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Complete Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Course | Learn Solidity

Complete Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Course | Learn Solidity

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  • On-Demand course

  • 14 hours 48 minutes

  • All levels


Use Solidity, Remix, Ganache, Geth, Metamask, Truffle, and more to make Blockchain Dapps! Includes cryptocurrency know-how

Welcome to one of the largest, most in-depth cryptocurrency and blockchain courses online! This course gives students the chance to work with cryptocurrencies and the blockchain on a practical level, with step-by-step instructions guiding you through the entire process.
The first half of this course is a brilliant and insightful introduction to the (often confusing) world of cryptocurrency. You'll learn everything you need to know about: • The history and economics of cryptocurrency
• How to protect yourself and your investment portfolio online.
• The key differences between hot and cold wallets
• How to buy, sell, and invest cryptocurrency
• A dedicated breakdown of various AltCoins (including Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and more!) The hands-on second half of the course teaches students how to build their own projects as an Ethereum blockchain developer! Going step-by-step your instructor, you'll: • Tackle hands-on development effectively
• Build your own interactive Tic-Tack-Toe game using blockchains!
• Test your skills with practical challenges and exercises!
• Master core development tools such as Mist, Geth, and Ethereum Studio
• Learn advanced Web3 development, how to debug your decentralized applications, and loads more! This course is a great intro to the world of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology. The codes and supporting files for this course are available at -https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Complete-Cryptocurrency-Blockchain-Course-Learn-Solidity

What You Will Learn

History and economics behind cryptocurrencies
How to buy, sell, and invest cryptocurrencies
About wallet types such as hot wallets, cold wallets, and more
How to protect yourself and your cryptocurrency portfolio online
What a blockchain is
Effective hands-on development
Master core development tools such as Mist, Geth, and Ethereum Studio


This course is designed for beginner-to-intermediate blockchain developers and those interested in how cryptocurrencies and blockchains work.


This course follows a practical approach, with step-by-step instructions guiding you through the entire process.

Key Features

Build your own interactive Tic-Tack-Toe game using blockchains * Learn how cryptocurrencies and blockchains work

Github Repo


Course Outline

1. Introduction

Here, we are introduced to the course.

1. Introduction

Introduction: Introduction

2. Cryptocurrency Deep Dive

In this section, we learn more about Cryptocurrency and the history of they were created.

1. Section Introduction

Cryptocurrency Deep Dive: Section Introduction

2. What Are Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrency Deep Dive: What Are Cryptocurrencies?

3. How Cryptocurrencies Came to Be

Cryptocurrency Deep Dive: How Cryptocurrencies Came to Be

4. How Cryptocurrencies Are Created

Cryptocurrency Deep Dive: How Cryptocurrencies Are Created

5. The Economic Impact of Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency Deep Dive: The Economic Impact of Cryptocurrencies

6. Will Cryptocurrencies Continue to Have Value?

Cryptocurrency Deep Dive: Will Cryptocurrencies Continue to Have Value?

7. Section Summary

Cryptocurrency Deep Dive: Section Summary

3. Cryptocurrency Wallets

In this section, we work on wallets and how to setup a wallet before buying Cryptocurrency.

1. Section Introduction

Cryptocurrency Wallets: Section Introduction

2. What Are Wallets?

Cryptocurrency Wallets: What Are Wallets?

3. Which Wallet to Choose

Cryptocurrency Wallets: Which Wallet to Choose

4. How to Setup A Wallet

Cryptocurrency Wallets: How to Setup A Wallet

5. Buying Your First Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Wallets: Buying Your First Cryptocurrency

6. Selling Your First Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Wallets: Selling Your First Cryptocurrency

7. Section Summary

Cryptocurrency Wallets: Section Summary

4. Investing in Cryptocurrencies

In this section, we learn about HODL strategy, difference between utility tokens and security tokens.

1. Section Introduction

Investing in Cryptocurrencies: Section Introduction

2. Why Day Trading Should Be Ignored for The Masses

Investing in Cryptocurrencies: Why Day Trading Should Be Ignored for The Masses

3. HODL Strategy

Investing in Cryptocurrencies: HODL Strategy

4. What Are Initial Coin Offerings?

Investing in Cryptocurrencies: What Are Initial Coin Offerings?

