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Learn RabbitMQ: Asynchronous Messaging with Java and Spring

Learn RabbitMQ: Asynchronous Messaging with Java and Spring

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  • On-Demand course

  • 2 hours 37 minutes

  • All levels


Learn RabbitMQ: Asynchronous Messaging with Java and Spring

This course will walk you through the beginning from scratch - messaging itself! We'll discover what messaging means and how it affects our architectural decisions and design considerations. Next, we will study about Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP). We'll discover the benefits and reasons behind the popularity of AMQP and how it has shaped the architecture of RabbitMQ from messaging concepts to client platforms making use of it. We'll learn Queues, Exchanges, Bindings, Routings, Publishers, Subscribers, and more about RabbitMQ!. We'll install all the necessary software for RabbitMQ and have it up and running on our machines - both on Windows and MacOS. We'll see and learn how RabbitMQ Dashboard helps us easily monitor and manage our RabbitMQ server and send our first ever message to RabbitMQ! We'll learn how to construct Queues, Exchanges, and Bindings with Spring AMQP using both Annotations Builder methods and also develop a message listener for specific queue that we also created programmatically. We'll both publish and listen to messages and develop a complete application from scratch similar to other professional applications! RabbitMQ is the most widely-deployed open-source message broker or messaging middleware in other terms. RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols. RabbitMQ can be deployed in distributed and federated configurations to meet high-scale, high-availability requirements. RabbitMQ runs on many operating systems and cloud environments. It also provides a wide range of developer tools for most popular languages. All the codes and supporting files for this course are available at: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Learn-RabbitMQ-Asynchronous-Messaging-with-Java-and-Spring

What You Will Learn

Learn to build applications with RabbitMQ using Java and Spring!
Learn and Implement Topics, Queues, Exchanges, and Bindings in RabbitMQ
Learn how to develop message listeners for specific queues and routings
Learn to design asynchronous, message-driven systems with RabbitMQ!
Learn and understand Message-Queueing
Learn and understand Advanced Message-Queueing Protocol or AMQP
Learn and understand how Advanced Message-Queueing Protocol works
Learn and understand the architecture of RabbitMQ


This course is for anyone who wants to learn RabbitMQ inside-out,who wants to learn publishing and subscribing to messages with RabbitMQ and those who wants to build and design asynchronous, loosely-coupled systems with Java and Spring.


This course walks you through everything you need to develop applications with RabbitMQ. This course follows methodological, clear theoretical, and practical explanation with good examples.

Key Features

Learn to develop Queues, Exchanges, Routings, and Listeners with Rabbit MQ using Java and Spring * Learn and understand the architecture of RabbitMQ *

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About the Author
Niyazi Erdogan

Niyazi Erdogan is an AWS Certified Solutions architect and software engineer with over ten years of experience in various fields. He is living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world-Istanbul. He is a self-taught programmer and has been programming since he was in middle school. His experience ranges from embedded development to server-side and client-side development technologies. He started his career while he was only a student as a Java developer in the healthcare industry as a private contractor. Then he moved into the largest telecommunication company in Turkey, which is Turkcell. After several years and various different positions at Turkcell, he moved to Portugal and worked for another large telecommunication company for several years with Java technologies. After the telecommunication industry experience and several different experiences, he joined one of the largest companies in its sectors, which is Siemens. He currently works at Siemens with various Java and cloud technologies. Besides his day job, he really enjoys developing software with lots of different technologies. On the other hand, he loves to follow tech conferences and blogs about the latest technologies and tools.

Course Outline

1. Introduction

This section introduces the course and gives a brief description on what we are going to cover here.

1. (Free Preview): Welcome!

This video welcomes everyone to this course and gives a brief idea about RabbitMQ.

2. (Free Preview): About This Course

This video take a look at the subjects and what we're going to cover in this course

2. Getting Started with RabbitMQ

This section is about Installing RabbitMQ, Creating Queue, Exchange, Binding and Publishing Message

1. (Free Preview): Section Overview

This video take a look at what we're going to cover in this section.

2. (Free Preview): Installing RabbitMQ and Management Plugin on Windows

This video shows what we need to do to have RabbitMQ up and running on Windows

3. Installing RabbitMQ and Management Plugin on MacOS

This video shows what we need to do to have RabbitMQ up and running on MacOS

4. First Look with RabbitMQ Admin

This video walks you through the RabbitMQ Management Dashboard and explain it all.

5. Creating Queue, Exchange and Binding and Publishing Message

This video creates our first Queue, Exchange, and Binding and even publish a message to RabbitMQ

3. Messaging, AMQP and RabbitMQ

This section explains about Messaging, AMQP and RabbitMQ.

1. (Free Preview): Section Overview

This video gives an overview of what we are going to cover in this section.

2. What is Messaging and Why We Need It?

This video explains about Messaging and the importance of it in the world of software.

3. Messaging Protocols Overview

Learn about Messaging Protocols such as AMPQ, STOMP and MQTT here.

4. What is AMQP and What It Solves?

This video is about AMQP.

5. Meet RabbitMQ

You will learn more about RabbitMQ here.

6. 4 Actors of Messaging with RabbitMQ - Exchanges, Queues, Topics and Bindings

Learn about the 4 Actors of Messaging with RabbitMQ here.

7. Exchanges

Learn about Exchanges here.

8. Queues

This video explains about Queues in detail.

9. Topics

Learn about Topics here.

10. Bindings

You will learn about Bindings here.

11. RabbitMQ vs. other MQs: A Comparison

Let's take a closer look at popular MQ implementations such as Apache Camel, Kafka and more in this video.

4. Application Development Basics with RabbitMQ

This section is about Publishing Messages with Rabbit Templates, Configuring a listener for messages and testing out the listener.

1. (Free Preview): Section Overview

This video takes a look at what we are going to cover in this section.

2. Publishing Messages with RabbitTemplate

This video shows how to send messages to RabbitMQ using RabbitTemplate

3. Publishing Binary Messages with RabbitTemplate

This video shows how to send object-based messages to RabbitMQ using RabbitTemplate

4. Configuring a Listener for Messages

This video shows how to configure a listener for messages coming to a specific RabbitMQ queue

5. Testing Out the Listener

This video is about testing the message listener

5. Configuring Queues and Exchanges with RabbitMQ

This section is about queue configuration, direct exchange configuration with Spring AMQP and lot more.

1. Section Overview

This video takes a look on what we are going to cover in this section.

2. Queue Configuration with Spring AMQP

This video shows how to configure queues from code

3. Direct Exchange Configuration with Spring AMQP

This video shows how to configure direct exchanges from code

4. Topic Exchange Configuration with Spring AMQP

This video shows how to configure topic exchanges from code

5. Fanout Exchange Configuration with RabbitMQ

In this video, you will learn how to configure fanout exchanges from code

6. Headers Exchange Configuration with RabbitMQ

You will learn how to configure headers exchanges from code

7. Creating Bindings Between Queues and Exchanges

This video shows how to configure a binding between a queue and an exchange

8. Scenario: Receiving and Processing Messages from Different Apps

This video shows a scenario where we send a message from one app and receive it from another

6. Summary

This section summarizes the course.

1. What Have We Learned?

This video recaps what we have learned in this course.

2. Thank You!

This video wraps the course.

course Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1Learn RabbitMQ: Asynchronous Messaging with Java and Spring

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