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Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job

Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Completion Certificate
  • 24/7 Technical Support


  • On-Demand course

  • 29 hours 15 minutes

  • All levels


With this course, you will be a professional Linux administrator and be able to apply for Linux jobs. You will be able to prepare yourself for the EX-200 exam and become a Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA - EX200).

Linux is the number one operating system in the corporate world. It is a popular open-source operating system that is easy to use and highly secure. If you want to start your career in Linux and have little or no knowledge of Linux, then this course is for you. In this course, you will master Linux installation, configuration, administration, troubleshooting, the command line, OS tools, and much more. We have included resume and interview workshops that will help you get your dream IT job. This course will also help significantly in passing your RHCSA, RHCE, LFCS, and CompTIA Linux+ certification exams. By the end of this course, you will be a professional Linux administrator, be able to apply for Linux jobs and to take the EX-200 exam, and become a Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA - EX200). The codes and supporting files for this course are available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/The-Complete-Linux-Training-Course-to-Get-Your-Dream-IT-Job

What You Will Learn

Learn 150+ Linux system administration commands
Use CentOS and Redhat version 7 and 8
Understand Linux fundamentals and concepts
Troubleshoot Linux-related issues
Manage Linux servers in a corporate environment
Learn to write basic-to-advanced-level shell scripts


This course is designed for people who want to start a career in Linux, those who want to become a RedHat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA EX-200), and anyone keen to master Linux command-line skills.


This all-inclusive course is packed with step-by-step instructions, working examples, and helpful advice. It is divided into small chunks to help you understand each chunk individually and learn at your own pace.

Key Features

Gain advanced Linux systems administration skills * Understand Linux fundamentals and concepts * Prepare for your Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA - EX200)

Github Repo


About the Author
Imran Afzal

Imran Afzal is a systems engineer/manager, entrepreneur, instructor, and a public speaker. He started his career with Time Warner in 2000 as a systems administrator. He was involved in deploying technologies such as DTV, VOD, CableCards, and others. These technologies were built on many Linux distributions. Since then, he has utilized Linux/Unix skills in many Fortune 500 companies. He has worn many different hats and currently manages a large team of systems engineers, administrators and team leads globally. He has spearheaded projects such as datacenter migration, introduction, and deployment of VMware, monitoring tools implementation, Amazon cloud migration, and many more. He is certified in Linux Systems Management, UNIX Operating Systems, Linux System Administration, System Internals, VMWare Certified Professional, RHCSA, and Windows Server Certified.

Course Outline

1. Introduction

This is an introductory section to the course.

1. Introduction

Welcome to the course Introduction video.

2. Syllabus Overview

In this video, we will take a quick overview of the course syllabus.

2. Module 1 - Understanding Linux Concepts

This section is about Module 1 where we will be understanding Linux concepts.

1. Welcome to Module 1

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 1.

2. Everyday Linux

In this video, we will explore Everyday Linux.

3. What is Linux?

In this video, we will understand Linux.

4. Unix Versus Linux

In this video, we will compare Unix with Linux.

3. Module 2 - Download, Install, and Configure

This section is about Module 2 where we will download, install, and configure our systems.

1. Welcome to Module 2

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 2.

2. Linux Distributions

In this video, we will cover Linux distributions.

3. What is VirtualBox?

In this video, we will understand VirtualBox.

4. Downloading and Installing Oracle VirtualBox

In this video, we will be downloading and installing Oracle VirtualBox.

5. Download and Install VMWare Player (Optional)

In this optional video, we will download and install VMWare Player.

6. Creating the First Virtual Machine

In this video, we will be creating the first virtual machine.

7. Different Ways to Install Linux

In this video, we will cover different ways to install Linux.

8. Linux Installation (CentOS7 - Recommended)

In this video, we will cover Linux Installation (CentOS7 - Recommended).

9. Linux Installation (CentOS8)

In this video, we will cover Linux installation (CentOS8).

10. Message for Redhat Installation

In this video, we will cover the message for Redhat installation.

11. Redhat Linux Installation (Optional)

In this optional video, we will cover Redhat Linux installation.

12. Ubuntu Linux Installation (Optional)

In this optional video, we will cover Ubuntu Linux installation.

13. Take a Snapshot of VM (Virtual Machine)

In this video, we will take a snapshot of VM.

14. Linux Desktop (GUI)

In this video, we will cover Linux Desktop (GUI).

15. Virtual Machine Management

In this video, we will cover virtual machine management.

16. Linux Versus Windows

In this video, we will cover Linux versus Windows.

17. Who Uses Linux?

In this video, we will understand who uses Linux.

18. Keyboard Keys Used in Linux

In this video, we will cover keyboard keys used in Linux.

4. Module 3 - System Access and File System

This section is about Module 3 where we will cover system access and file system.

