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Spring Framework Master Class - Java Spring the Modern Way

Spring Framework Master Class - Java Spring the Modern Way

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  • On-Demand course

  • 12 hours

  • All levels


This course will help you master Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Modules - JDBC, AOP, and Data JPA through a hands-on, step-by-step approach. You will also be introduced to unit testing with JUnit and Mockito and learn how to communicate with the database using the Spring framework.

Do you want to get well-versed with the Spring framework and become a modern Spring developer? This course is designed to help you learn the Spring framework in 10 easy steps! The course starts with the basics of the Spring framework, enabling you to understand dependency injection, IOC container, application context, and BeanFactory. Next, you will use Spring annotations to configure dependencies through Java programs and delve into the concepts of Spring MVC. Moving ahead, you will learn the basics of Spring Boot, Eclipse, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC and JPA, Maven, JUnit, and Mockito. Later, you will understand the development process of a web application using JSP servlets and Spring MVC. Finally, you will focus on how to execute unit testing cases with JUnit and Mockito using XML and Java Spring application contexts. By the end of this course, you will have learned Spring framework concepts and have developed the skills you need to use them confidently in Java projects.
The code bundle for this course is available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Spring-Framework-Master-Class-Java-Spring-the-Modern-Way

What You Will Learn

Understand the ecosystem of the Spring framework
Use Spring Initializr to create a Spring Boot application
Distinguish between Spring Boot, Spring, and Spring MVC
Set up a project with JDBC, JPA, H2, and web dependencies
Create and import a Maven project
Perform unit testing with the Spring framework


Whether you want to learn the basics of the Spring framework with practical examples, develop testable applications with Spring, or understand basic Spring modules such as AOP and JDBC, you'll find this course useful. A basic understanding of Java is necessary to get started with this course.


With the help of easy-to-understand explanations, interesting examples, and activities, this course will give you a detailed understanding of the Spring framework in 10 quick steps.

Key Features

Gain the skills you need to work effectively with the Spring framework * Learn how to tackle various challenges in your project * Develop the ability to write flawless unit test

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About the Author
In28Minutes Official

Ranga Karanam is a seasoned technologist and architect with over two decades of expertise in programming, design, and architecture. He founded in28Minutes with the goal of helping students master cutting-edge cloud-native technologies such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, and Kubernetes. With 15 years of experience in Java programming and design, Ranga has collaborated with top banking clients worldwide. His passion for creating hands-on courses with real-world projects motivated him to develop the Step-By-Step series of courses that follow a problem-solution-based approach, with practical and real-world application examples. Ranga and his team at in28Minutes specialize in Java and related frameworks such as Spring, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Struts, and Hibernate. They are committed to equipping learners with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in today's rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Course Outline

1. Quick Introduction to the Spring Framework

1. Quick Introduction to the Spring Framework

This video provides an introduction to the Spring framework.

2. Spring Level 1 - Introduction to the Spring Framework in 10 Steps

1. Section Introduction - Spring Framework in 10 Steps

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 1 - Setting Up a Project Using https://start.spring.io

This video demonstrates how to set up a Spring project using https://start.spring.io.

3. Step 2 - Understanding Tight Coupling Using the Binary Search Algorithm Example

This video provides an explanation of the tight coupling concept with the help of the binary search algorithm example. This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

4. Step 3 - Making the Binary Search Algorithm Example Loosely Coupled

This video demonstrates how to make the binary search algorithm example loosely coupled.

5. Step 4 - Using the Spring Framework to Manage Dependencies - @Component and @Autowired

This video demonstrates how to use the Spring framework to manage dependencies such as @Component and @Autowired.

6. Step 5 - What is Happening in the Background?

This video provides an explanation of what happens in the background.

7. Step 6 - Dynamic Autowiring and Troubleshooting - @Primary

This video highlights the concept of the dynamic autowiring and troubleshooting.

8. Step 7 - Constructor and Setter Injection

This video highlights the concept of the constructor and setter injection.

9. Step 8 - Spring Modules

This video highlights the concept of the Spring modules.

10. Step 9 - Spring Projects

This video focuses on some Spring projects.

11. Step 10 - Why is Spring Popular?

This video provides an explanation of why Spring is so popular.

3. Spring Level 2 - Spring Framework in Depth

1. Section Introduction - Spring Framework in Depth

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 11 - Dependency Injection - A Few More Examples

This video provides an explanation of the dependency injection with a few more examples.

3. Step 12 - Autowiring in Depth - By Name and @Primary

This video provides an explanation of autowiring in detail by using the Name and @Primary keywords.

