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Data Understanding and Data Visualization with Python

Data Understanding and Data Visualization with Python

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  • On-Demand course

  • 15 hours 13 minutes

  • All levels


This course first equips you with the fundamentals of Python and then progresses to teach you how to use various libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Bokeh, and so on. This course contains several mini projects so that, by the end of this course, you will be equipped with the essential tools you need to become a visualization expert.

Data visualization has gained a lot of traction resulting from an increased focus on data analytics. To be a successful data scientist, data manipulation and wrangling are not enough. Visualizing data to garner insights is an equally important tool in the data science toolkit. Given the myriad types of data that exist, visualization has become an increasingly important topic. This course will equip you with all the skills you need to successfully create insightful visualizations. The course first starts with the fundamentals of Python. Then, the course teaches you how to use libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, and so on. Additionally, you will learn data manipulation, which is the step prior to visualization. You will also learn how to plot geographical data using Folium. Each module in the course has practical hands-on mini projects, and with the mammoth content, this is one of the most comprehensive courses you will be doing on data visualization in Python. By the end of this course, you have not only learned the theoretical fundamentals of visualizations but also gained essential practical skills to explore this growing domain. The code files and all related files are uploaded on GitHub at: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Data-Understanding-and-Data-Visualization-with-Python

What You Will Learn

Study fundamentals of data manipulation and visualization
Use Pandas and NumPy for data manipulation
Handle text data with string
Learn CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations on data
Look at 3D visualizations with Matplotlib and Plotly
Learn to create surface and scatter 3D interactive plots in Plotly


This course is for anyone who seeks to perform data manipulations and create insightful visualizations. Even if you are an absolute beginner, you will benefit from this course as it begins with the fundamentals of Python and teaches you the necessary skills in using Python-based visualization libraries.


Through carefully designed lectures, a simple-to-understand theory, several mini projects, and quiz and solution videos after important topics, this course will help you become an expert in visualizations. This course covers a plethora of Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Plotly, Bokeh, and so on.

Key Features

Learn data manipulation and visualization with the help of a practical and easy-to-guide course * Master various Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and so on * Create interactive and insightful visualizations from scratch with minimal efforts

Github Repo


About the Author
AI Sciences

AI Sciences are experts, PhDs, and artificial intelligence practitioners, including computer science, machine learning, and Statistics. Some work in big companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, KPMG, BCG, and IBM. AI sciences produce a series of courses dedicated to beginners and newcomers on techniques and methods of machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, and data science. They aim to help those who wish to understand techniques more easily and start with less theory and less extended reading. Today, they publish more comprehensive courses on specific topics for wider audiences. Their courses have successfully helped more than 100,000 students master AI and data science.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to the Course

1. About the Tutor and AI Sciences

This video provides an overview of the tutor and AI sciences.

2. Introduction to Instructor

This video provides an introduction to the author/instructor of the course.

3. Focus of the Course

This video provides an extension and focus areas about this course in detail.

4. Content of the Course

This video demonstrates the packages that will be covered in this course. These are NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, Plotly, and Folium.

2. Strings in Python

1. Introduction to Strings

This video provides an overview about the strings.

2. Multi-Line Strings

This video explains what multi-line strings are.

3. Indexing Strings

This video demonstrates the concepts of indexing and slicing.

4. Indexing Strings Quiz

In this video, you will work on the indexing strings quiz.

5. Indexing Strings Solution

This is a solution video on the indexing strings quiz.

6. String Methods

This video explains different functions available to play around with the string data structures. We will look at different string methods.

7. String Methods Quiz

In this video, you will work on the string methods quiz.

8. String Methods Solution

This is a solution video on the string methods quiz.

9. String Escape Sequences

This video explains about the escape sequences in string datatypes.

10. String Escape Sequences Quiz

In this video, you will work on the string escape sequences quiz.

11. String Escape Sequences Solution

This is a solution video on the string escape sequences quiz.

3. Python Data Structure

1. Introduction to Data Structure

This video provides an introduction to data structure.

2. Data Structures - Defining and Indexing

This video demonstrates defining and indexing in data structures.

3. Data Structures - Insertion and Deletion

This video explains how to use insertion and deletion operations in data structures.

