates an advanced concept in SAS-Proc SQL, where we will use it to copy data from one dataset to another.

19. Proc SQL - Copying Data - Code

This video demonstrates the working of Proc SQL to copy the dataset.

20. Proc SQL - Filtering Data

This video explains how Proc SQL can be used to filter the data.

21. Proc SQL - Sorting Data

This video explains how Proc SQL can be used to sort the data.

22. Proc SQL - Removing Duplicates

This video explains how Proc SQL can be used to remove duplicate observations from the dataset.

23. Transposing Data - ID Statement

This video explains how to transpose the data using the ID statement.

24. Transposing Data - ID Statement - Code

This video demonstrates the working of transposing the dataset using the ID statement.

25. Transposing Data - BY Statement

This video explains how to transpose the data using the BY statement.

26. Transposing Data - BY Statement - Code

This video demonstrates the working of transposing the dataset using the BY statement in SAS code.

27. Retain Statement - Introduction

This video explains the concept of the Retain statement.

28. Retain Statement - How to Use

This video demonstrates how to use the Retain statement for the cumulative salary of the employees.

29. Retain Statement - Example

This video demonstrates the working of the Retain statement in SAS code.

30. Section Conclusion

This video provides the conclusion of this section.

5. Visualizing Data

1. Section Overview

This video provides an overview of this section.

2. Charts - Introduction - Vertical Bar Chart

This video demonstrates how to construct the vertical bar chart.

3. Charts - Horizontal Bar and Pie Charts

This video demonstrates how to construct the horizontal bar charts and pie charts.

4. Vertical Bar Chart - DISCRETE Option

This video demonstrates how to construct the vertical bar charts using the DISCRETE option.

5. Horizontal Bar Chart - DISCRETE Option

This video demonstrates how to construct the horizontal chart using the DISCRETE option.

6. Vertical Bar Chart - Groups and Subgroups

This video explains the concepts of grouping and subgrouping using the vertical bar charts.

7. Horizontal Bar Chart - Groups and Subgroups

This video explains the concepts of grouping and subgrouping using the horizontal bar charts.

8. Plots

This video provides an introduction to the plots and ways to create one.

9. Report Output Using Proc Print

This video explains how to get the report formatting view using Proc Print.

10. Report Output Using Proc Report - DISPLAY Option

This video explains how to get the report formatting view using Proc Report-DISPLAY option.

11. Report Output Using Proc Report - ORDER and GROUP Option

This video explains how to get the report formatting view using Proc Report-ORDER and GROUP option.

12. Summary Statistics - Proc Freq

This video explains the summary statistics that give more insights about the data using Proc Freq.

13. Summary Statistics - Proc Means

This video explains the summary statistics using Proc Means.

14. Summary Statistics - Proc Univariate

This video explains the summary statistics using Proc Univariate.

15. Output Delivery System (ODS) - Report Formats

This video explains one of the most important capabilities by SAS, which is Output Delivery System (ODS).

16. ODS with Proc Freq

This video explains the ODS with the Proc Freq procedure.

17. ODS with Proc Means

This video explains the ODS with the Proc Means procedure.

18. ODS with Proc Univariate

This video explains the ODS with the Proc Univariate procedure.

19. Section Conclusion

This video provides the conclusion of the section.

6. Optimizing Code

1. Section Overview

This video provides an overview of the section.

2. Macro Variables - Introduction

This video provides an introduction to the macro variables.

3. Macro Variables - Introduction - Code

This video demonstrates the working of the macro variables in SAS programming.

4. Application of Macro Variables

This video explains the application of the macro variables.

5. Application of Macro Variables - Code

This video demonstrates the application of the macro variables in SAS programming.

6. Nested Macro Variables and Ampersand Resolutions

This video explores the concept of nested macro variables and ampersand resolutions.

7. More on Ampersand Resolutions Using a Cool Example

This video dives further into the concept of ampersand resolutions using an interesting example.

8. SAS Macros - Introduction

This video explores the concepts of Macros in SAS, which makes programming in SAS more efficient.

9. SAS Macros - Examples

This video demonstrates the application of Macros on the dataset to obtain some output.

10. Macro Functions

This video explores the concepts of Macros functions.

11. Macro Functions - Code

This video demonstrates the working of Macros functions in SAS programming.

12. Optimizing Code - Section Conclusion

This video provides a conclusion of the entire section.

7. Practice Exercise | Case Study

1. Guided Exercise - 'Project Heavyweight' - Introduction to the Project and Data

This video introduces you to the project and data to work on in the case study.

course Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1The Simplest Guide™ to SAS Programming | Base SAS | Advanced SAS

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Founded in 2004 in Birmingham, UK, Packt’s mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and i...
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