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Chatbots Development with Amazon Lex

Chatbots Development with Amazon Lex

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  • On-Demand course

  • 3 hours 6 minutes

  • All levels


Do you want to build a simple, reliable, and error-free chatbot for your business? If yes, then this is the course for you! Learn to build a chatbot with Amazon Lex, a fully-controlled AI service with sophisticated natural language models to create, develop, test, and deploy chatbots (conversational interfaces) in applications.

Amazon Lex, a fully-controlled AI service, has sophisticated natural language models to create, develop, test, and deploy chatbots (conversational interfaces) in applications. Amazon Web Service (AWS) provides AWS Lambda, a serverless computing service without provisioning or managing servers. The course begins with an exhaustive overview of the fundamentals of AWS for chatbots, training chatbot development with deep learning. Afterward, we will delve into the characteristics of AWS and its notable functionalities. Following this, we will embark on constructing a chatbot for hotel booking utilizing Amazon Lex. Subsequently, we will acquire the skills to establish an AWS Lambda function and establish its connection with Amazon Lex. Then, we will cover the concepts of chatbot backend development for AWS Lex and AWS Lambda. We will further advance to integrate the chatbot with Twilio and learn to use the AWS Software Development Kit. Website integration of AWS Lex chatbot and implementing response cards with chatbots is the final concept that we will explore in the course. Upon completing this course, you will relate concepts and theories for chatbots in various domains, gain extensive understanding, and learn to implement AWS Lex and AWS Lambda for building real-world chatbots. You will independently build customized chatbots with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda and integrate your chatbots with WhatsApp, messaging apps, and websites. All resources are available at: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/-Chatbots-Development-with-Amazon-Lex

What You Will Learn

Learn the fundamentals of Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Gain hands-on chatbot development with Amazon Lex and Amazon Lambda
Explore web-based Amazon Web Services chatbot development
Run code on AWS Lambda without provisioning or managing servers
Learn practical usage of Twilio and its integration with AWS for chatbots
Explore the functionality of Amazon Lex for chatbot development


This course is tailored for individuals interested in AWS and applying AWS Lex and AWS Lambda for chatbot development. This course will benefit individuals interested in building customized chatbots for their applications-AI practitioners, chatbot developers, research scholars, data scientists, and so on.


The course is created as online tutorials that promote learning by doing. You get comprehensive knowledge via building and testing the implementation of projects in real-world applications. Simple, jargon-free explanations ensure that you understand the concepts clearly. The course provides a sound understanding of the basics before proceeding to more complex concepts.

Key Features

Learn AWS Lex and Lambda basics and applications of chatbots and build them with hands-on practice * Develop chatbots with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda and test and implement chatbots in real-world apps * Learn essential chatbot integration with Twilio and Boto-3, and integrate websites with the chatbots

Github Repo


About the Author
AI Sciences

AI Sciences are experts, PhDs, and artificial intelligence practitioners, including computer science, machine learning, and Statistics. Some work in big companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, KPMG, BCG, and IBM. AI sciences produce a series of courses dedicated to beginners and newcomers on techniques and methods of machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, and data science. They aim to help those who wish to understand techniques more easily and start with less theory and less extended reading. Today, they publish more comprehensive courses on specific topics for wider audiences. Their courses have successfully helped more than 100,000 students master AI and data science.

Course Outline

1. Introduction

This section focuses on the course introduction and provides a quick overview of the instructor/author of the course, the AI Sciences group and how they deliver courses, and a general course description.

1. Course Introduction

The instructor provides a general overview of what you will learn from this course-chatbot development with Amazon Lex. We will also discuss Amazon Lambda and different methodologies for chatbot building.

2. Instructor Introduction

In this video, we will quickly know the instructor/author of the course and look at his qualifications and experience in delivering the course in this online mode.

3. AI Sciences Introduction

This video briefly outlines AI Sciences, how they deliver courses online, their ratings and presence, and the topics they provide courses on.

4. Course Description

This video discusses the concepts to be covered in this course, including Amazon Web Services, Amazon Lex bot, Amazon Twilio, website integration, response cards, and more.

2. Fundamentals of AWS for Chatbots

This section focuses on chatbot development with Amazon Lex, including the services offered, the salient features of Lex, the benefits of using Amazon Lex, and the architecture.

1. Module Overview

In this video, we will discuss the concepts covered in this module, including Amazon Web Services, the web services that Amazon provides, how we can use these services, and the benefits of AWS, apart from the salient features of AWS.

2. Overview of AWS

In this lecture, we will look at Amazon Web Services, which is the most comprehensive and widely adopted web service. We will also discuss its functionality, Amazon Community, security, innovation pace, operational expertise, and more.

3. Services of AWS

This video outlines the various services provided by AWS, including more than 200 services, AWS Compute, AWS Storage, AWS Database, AWS Migration, API Gateway, cloud management services, WAF and shield, elastic transcoder, and more.

4. Salient Features of AWS

Let's understand the salient features of AWS, including pricing, flexibility, and scalability, global architecture, PaaS services, reliability, scheduling, customization, and security.