4. Data Structures-Insertion and Deletion Quiz

In this video, you will work on the data structures-insertion and deletion quiz.

5. Data Structures-Insertion and Deletion Solution

This is a solution video on the data structures-insertion and deletion quiz.

6. Data Structures - Insertion and Deletion Python Practice

This video explains how to use insertion and deletion operations in data structures but this time in Jupyter Notebook.

7. Data Structures-Insertion and Deletion Python Practice Quiz

In this video, you will work on the data structures-insertion and deletion Python practice quiz.

8. Data Structures insertion And Deletion python Practice Solution

This is a solution video on the data structures-insertion and deletion Python practice quiz.

9. Data Structures - Deep Copy or Reference and Slicing

This video explains the concepts of reference and slicing.

10. Data Structures-Deep Copy or Reference and Slicing Quiz

In this video, you will work on the data structures-deep copy or reference and slicing quiz.

11. Data Structures-Deep Copy or Reference and Slicing Solution

This is a solution video on the data structures-deep copy or reference and slicing quiz.

12. Data Structures - Exploring Methods Using TAB Completion

This video explores the methods using tab completion in data structures.

13. Data Structures - Abstract Ways

This video demonstrates what are the abstract ways of data structures.

14. Data Structures - Problem Solving Practice

This video shows how to solve the problem in Jupyter Notebook hands-on.

15. Data Structures Problem Solving Practice Quiz

In this video, you will work on the data structures problem solving practice quiz.

16. Data Structures-Problem Solving Practice Solution

This is a solution video on the data structures problem solving practice quiz.

4. NumPy for Numerical Data Processing

1. Introduction to NumPy

This video provides an introduction to NumPy.

2. NumPy Dimensions

This video demonstrates a few properties of NumPy array variable. We will also look at methods to define the NumPy array.

3. NumPy Shape, Size, and Bytes

This video explains the properties of NumPy array such as shape, size, and bytes.

4. NumPy Arange and Random Package

This video explains np.arange() and other random packages.

5. NumPy Arange and Random Package Quiz

In this video, you will work on the NumPy Arange and random package quiz.

6. NumPy Arange and Random Package Solution

This is a solution video on the NumPy Arange and random package quiz.

7. NumPy Random and Reshape

This video explains the random function and the reshape function.

8. NumPy Slicing Combined

This video explains slicing in NumPy.

9. NumPy Slicing Combined Quiz

In this video, you will work on the NumPy slicing combined quiz.

10. NumPy Slicing Combined Solution

This is a solution video on the NumPy slicing combined quiz.

11. NumPy Masking

This video demonstrates masking or indexing in NumPy.

12. NumPy Masking Quiz

In this video, you will work on the NumPy masking quiz.

13. NumPy Masking Solution

This is a solution video on the NumPy masking quiz.

14. NumPy Broadcasting and Concatenation

This video explains powerful features of NumPy package, that is, broadcasting and concatenation.

15. NumPy Ufuncs and SpeedTest

This video explains what are universal functions and test its speed in Jupyter Notebook.

16. Ufuncs Add, Sum, and Plus Operators

This video explores more universal functions to perform the operations of operators such as add, sum, and plus.

17. Ufuncs Subtract Power Mod

This video explores more universal functions to perform the operations of operators such as subtract, power, and mod.

18. Ufuncs Comparisons Logical Operators

This video explores more universal functions to perform the operations of operators such as comparison and logical.

19. Ufuncs Comparisons Logical Operators Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Ufuncs comparisons logical operators quiz.

20. Ufuncs Comparisons Logical Operators Solution

This is a solution video on the Ufuncs comparisons logical operators quiz.

21. Ufuncs Output Argument

This video explores a few more universal functions along with the output argument.

22. NumPy Playing with Images

This video plays around with the image data using the NumPy package.

23. NumPy Playing With Images Quiz

In this video, you will work on the NumPy playing with images quiz.

24. NumPy Playing With Images Solution

This is a solution video on the NumPy playing with images quiz.

25. NumPy KNN Classifier from Scratch

This video explains k-nearest-neighbor (KNN) classifier from scratch.