5. Pros & Cons of Initial Coin Offerings

Investing in Cryptocurrencies: Pros & Cons of Initial Coin Offerings

6. Difference Between Utility Tokens & Security Tokens

Investing in Cryptocurrencies: Difference Between Utility Tokens & Security Tokens

7. Tracking the Cryptocurrency Markets

Investing in Cryptocurrencies: Tracking the Cryptocurrency Markets

5. Securing Your Cryptocurrency

In this section, we look at importance of security, safeguarding our portfolio, difference between hot and cold wallets.

1. Section Introduction

Securing Your Cryptocurrency: Section Introduction

2. The Importance of Security

Securing Your Cryptocurrency: The Importance of Security

3. How to Safeguard Your Portfolio

Securing Your Cryptocurrency: How to Safeguard Your Portfolio

4. Hot Wallets VS Cold Wallets

Securing Your Cryptocurrency: Hot Wallets VS Cold Wallets

5. Choosing A Cryptocurrency Exchange

Securing Your Cryptocurrency: Choosing A Cryptocurrency Exchange

6. Section Summary

Securing Your Cryptocurrency: Section Summary

6. AltCoin Deep Dive

In this section, we investigate a dedicated breakdown of various AltCoins including Litecoin, Etherum, Ripple and more!

1. Section Introduction

AltCoin Deep Dive: Section Introduction

2. Litecoin

AltCoin Deep Dive: Litecoin

3. Binance Coin

AltCoin Deep Dive: Binance Coin

4. Ethereum

AltCoin Deep Dive: Ethereum

5. Ripple

AltCoin Deep Dive: Ripple

6. Steem

AltCoin Deep Dive: Steem

7. Ethereum Classic

AltCoin Deep Dive: Ethereum Classic

8. Monero

AltCoin Deep Dive: Monero

9. Section Summary

AltCoin Deep Dive: Section Summary

7. Blockchain Theory

In this section, we learn how to work with the help of Blockchain theory.

1. Section Introduction

Blockchain Theory: Section Introduction

2. What Is the Blockchain?

Blockchain Theory: What Is the Blockchain?

3. Private & Public Blockchains

Blockchain Theory: Private & Public Blockchains

4. Example Use Cases of Blockchains

Blockchain Theory: Example Use Cases of Blockchains

5. What Are Smart Contracts?

Blockchain Theory: What Are Smart Contracts?

6. Introducing Web 3.0

Blockchain Theory: Introducing Web 3.0

7. Section Summary

Blockchain Theory: Section Summary

8. Smart Contract Development - Solidity

Here, we learn how to buy, sell and invest cryptocurrency.

1. Introduction to this Section

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Introduction to this Section

2. Remix Introduction: IDE Overview

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Remix Introduction: IDE Overview

3. How to get and use the Code Samples for this Course

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: How to get and use the Code Samples for this Course

4. Your First Smart Contract

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Your First Smart Contract

5. Starting, Stopping & Interacting with Smart Contracts

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Starting, Stopping & Interacting with Smart Contracts

6. Getter & Setter Functions

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Getter & Setter Functions

7. Variables and Addresses

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Variables and Addresses

8. Global Objects and Payable Functions

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Global Objects and Payable Functions

9. Constructor & Modifiers

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Constructor & Modifiers

10. Arrays

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Arrays

11. Mappings

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Mappings

12. Structs

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Structs

13. View/Pure Functions

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: View/Pure Functions

14. The Concept of Time

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: The Concept of Time

15. Exceptions: Require, Assert, Revert

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Exceptions: Require, Assert, Revert

16. Section Summary and Outlook

Smart Contract Development - Solidity: Section Summary and Outlook

9. Define the Game Mechanics

In this section, build Your Own Interactive Tic-Tack-Toe Game using the Blockchain.

1. This Is the Game We'll Develop

Define the Game Mechanics: This Is the Game We'll Develop

2. Let's Lay Out the Interfaces

Define the Game Mechanics: Let's Lay Out the Interfaces

3. Basic Game Functionality

Define the Game Mechanics: Basic Game Functionality

4. How A Second Player Can Join the Game

Define the Game Mechanics: How A Second Player Can Join the Game

5. Defining Our Game Board

Define the Game Mechanics: Defining Our Game Board

6. Getting the Draw Right

Define the Game Mechanics: Getting the Draw Right

7. Winning Part 1: Horizontal and Vertical

Define the Game Mechanics: Winning Part 1: Horizontal and Vertical

8. Winning Part 2: Diagonal Checks

Define the Game Mechanics: Winning Part 2: Diagonal Checks

9. What Happens If A Player Stops Playing?

Define the Game Mechanics: What Happens If A Player Stops Playing?