4. Step 13 - Autowiring in Depth - @Qualifier Annotation

This video demonstrates how to work with the @Qualifier annotation.

5. Step 14 - Scope of a Bean - Prototype and Singleton

This video presents an overview of the scope of a bean through a prototype and singleton.

6. Step 15 - Complex Scope Scenarios of a Spring Bean - Mix Prototype and Singleton

This video provides an explanation of the complex scope scenarios of a spring bean through a mix prototype and singleton.

7. Step 15B - Difference Between the Spring Singleton and GOF Singleton

This video provides an explanation of the difference between the Spring singleton and GOF singleton.

8. Step 16 - Using the Component Scan to Scan for Beans

This video demonstrates how to use the component scan to scan for beans.

9. Step 17 - Lifecycle of a Bean - @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy

This video focuses on the lifecycle of a bean through the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations.

10. Step 18 - Container and Dependency Injection (CDI) - @Named and @Inject

This video highlights the concept of the container and dependency injection (CDI) through the @Named and @Inject annotations.

11. Step 19 - Removing Spring Boot in the Basic Application

This video demonstrates how to remove Spring Boot from a basic application.

12. Step 20 - Fixing Minor Stuff - Add Logback and ApplicationContext

This video demonstrates how to fix the minor stuff such as Add Logback and ApplicationContext.

13. Step 21 - Defining the Spring ApplicationContext Using XML - Part 1

This video is the first part of the two-part video that demonstrates how to define the Spring ApplicationContext using XML.

14. Step 22 - Defining Spring ApplicationContext using XML - Part 2

This video is the second part of the two-part video that demonstrates how to define the Spring ApplicationContext using XML.

15. Step 23 - Mixing the XML Context with a Component Scan for Beans Defined with Annotation

This video demonstrates how to mix the XML context with a component scan for beans defined with annotation.

16. Step 24 - IOC Container vs ApplicationContext vs BeanFactory

This video provides a comparison between IOC container, ApplicationContext and BeanFactory.

17. Step 25 - @Component vs @Service vs @Repository vs @Controller

This video provides a comparison between @Component, @Service, @Repository, and @Controller.

18. Step 26 - Reading Values From the External Properties File

This video demonstrates how to read values from the external properties files.

4. Basic Tools and Frameworks - JUnit in 5 Steps

1. Section Introduction - JUnit in 5 Steps

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 1 - What is JUnit and Unit Testing?

This video introduces you to JUnit and unit testing.

3. Step 2 - First JUnit Project and Green Bar

This video demonstrates how to create your first JUnit project and work with the green bar.

4. Step 3 - First Code and First Unit Test

This video demonstrates how to write your first JUnit program and perform a unit test.

5. Step 4 - Other Assert Methods

This video focuses on the other assert methods.

6. Step 5 - Important Annotations

This video focuses on some important annotations.

5. Basic Tools and Frameworks - Mockito in 5 Steps

1. Section Introduction - Mockito in 5 Steps

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 1 - Setting Up an Example Using http://start.spring.io.

This video demonstrates how to set up an example using http://start.spring.io.

3. Step 2 - Using Stubs - Disadvantages

This video focuses on the disadvantages of using stubs.

4. Step 3 - Your First Mock with Mockito

This video demonstrates how to create your first mock with Mockito.

5. Step 4 - Using Mockito Annotations - @Mock, @InjectMocks, and @RunWith

This video demonstrates how to use the @Mock, @InjectMocks, and @RunWith Mockito annotations.

6. Step 5 - Mocking List Interface

This video focuses on the Mocking List interface.

6. Spring Level 3 - Unit Testing with the Spring Framework

1. Section Introduction - Unit Testing with Spring Framework

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 27 - Spring Unit Testing with a Java Context

This video focuses on the Spring unit testing with a Java context.

3. Spring Unit Testing with an XML Context

This video provides an explanation of the Spring unit testing with an XML context.

4. Spring Unit Testing with Mockito

This video demonstrates how to perform unit test with Mockito.

7. Spring Level 4 - Sprint Boot in 10 Steps

1. Section Introduction - Spring Boot in 10 Steps

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 1 - Introduction to Spring Boot - Goals and Important Features

This video focuses on the goals and important features of Spring Boot.

3. Step 2 - Developing the Spring Applications Before Spring Boot

This video demonstrates how to develop the Spring applications without Spring Boot.

4. Step 3 - Using Spring Initializr to Create a Spring Boot Application

This video demonstrates how to create a Spring Boot application using Spring Initializer.