26. NumPy Structured Arrays

This video demonstrates how the NumPy can be used for the heterogeneous type of data.

27. NumPy Structured Arrays Quiz

In this video, you will work on the NumPy structured arrays quiz.

28. NumPy Structured Arrays Solution

This is a solution video on the NumPy structured arrays quiz.

5. Pandas for Data Manipulation and Understanding

1. Introduction to Pandas

This video provides an introduction to the Pandas package.

2. Pandas Series

This video shows how to create a series object using Pandas.

3. Pandas DataFrame

This video explains how to create a DataFrame with the help of Pandas.

4. Pandas DataFrame Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Pandas DataFrame Quiz.

5. Pandas DataFrame Solution

This is a solution video on the Pandas DataFrame quiz.

6. Pandas Missing Values

This video explains how to find missing values using Pandas.

7. Pandas loc and Iloc

This video explains two types of indexing, that is, explicit index (loc) and implicit index (iloc) using Pandas.

8. Pandas in Practice

This video lets you load the data; the data is in text format. Then text fields are converted to numeric data, then save the file in .CSV file, and finally, apply some tricks you have learned so far using Pandas.

9. Pandas Group By

This video demonstrates one of the powerful functionalities of Pandas and that is group by (grouping).

10. Pandas Group By Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Pandas group by quiz.

11. Pandas Group By Solution

This is a solution video on the Pandas group by quiz.

12. Hierarchical Indexing

This video explains the concept of hierarchical indexing.

13. Pandas Rolling

This video explains the rolling function in Pandas.

14. Pandas Rolling Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Pandas rolling quiz.

15. Pandas Rolling Solution

This is a solution video on the Pandas rolling quiz.

16. Pandas Where

This video explains the where function in Pandas.

17. Pandas Clip

This video explains the clip function in Pandas.

18. Pandas Clip Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Pandas clip quiz.

19. Pandas Clip Solution

This is a solution video on the Pandas clip quiz.

20. Pandas Merge

This video explains the merge/join function in Pandas.

21. Pandas Merge Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Pandas merge quiz.

22. Pandas Merge Solution

This is a solution video on the Pandas merge quiz.

23. Pandas Pivot Table

This video explains the pivot table and its usage.

24. Pandas Strings

This video demonstrates the string class inside the Pandas package.

25. Pandas DateTime

This video demonstrates about the DateTime data using Pandas.

26. Pandas Hands-On COVID-19 Data

This video helps you get your hands dirty by working on the real data analysis on COVID-19 data.

27. Pandas Hands-On COVID-19 Data Bug Fixed

This video lets you fix the bug and visualize the data using Pandas.

6. Matplotlib for Data Visualization

1. Introduction to Matplotlib

This video introduces the Matplotlib library.

2. Matplotlib Multiple Plots

This video explains how you can do multiple plotting using Matplotlib.

3. Matplotlib Colors and Styles

This video explains how to incorporate colors and styles in the plots using Matplotlib.

4. Matplotlib Colors and Styles Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Matplotlib colors and styles quiz.

5. Matplotlib Colors and Styles Solution

This is a solution video on the Matplotlib colors and styles quiz.

6. Matplotlib Colors and Styles Shortcuts

This video demonstrates the shortcut to incorporate colors and style in the plots.

7. Matplotlib Axis Limits

This video explains setting the axis limits in the plot using Matplotlib.

8. Matplotlib Axis Limits Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Matplotlib axis limits quiz.

9. Matplotlib Axis Limits Solution

This is a solution video on the Matplotlib axis limits quiz.

10. Matplotlib Legends Labels

This video explains some kind of annotations applied to the figure/plot to describe it more accurately.

11. Matplotlib Set Function

This video explains the difference between plt and ax functions for certain annotations.

12. Matplotlib Set Function Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Matplotlib set function quiz.

13. Matplotlib Set Function Solution

This is a solution video on the Matplotlib set function quiz.

14. Matplotlib Markers

This video demonstrates a lot of markers for varied look and feel of the plot available in Matplotlib.

15. Matplotlib Markers Random Plots

This video explores different types of markers and does some random plotting of the data.

16. Matplotlib Scatter Plot

This video explains about the scatter plot using Matplotlib.