5. Lex Bot Overview

In this video, we will look at the Amazon Lex bot. Here, we will briefly overview its architecture, define the chat experience and the processes involved, and deploy the chatbot.

6. Benefits of Amazon Lex

Here, we will discuss the benefits of using Lex bot, including seamless deployment and scaling, built-in integration with AWS, input technologies, cost-effectiveness, and simplicity.

7. Framework of Lex

In this lecture, we will discuss the framework of Amazon Lex and how it functions. We will look at the operation cycle of the Amazon chatbot.

3. Chatbot Development with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda

This section focuses on chatbot development with Amazon Lex and AWS Lambda. This module is regarding hands-on training in chatbot development using Amazon Lex.

1. Module Overview

This is an introductory video on the concepts to be learned in this module, including chatbot creation steps, AWS Lambda, Twilio, and project creation.

2. Chatbot Steps

This video provides an in-depth outline of the various steps involved in creating a chatbot with Amazon Lex. We will understand how Amazon Lex connects with Amazon Lambda, Twilio software, and Amazon DynamoDB for storage.

3. AWS Lambda Steps

In this lesson, you will learn to connect Amazon Lambda with Amazon Lex. Amazon Lambda helps with the validation and fulfillment of the chatbot. You will learn about the steps involved in performing the connectivity.

4. Twilio and Website

In this video, you will learn about the Twilio application and how it helps Amazon Lex create the chatbot. You will learn to integrate Twilio with Lex. This is the third step for Twilio connectivity and website connectivity.

5. Response Cards

This is the last step in creating an Amazon Lex chatbot, creating and adding response cards, including the card setup, slot upgradation, chatbot building, and demonstration.

6. Start Developing Chatbot

This video demonstrates the process of creating the Amazon Lex chatbot step by step. You will learn to create your ID on Amazon.com and log in. We will get to the interface and start working from there.

7. Intent Utterance and Slot

In this video, we will discuss intent in depth, which are utterances the user asks, and reveal the user's intent. We will also understand about a slot, which is information that Amazon Lex requires to fulfill an intent.

8. Making Utterances

After understanding intents and slots in detail, we will make utterances in our chatbots. We will begin with creating intent and then create an utterance using the sample utterances tab.

9. Generic Utterance with Slots

This is the continuation of the lesson from the previous video, where we learned how to create a new intent and then create sample utterances. We will look at completing the information required for the chatbot to understand the intent and create the slot.

10. Adding Custom Slots

This video will teach us to add multiple customized slots to the utterances. We will create prompts, add slot types, create multiple slots, and then save our intent on the chatbot.

11. Build and Test

After creating the intents, we will want to create a few messages as responses to be displayed by the chatbot. You will learn to add acceptance and decline responses to the chatbot.

12. Visual Builder

In this video, we will create a conversational flow, plan the utterances, and make the chatbot accept the queries and responses. We will then use the visual builder to set up the visual perspective of the chatbot.

13. Lambda Introduction

After building and testing the chatbot and creating the visual structure, you will learn to create the backend on Amazon Lambda and connect it with our chatbot for seamless working.

14. Interconnection

This video demonstrates the process of connecting Amazon Lambda to our chatbot. We will create the functions required for our chatbot and author it from scratch.

15. Starting Lambda Code

In this video, we will prepare to write the code for the chatbot's functioning; we will import a few required libraries, including JSON, datetime, and time.

16. Session state Dialog Hook and Dialog Action

In this lecture, we will understand what a session state is, basically the state of the conversation between the user and the Amazon Lex chatbot and dialog action, which determines the action that Amazon Lex should take to the Lambda function.

17. Completing Lambda Function

In this lesson, we will complete the Lambda function and the last part of the chatbot build-the fulfillment code hook and add them to the database.

18. Testing Our Chatbot

After completing all the necessary steps in building the chatbot, we will now deploy the chatbot and back to the Lex console. We will then test the chatbot for the intended tasks it is to perform.

19. Chatbot Deployment on WhatsApp with Twilio

In this video, we will look at making sure that the chatbot is being communicated with correctly and that we do not need to use the Lex interface to use the chatbot.

20. Integration with Boto

In this lesson, we will discuss deploying our chatbot using code. We will not use a built-in application such as Twilio; instead, we will use a Python library, Boto.

21. Responses with Boto

After creating a query with Boto and obtaining responses from the chatbot, we will look at the responses obtained with Boto.

22. Chatbot on Website

This video demonstrates how to use the chatbot that we created on a website. We will look at the available code to implement the chatbot and showcase it on the website. We will use the app, Kommunicate.io.

23. Response Cards for User Experience

In this video, you will learn about creating response cards and adding better user themes and experiences.

24. Complete Chatbot with Response Cards

This video will teach us to create complete response cards and check the created slot types with options best suited for enhanced user experience. We will test the bot for the full functionality of the intended tasks.

course Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1Chatbots Development with Amazon Lex

About The Provider

Founded in 2004 in Birmingham, UK, Packt’s mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and i...
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