5. Step 4 - Creating a Simple REST Controller

This video demonstrates how to create a simple REST controller.

6. Step 5 - What is the Spring Boot Auto-configuration?

This video highlights the concept of the Spring Boot auto-configuration.

7. Step 6 - Spring Boot vs Spring Vs Spring MVC

This video provides a comparison between Spring Boot, Spring and Spring MVC.

8. Step 7 - Spring Boot Starter Projects - Starter Web and Starter JPA

This video focuses on some Spring Boot starter projects such as Starter Web and Starter JPA.

9. Step 8 - Overview of Different Spring Boot Starter Projects

This video provides an overview of the different Spring Boot starter projects.

10. Step 9 - Spring Boot Actuator

This video highlights the concept of the Spring Boot actuator.

11. Step 10 - Spring Boot Developer Tools

This video focuses on the various Spring Book developer tools.

8. Spring Level 5 - Spring AOP

1. Section Introduction - Spring AOP

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 01 - Setting Up AOP Example - Part 1

This video is the first part of a two-part video that demonstrates how to set up an AOP example.

3. Step 02 - Setting Up AOP Example - Part 2

This video is the second part of a two-part video that demonstrates how to set up an AOP example.

4. Step 03 - Defining an @Before Advice

This video demonstrates how to define an @Before advice.

5. Step 04 - Understanding the AOP Terminology - Pointcut, Advice, Aspect, and JoinPoint

This video highlights various AOP terminologies, such as Pointcut, Advice, Aspect, and JoinPoint.

6. Step 05 - Using the @After, @AfterReturning, @AfterThrowing Advices

This video demonstrates how to use the @After, @AfterReturning, and @AfterThrowing advices.

7. Step 06 - Using the @Around Advice to Implement Performance Tracing

This video demonstrates how to use the @Around advice to implement performance tracing.

8. Step 07 - Best Practice - Using Common Pointcut Configuration

This video demonstrates how to use the common pointcut configuration.

9. Step 08 - Quick Summary of Other Pointcuts

This video focuses on a quick summary of other pointcuts.

10. Step 09 - Creating Custom Annotation and an Aspect for Tracking Time

This video demonstrates how to create custom annotations and an aspect of tracking time.

9. Spring Level 6 - Interacting with Databases - Spring JDBC, JPA, and Spring Data

1. Section Introduction - Spring JDBC, JPA, and Spring Data

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 01 - Setting Up a Project with JDBC, JPA, H2, and the Web Dependencies

This video demonstrates how to set up a project with JDBC, JPA, H2, and the web dependencies.

3. Step 02 - Launching an H2 Console

This video demonstrates how to launch an H2 console.

4. Step 03 - Creating a Database Table in H2

This video demonstrates how to create a database table in H2.

5. Step 04 - Populating Data into a Person Table

This video demonstrates how to populate data into a person table.

6. Step 05 - Implementing the findAll persons Spring JDBC Query Method

This video demonstrates how to implement the findAll persons Spring JDBC Query method.

7. Step 06 - Executing the findAll Method Using CommandLineRunner

This video demonstrates how to execute the findAll method using CommandLineRunner.

8. Step 07 - A Quick Review - JDBC vs Spring JDBC

This video provides a comparison between JDBC and Spring JDBC.

9. Step 08 - What is in the Background? - Understanding Spring Boot Autoconfiguration

This video provides an explanation of the Spring Boot autoconfiguration.

10. Step 09 - Implementing the findById Spring JDBC Query Method

This video demonstrates how to implement the findById Spring JDBC Query method.

11. Step 10 - Implementing the deleteById Spring JDBC Update Method

This video demonstrates how to implement the deleteById Spring JDBC Update method.

12. Step 11 - Implementing Insert and Update for the Spring JDBC Update Methods

This video demonstrates how to implement insert and update for the Spring JDBC Update methods.

13. Step 12 - Creating a Custom Spring JDBC RowMapper

This video demonstrates how to create a custom Spring JDBC RowMapper.

14. Step 13 - Quick Introduction to JPA

This video provides an introduction to JPA.

15. Step 14 - Defining the Person Entity

This video demonstrates how to define the person entity.

16. Step 15 - Implementing the findById JPA Repository Method

This video demonstrates how to implement the findById JPA repository method.

17. Step 16 - Implementing Insert and Update Using the JPA Repository Methods

This video demonstrates how to implement insert and update using the JPA repository methods.