17. Matplotlib Contour Plot

This video explains about the contour plot using Matplotlib.

18. Matplotlib Contour Plot Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Matplotlib contour plot quiz.

19. Matplotlib Contour Plot Solution

This is a solution video on the Matplotlib contour plot quiz.

20. Matplotlib Histograms

This video explains about the histograms using Matplotlib.

21. Matplotlib Subplots

This video explains about the subplots or multiple plots using Matplotlib.

22. Matplotlib Subplots Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Matplotlib subplots quiz.

23. Matplotlib Subplots Solution

This is a solution video on the Matplotlib subplots quiz.

24. Matplotlib 3D Introduction

This video dives into 3D plots using Matplotlib.

25. Matplotlib 3D Scatter Plots

This video explores 3D scatter plots using Matplotlib.

26. Matplotlib 3D Scatter Plot Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Matplotlib 3D scatter plot quiz.

27. Matplotlib 3D Scatter Plot Solution

This is a solution video on the Matplotlib 3D scatter plot quiz.

28. Matplotlib 3D Surface Plots

This video explores 3D surface plots using Matplotlib.

7. Seaborn for Data Visualization

1. Introduction to Seaborn

This video provides an introduction to Seaborn library.

2. Seaborn Relplot

This video focuses on scatter plot using the relation plot using Seaborn.

3. Seaborn Relplot Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Seaborn Relplot quiz.

4. Seaborn Relplot Solution

This is a solution video on the Seaborn Relplot quiz.

5. Seaborn Relplot Kind Line

This video explores relation plot to have continuity with the line plots.

6. Seaborn Relplot Facets

This video explores relation plot again for the different kind of relationships with different kinds of facets.

7. Seaborn Relplot Facets Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Seaborn Relplot facets quiz.

8. Seaborn Relplot Facets Solution

This is a solution video on the Seaborn Relplot facets quiz.

9. Seaborn Catplot

This video explains about the categorical plot.

10. Seaborn Heatmaps

This video explains about the Heatmaps using Seaborn.

8. Bokeh for Interactive Plotting

1. Introduction to Bokeh

This video provides an introduction to Bokeh library.

2. Bokeh Multiplots Markers

This video explains how to plot multiple plots and markers using Bokeh.

3. Bokeh Multiplots Grid Plot

This video focuses on multiplots and grid plot using Bokeh.

4. Bokeh Multiplots Grid Plot Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Bokeh Multiplots grid plot quiz.

5. Bokeh Multiplots Grid Plot Solution

This is a solution video on the Bokeh Multiplots grid plot quiz.

9. Plotly for 3D Interactive Plotting

1. Plotly 3D Interactive Scatter Plot

This video demonstrates how to plot 3D interactive scatter plot using Plotly.

2. Plotly 3D Interactive Scatter Plot Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Plotly 3D interactive scatter plot quiz.

3. Plotly 3D Interactive Scatter Plot Solution

This is a solution video on the Plotly 3D interactive scatter plot quiz.

4. Plotly 3D Interactive Surface Plot

This video demonstrates how to plot 3D interactive surface plot using Plotly.

5. Plotly 3D Interactive Surface Plot Quiz

In this video, you will work on the Plotly 3D interactive surface plot quiz.

6. Plotly 3D Interactive Surface Plot Solution

This is a solution video on the Plotly 3D interactive surface plot quiz.

10. Geographic Maps with Folium

1. Geographic Maps with Folium Using COVID-19 Data

This video explains how to work on geographical data with the Folium packages using COVID-19 data.

2. Geographic Maps with Folium Using COVID-19 Data Quiz

In this video, you will work on the geographic maps with Folium using COVID-19 data quiz.

3. Geographic Maps with Folium Using COVID-19 Data Solution

This is a solution video on the geographic maps with Folium using COVID-19 data quiz.

11. Pandas for Plotting

1. Pandas for Plotting

This video demonstrates how pandas can be used to plot various graphs.

2. Thank You

This is the last video of the course, which focuses on the next steps ahead.

course Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1Data Understanding and Data Visualization with Python

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Founded in 2004 in Birmingham, UK, Packt’s mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and i...
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