1. Welcome to Module 3

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 3.

2. Command Prompts and Getting Prompts Back

In this video, we will cover command prompts and get prompts back.

3. Accessing Linux System

In this video, we will be accessing the Linux system.

4. Download and Install Putty

In this video, we will download and install Putty.

5. New Network Commands (ifconfig and ip)

In this video, we will cover new network commands (ifconfig and ip).

6. Connect Linux VM Through Putty

In this video, we will connect Linux VM through Putty.

7. Important Things to Remember in Linux

In this video, we will cover important things to remember in Linux.

8. Introduction to Linux File System

In this video, we will cover an introduction to Linux file system.

9. File system Structure and Description

In this video, we will cover file system structure and description.

10. File System Navigation Commands

In this video, we will cover file system navigation commands (cd, ls and pwd).

11. Absolute and Relative Paths

In this video, we will cover absolute and relative paths.

12. Directory Listing Attributes

In this video, we will cover directory listing attributes.

13. Creating Files and Directories

In this video, we will be creating files and directories (touch, cp, vi, mkdir).

14. Linux File Types

In this video, we will cover Linux file types.

15. Finding Files and Directories

In this video, we will be finding files and directories (find, locate).

16. Difference Between Find and Locate Commands

In this video, we will cover the difference between find and locate commands.

17. Changing Password

In this video, we will be changing the password.

18. WildCards

In this video, we will cover WildCards (*, ?, ^, []).

19. Soft and Hard Links (ln)

In this video, we will cover soft and hard links (ln)

5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals

This section is about Module 4 where we will cover Linux fundamentals.

1. Welcome to Module 4

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 4.

2. Linux Command Syntax

In this video, we will cover Linux command syntax.

3. Files and Directory Permissions

In this video, we will cover files and directory permissions (chmod).

4. File Permissions Using Numeric Mode

In this video, we will cover file permissions using numeric mode.

5. File Ownership Commands

In this video, we will cover file ownership commands (chown, chgrp).

6. Access Control List

In this video, we will cover Access Control List (ACL).

7. Help Commands

In this video, we will cover help commands.

8. TAB Completion and Up Arrow Keys

In this video, we will cover TAB completion and up arrow keys.

9. Adding Text to Files

In this video, we will be adding text to files.

10. Standard Output to a File (Tee Command)

In this video, we will cover standard output to a file (tee command).

11. Pipes

In this video, we will cover pipes ( | ).

12. File Maintenance Commands

In this video, we will cover file maintenance commands (cp, rm, mv, mkdir, rmdir).

13. File Display Commands

In this video, we will cover file display commands (cat, less, more, head, tail).

14. Filters / Text Processing Commands

In this video, we will cover filters / text processing commands.

15. cut - Text Processors Commands

In this video, we will cover cut - text processors commands.

16. awk - Text Processors Commands

In this video, we will cover awk - text processors commands.

17. grep/egrep - Text Processors Commands

In this video, we will cover grep/egrep - text processors commands.

18. sort/uniq - Text Processors Commands

In this video, we will cover sort/uniq - text processors commands.

19. wc - Text Processors Commands

In this video, we will cover wc - text processors commands.

20. Compare Files

In this video, we will cover compare files (diff and cmp).

21. Compress and Uncompress

In this video, we will cover compress and uncompress (tar, gzip, gunzip).

22. Truncate File Size

In this video, we will cover truncate file size (truncate).

23. Combining and Splitting Files

In this video, we will be combining and splitting files.

24. Linux Versus Windows Commands

In this video, we will cover Linux versus Windows commands.

6. Module 5 - System Administration

This section is about Module 5 where we will cover system administration.

1. Welcome to Module 5

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 5.

2. Linux File Editor (vi)

In this video, we will cover Linux file editor (vi).

3. Difference Between vi and vim Editors

In this video, we will cover the difference between vi and vim editors.

4. "sed" Command

In this video, we will cover the "sed" command.

5. User Account Management

In this video, we will cover user account management (useradd, groupadd, usermod, userdel, groupdel).

6. Switch Users and Sudo Access

In this video, we will cover switch users and Sudo access (su, sudo).

7. Monitor Users

In this video, we will understand how to monitor users (who, last, w, id).

8. Talking to Users

In this video, we will be talking to users (users, wall, write).

9. Difference Between Active Directory, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP

In this video, we will cover the difference between active directory, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP, and so on.

10. System Utility Commands

In this video, we will cover system utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, uname, which, cal, bc).

11. Processes, Jobs, and Scheduling

In this video, we will cover processes, jobs, and scheduling.

12. Additional Cronjobs

In this video, we will cover additional cronjobs (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly).

13. Process Management

In this video, we will cover process management (bg, fg, nice).

14. System Monitoring Commands

In this video, we will cover system monitoring commands (df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free, top).