18. Step 17 - Implementing the deleteById JPA Repository Method

This video demonstrates how to implement the deleteById JPA repository method.

19. Step 18 - Implementing the findAll Using a JPQL Named Query

This video demonstrates how to implement the findAll using a JPQL named query.

20. Step 19 - Introduction to the Spring Data JPA

This video provides an introduction to the Spring Data JPA.

21. Step 20 - Connecting to Other Databases

This video demonstrates how to connect to other databases.

10. Quick Preview - Web Applications with Spring MVC

1. Section Introduction - Basic Web Application

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 01 - Setting Up Your First Java Web Application

This video demonstrates how to set up your first Java web application.

3. Step 01 - Theory 1 - Maven and Magic

This video highlights the concepts of Maven and Magic.

4. Step 01 - Theory 2 - What is a Servlet?

This video highlights the concept of a servlet.

5. Step 01 - Theory 3 - Web Application Request Flow

This video focuses on the web application request flow.

6. Step 01 - Theory 4 - Understanding Your First Servlet - LoginServlet

This video presents an overview of your first servlet.

7. Step 02 - Creating LoginServlet From Scratch Again and Your First View

This video demonstrates how to create a LoginServlet from scratch again and work with your first view.

8. Step 02 - Theory - Play Time - Trying to Break the Code

This video focuses on the various ways to break the code.

9. Step 03 - Passing the Request Parameters Using the Get Method

This video demonstrates how to pass the request parameters using the Get method.

10. Step 03 - Theory - Introduction and End to Scriptlets

This video presents an overview of scriptlets.

11. Step 04 - Disadvantages of the Get Parameters

This video focuses on the disadvantages of the Get parameters.

12. Step 05 - Your First POST Request

This video demonstrates how to create your first POST request.

13. Step 06 - Your First Servlet doPost Method

This video demonstrates how to develop your first servlet doPost method.

14. Step 07 - Adding a Password Field

This video demonstrates how to add a password field.

15. Step 10 - Setting Up Maven, Tomcat, and a Simple JEE Application

This video demonstrates how to set up Maven, Tomcat, and a simple JEE application.

16. Step 11 - Setting Up Spring MVC with 4 Mini Steps

This video demonstrates how to set up Spring MVC with 4 mini steps.

17. Step 12 - Your First Spring MVC Controller

This video demonstrates how to work with your first Spring MVC controller.

18. Step 13 - Part 1 - Your First Spring MVC View - ViewResolver

This video provides an explanation of ViewResolver.

19. Step 13 - Part 2 - Theory Break - Spring MVC Architecture

This video highlights the concept of the Spring MVC architecture.

20. Step 13 - Part 3 - Play Break - Trying to Break Things

This video focuses on various ways to break the code.

21. Step 14 - Adding the Logging Framework Log4j

This video demonstrates how to add the logging framework with Log4j.

22. Step 15 - Redirecting to the Welcome Page - ModelMap and @RequestParam

This video demonstrates how to redirect your application to the Welcome page using ModelMap and @RequestParam.

23. Step 16 - Using LoginService to Authenticate

This video demonstrates how to use LoginService to authenticate.

24. Step 17 - Spring Autowiring and Dependency Injection

This video highlights the concept of Spring Autowiring and Dependency Injection.

11. Basic Tools and Framework - Eclipse in 5 steps

1. Section Introduction - Eclipse in 5 Steps

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 1 - Creating a Java Project

This video demonstrates how to create a Java project.

3. Step 2 - Keyboard Shortcuts

This video focuses on various keyboard shortcuts.

4. Step 3 - Views and Perspectives

This video focuses on the views and perspectives.

5. Step 4 - Save Actions

This video focuses on the save actions.

6. Step 5 - Code Generation

This video demonstrates how to generate a code.

12. Basic Tools and Framework - Maven in 5 Steps

1. Section Introduction - Maven in 5 Steps

This video provides an explanation of what you can expect in this section.

2. Step 1 - Creating and Importing a Maven Project

This video demonstrates how to create and import a Maven project.

3. Step 2 - Understanding Project Object Model pom.xml

This video provides an explanation of Project Object Model pom.xml.

4. Step 3 - Maven Build Life Cycle

This video highlights the concept of the Maven build life cycle.

5. Step 4 - How does Maven Work?

This video focuses on how Maven works.

6. Step 5 - Important Maven Commands

This video focuses on important Maven commands.

13. Congratulations

1. Spring Master Class - Congratulations on Completing the Course

This video congratulates the student on completing the course.

course Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1Spring Framework Master Class - Java Spring the Modern Way

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