10. Registering High Scores Part 1

Define the Game Mechanics: Registering High Scores Part 1

11. Registering High Scores Part 2: Top 1 Player

Define the Game Mechanics: Registering High Scores Part 2: Top 1 Player

12. Registering High Scores Part 3: Top 10 Players

Define the Game Mechanics: Registering High Scores Part 3: Top 10 Players

13. Reading High Scores: Getting the Top 10

Define the Game Mechanics: Reading High Scores: Getting the Top 10

14. Section Summary and Outlook

Define the Game Mechanics: Section Summary and Outlook

10. Understanding the Tools & Ethereum Blockchain

Here, we interact with smart contracts, understand the concept of gas and how event works.

1. Ethereum Denominations

Understanding the Tools & Ethereum Blockchain: Ethereum Denominations

2. Interacting with Smart Contracts: The ABI Array

Understanding the Tools & Ethereum Blockchain: Interacting with Smart Contracts: The ABI Array

3. These Are the Ethereum Networks

Understanding the Tools & Ethereum Blockchain: These Are the Ethereum Networks

4. Private/Public Key Cryptography

Understanding the Tools & Ethereum Blockchain: Private/Public Key Cryptography

5. Understanding the Concept of Gas

Understanding the Tools & Ethereum Blockchain: Understanding the Concept of Gas

6. This Is How Events Work on A Deeper Level

Understanding the Tools & Ethereum Blockchain: This Is How Events Work on A Deeper Level

7. Section Summary

Understanding the Tools & Ethereum Blockchain: Section Summary

11. Local Development with Truffle & Web3

In this section, we learn more about Ganache, Truffle and adapt the same in our game environment.

1. Ganache

Local Development with Truffle & Web3: Ganache

2. Web3.js

Local Development with Truffle & Web3: Web3.js

3. Truffle

Local Development with Truffle & Web3: Truffle

4. Truffle Installation with VSCode

Local Development with Truffle & Web3: Truffle Installation with VSCode

5. Adapt the Truffle Environment for Our Game

Local Development with Truffle & Web3: Adapt the Truffle Environment for Our Game

12. Automated Testing

In this section, we add a JS file, work with testing and write a solidarity test case.

1. This Is How Testing Works with Truffle

Automated Testing: This Is How Testing Works with Truffle

2. Let's Add A JS-File for Our Game

Automated Testing: Let's Add A JS-File for Our Game

3. Let's Test Winning and Losing

Automated Testing: Let's Test Winning and Losing

4. Let's Test A Draw

Automated Testing: Let's Test A Draw

5. Write A Solidity Test Case

Automated Testing: Write A Solidity Test Case

13. The Game In HTML/JavaScript

In this section, the author introduces you to Truffle Boxes, create basic game functionality and add the HTML functionality.

1. Let me introduce Truffle-Boxes

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.2: Understand the Truffle Box

2. Understand the Truffle Box

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.3: Adapt Truffle Webpack for the Game

3. Adapt Truffle Webpack for the Game

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.4: Create the Basic Game Functionality

4. Create the Basic Game Functionality

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.5: Start Game and Join Game Functionality

5. Start Game and Join Game Functionality

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.6: Show the Game Board

6. Show the Game Board

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.7: Add the HTML Functionality

7. Add the HTML Functionality

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.8: Events for Winning and Loosing

8. Events for Winning and Loosing

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.9: Show the Highscore List

9. Show the Highscore List

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.10: Beautify Our Game

10. Beautify Our Game

The Game In HTML//>Video 13.11: Section Summary

11. Section Summary

The Game In HTML//>Section 14: Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask)

14. Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask)

In this section, we download and install MeatMask, learn how it works and deploy our game to Ropsten.

1. MetaMask Intro

Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask): MetaMask Intro

2. Download & Install MetaMask

Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask): Download & Install MetaMask

3. The Definitive Guide to MetaMask

Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask): The Definitive Guide to MetaMask

4. This is How MetaMask Works with Truffle-Contract

Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask): This is How MetaMask Works with Truffle-Contract

5. Play a Game with MetaMask and Ganache

Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask): Play a Game with MetaMask and Ganache

6. Deploy our Game to Ropsten using HDWallet Provider

Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask): Deploy our Game to Ropsten using HDWallet Provider

7. Let's Play the Game Together

Hosted Blockchain Nodes (MetaMask): Let's Play the Game Together

course Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1Complete Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Course | Learn Solidity

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