15. System Logs Monitor

In this video, we will cover system logs monitor (/var/log).

16. System Maintenance Commands

In this video, we will cover system maintenance commands (shutdown, init, reboot, halt).

17. Changing System Hostname

In this video, we will be changing system hostname (hostnamectl).

18. Finding System Information

In this video, we will be finding system information (uname, dmidecode).

19. Finding System Architecture

In this video, we will be finding system architecture (arch).

20. Terminal Control Keys

In this video, we will cover terminal control keys.

21. Terminal Commands

In this video, we will cover terminal commands (clear, exit, script).

22. Recover Root Password

In this video, we will cover recover root password (single user mode).

23. SOS Report

In this video, we will cover SOS report.

24. Environment Variables

In this video, we will cover environment variables.

7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting

This section is about Module 6 where we will cover shell scripting.

1. Welcome to Module 6

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 6.

2. Linux Kernel

In this video, we will cover Linux Kernel.

3. What is a Shell?

In this video, we will understand what a shell is.

4. Types of Shells

In this video, we will cover types of shells.

5. Shell Scripting

In this video, we will cover shell scripting.

6. Basic Shell Scripts

In this video, we will cover basic shell scripts.

7. Input and Output of Script

In this video, we will cover input and output of script.

8. if-then Scripts

In this video, we will cover if-then scripts.

9. For Loop Scripts

In this video, we will cover for loop scripts.

10. do-while Scripts

In this video, we will cover do-while scripts.

11. Case Statement Scripts

In this video, we will cover case statement scripts.

12. Check Remote Servers Connectivity

In this video, we will cover check remote servers connectivity.

13. Aliases

In this video, we will cover aliases (alias).

14. User and Global Aliases

In this video, we will cover user and global aliases.

15. Shell History

In this video, we will cover shell history (history).

8. Module 7 - Networking, Services, and System Updates

This section is about Module 7 where we will cover networking, services, and system updates.

1. Welcome to Module 7

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 7.

2. Enable Internet on Linux VM

In this video, we will enable the Internet on Linux VM.

3. Network Components

In this video, we will cover network components.

4. Network Files and Commands

In this video, we will cover network files and commands (ping, ifconfig, ifup, ifdown, netstat, tcpdump).

5. NIC Information (ethtool)

In this video, we will cover NIC information (ethtool).

6. NIC or Port Bonding

In this video, we will cover NIC or port bonding.

7. Downloading Files or Apps (wget)

In this video, we will be downloading files or apps (wget).

8. Curl and Ping Commands

In this video, we will cover curl and ping commands.

9. FTP - File Transfer Protocol

In this video, we will cover FTP - File Transfer Protocol.

10. SCP - Secure Copy Protocol

In this video, we will cover SCP - Secure Copy Protocol.

11. rsync - Remote Synchronization

In this video, we will cover rsync - remote synchronization.

12. System Updates and Repos

In this video, we will cover system updates and repos (rpm, yum).

13. System Upgrade and Patch Management

In this video, we will cover system upgrade and patch management.

14. Create Local Repository from CD/DVD

In this video, you will learn how to create a local repository from CD/DVD.

15. Advance Package Management

In this video, we will cover advance package management.

16. Rollback Patches and Updates

In this video, we will cover rollback patches and updates.

17. SSH and Telnet

In this video, we will cover SSH and Telnet.

18. DNS - Download, Install, and Configure

In this video, we will cover how to download, install, and configure DNS (Domain Name Systems).

19. Hostname or IP Lookup

In this video, we will cover hostname or IP Lookup (nslookup and dig).

20. Network Time Protocol

In this video, we will cover network time protocol (ntp).

21. chronyd (New Version of NTP)

In this video, we will cover chronyd (new version of NTP).

22. Sendmail

In this video, we will cover Sendmail.

23. Web Server (Apache - HTTP)

In this video, we will cover web server (Apache - HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)).

24. Central Logger (rsyslog)

In this video, we will cover central logger (rsyslog).

25. Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening)

In this video, we will be securing Linux machine (OS Hardening).

26. OpenLDAP Installation

In this video, we will cover OpenLDAP installation.

27. Tracing Network Traffic (traceroute)

In this video, we will cover tracing network traffic (traceroute).

28. How to Open Image Files Through Command Line

In this video, we will cover how to open image files through command line.

29. SSH-Keys - Access Remote Server without Password

In this video, we will cover SSH-Keys - access remote server without password.

30. Network Files and Commands

In this video, we will cover network files and commands.

31. File Transfer Commands

In this video, we will cover file transfer commands.

9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels

This section is about Module 8 where we will cover disk management and run levels.

1. Welcome to Module 8

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 8.

2. System Run Levels (0 Through 6)

In this video, we will cover system run levels (0 through 6).

3. Linux Boot Process

In this video, we will cover the Linux boot process.

4. Linux Boot Process (Newer Versions)

In this video, we will cover Linux boot process (newer versions).

5. Message of the Day

In this video, we will cover the message of the day.

6. Customize Message of the Day

In this video, we will customize the message of the day.

7. Storage

In this video, we will take an introduction to storage.

8. Disk Partition

In this video, we will cover disk partition (df, fdisk).

9. Add Disk and Create Standard Partition

In this video, we will add disk and create standard partition.

10. Logical Volume Management (LVM)

In this video, we will cover Logical Volume Management (LVM).

11. LVM Configuration During Installation

In this video, we will cover LVM configuration during installation.

12. Add Disk and Create New LVM Partition

In this video, we will add disk and create new LVM partition (pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate).

13. Extend Disk Using LVM

In this video, we will extend disk using LVM.

14. Adding Swap Space

In this video, we will be adding swap space.

15. RAID

In this video, we will cover RAID.

16. File System Check

In this video, we will cover file system check (fsck and xfs_repair).

17. System Backup

In this video, we will cover system backup (dd command).

18. Network File System (NFS)

In this video, we will cover Network File System (NFS).

19. Samba Installation and Configuration

In this video, we will cover Samba installation and configuration.

20. Difference Between CentOS/Redhat 5, 6, and 7

In this video, we will cover the difference between CentOS/Redhat 5, 6, and 7.

21. Difference Between CentOS/RHEL 7 and 8

In this video, we will cover the difference between CentOS/RHEL 7 and 8.

10. Module 9 - All about Resume

This section is about Module 9 where we will learn all about resume.

1. Welcome to Module 9

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 9.

2. Resume Workshop

In this video, we will look at resume workshop.

3. Cover Letter

In this video, we will work on the cover letter.

4. Post Resume and What to Expect

In this video, we will look at how to post a resume and what to expect.

5. Linux Administrator Job Duties

In this video, we will cover Linux administrator job duties.

6. Exposure to Other Technologies

In this video, we will exposure to other technologies.

11. Module 10 - All about Interviews

This section is about Module 10 where we will learn all about interviews.

1. Welcome to Module 10

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in Module 10.

2. What is IT?

In this video, we will understand what IT is.

3. IT Components

In this video, we will cover IT components.

4. Facts about IT

In this video, we will cover facts about IT.

5. Everyday Examples of Linux

In this video, we will explore everyday examples of Linux.

6. Linux Operating System Jobs

In this video, we will explore Linux operating system jobs.

7. IT Management Jobs

In this video, we will explore IT management jobs.

8. Interview Workshop

In this video, we will explore an interview workshop.

9. Redhat Certifications

In this video, we will cover Redhat certifications (RHCSA, RHCE, and more).

10. Join Linux Community

In this video, we will see how to join the Linux community.

12. Course Recap

In this section, we will cover a course recap.

1. Welcome to Course Recap

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in this section.

2. Commands You have Learned

In this video, we will recap the commands you have learned.

3. Don't Give Up

You have made it and now it is time to go out and apply your skills in the real world.

13. Additional Resources

In this section, we will cover additional resources.

1. Welcome to Additional Resources

In this video, we will take a quick look at the topics that we are going to cover in this section.

2. Troubleshooting Putty Connection

In this video, we will be troubleshooting putty connection.

3. Changing Default File Permissions (umask)

In this video, we will be changing default file permissions (umask).

4. Create VM on VMWare Player

In this video, we will cover how to create VM on VMWare Player.

5. Install Oracle VirtualBox on MAC

In this video, we will cover how to install Oracle VirtualBox on MAC.

6. Install Oracle Guest Addition (Tools)

In this video, we will cover how to install Oracle Guest Addition (tools).

7. File System Color Definition

In this video, we will cover file system color definition.

8. Troubleshooting File Issues

In this video, we will be troubleshooting file issues.

9. Troubleshooting Change Directory Issues

In this video, we will be troubleshooting change directory issues.

10. Fixing Corrupted File System

In this video, we will be fixing corrupted file system.

11. Linux System Performance Issues

In this video, we will cover Linux system performance issues.

12. IP Assigned but Not Reachable

In this video, we will cover IP assigned but not reachable.

13. Remove Unnecessary or Orphan Packages

In this video, we will cover how to remove unnecessary or orphan packages.

14. SELinux

In this video, we will cover SELinux.

15. Types of Security Threats

In this video, we will cover types of security threats.

16. Running Linux on Web Browser

In this video, we will be running Linux on a web browser.

17. Improve Typing Skills

In this video, we will cover how to improve typing skills.

18. What is Virtualization?

In this video, we will understand virtualization.

19. Introduction to VMWare

In this video, we will cover an introduction to VMWare.

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  1. 1Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job

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